
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book page2012-05-31 CIA codename "SIMO" disclosed in WikiLeaks cables Bivol012 years 3 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-13 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian Prosecution Office - Apocalypse Now Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-01 WikiLeaks: Russian Blackmail and Energy Mafia Surround Russian Energy Projects in Bulgaria Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-27 Bulgarian PM: "I don't read WikiLeaks... I don't read tabloids" Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-22 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian 2009 elections - Garbage In, Garbage Out Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-25 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov – Major Methamphetamines Traffic and Dependency on Lukoil Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-29 WikiLeaks: "A passionately eager Bulgaria in bed with the muscle bound duo of Gazprom and Lukoil" Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-16 Ex Bulgarian Chief of Staff Probed as US Informer after WikiLeaks revelations Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-06 WikiLeaks: The "Big Laundry" or the Bad Apples in Bulgaria’s Banking Sector Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-06-16 WikiLeaks Bulgaria: Top Bulgarian General Exposed US Informer Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-06-03 WikiLeaks cables falsified - Macedonian ruling party claims Bivol112 years 11 weeks ago
Page2011-04-26 WikiLeaks: Kozloduy NPP incident in 2006 – lack of transparency and violations of the safety regulations Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-09-04 "Who is WikiLeaks?...A huge lie!" Bulgarian PM Borisov comments on the cables Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-01-04 Decentralized Infrastructure for WikiLeaks Bivol012 years 11 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-28 Forbes - Bulgaria Glorifies "Bulgaria's Energy Mafia" Leader Exposed By WikiLeaks Bivol012 years 13 weeks ago
Book page2011-04-20 WikiLeaks: Руски шантаж, енергийна мафия и обръчи на Доган около Белене Bivol012 years 13 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-06 Et la Bulgarie renonça aux corvettes françaises Bivol012 years 13 weeks ago
Book page2011-06-04 WikiLeaks: Македонските избори: Владејачката партија победи - земјата губи Bivol012 years 13 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-06 Le Monde: The Banks and the Bad Apples Bivol012 years 22 weeks ago
Book page2011-09-04 The "Gipsy with Lenin" writes to the US ambassador Warlick Bivol112 years 38 weeks ago
Book page2011-10-12 Hollywood Megastars guarded by Bulgarian Mega Mafia Bivol112 years 38 weeks ago
Book page2011-09-11 Bulgarian Ambassador in Washington - Trusted Informant of USA Bivol012 years 38 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-16 Former Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumen Petkov Busted for Peeing in a City Fountain Bivol012 years 40 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-28 WikiLeaks: US Embassy in Sofia Backed Pro-GMO Lobby Bivol012 years 47 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-19 WikiLeaks: Bulgarian Nationalist under US Diplomatic Fire Bivol013 years 6 weeks ago

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