
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book page2011-05-04 Bulgarian Media: Lacking Money and Morals Bivol113 years 6 weeks ago
Book page2011-05-01 Julian Assange: "I believe in the right to communicate and the inviolability of history" Bivol013 years 6 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-19 The Guardian: Redacting, censoring or lying? Anonymous513 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-06-03 Wikileaks: Владата во Скопје поттикнува "атмосфера на страв" Bivol013 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-06-01 Wikileaks Macedonia: Али Ахмети оценил лошо управување со Груевски Bivol013 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-04-28 Putin to bulgarian PM: Bulgarians "risk being cold" this winter if they don't advance russian energy projects Bivol013 years 12 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-28 Bulgaria - Mafia Lives Here* Bivol013 years 16 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-18 Bulgarian Organized Crime Uncensored Bivol013 years 17 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-18 Българската мафия и "руската връзка" в нецензурирана грама от Wikileaks Bivol013 years 17 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-19 Bulgarian "Criminal Radiation" Leaks from Unedited Wikileaks Cable Bivol013 years 18 weeks ago
Book page2011-03-17 Unedited cable from Sofia shows the total invasion of the state by organized crime (Update: Cable Comparison) Bivol413 years 18 weeks ago
Book page2011-01-19 Bulgarians trapped by EC conspiracy on corruption scandal appeal to EU employees to leak classified report Bivol013 years 26 weeks ago

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