
2012-07-21 WikiLeaks News Update: Manning pre-trial hearing session concludes; Syria Files coverage

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 595 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 592 days.
- 32 days at the Ecuadorian Embassy.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 789 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 675 days.

2012-07-18 WikiLeaks News Update: WikiLeaks opens credit card donations; Bradley Manning's pre-trial hearings resume

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 592 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 589 days.
- 29 days at the Ecuadorian Embassy.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 786 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 672 days.

2012-07-08 WikiLeaks News Update: Syria Files coverage; Updates in Assange asylum bid

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 582 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 579 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 776 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 662 days.

2012-07-06 WikiLeaks News Update: WikiLeaks releases the Syria Files; "The World Tomorrow" airs final episode

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 580 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 577 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 774 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 660 days.

2012-07-03 Great Aunt Sophie writes to her MP

Dear WikiLeakers:

I'm delighted that people are enjoying the Geek song and Great Aunt Sophie's midsummer spell.

My publicist Emma asked Aunt Sophie to share with you the letter she had written to her MP. Sophie was happy to oblige.

2012-07-01 WikiLeaks News Update: WikiLeaks releases fundraising CD; U.S. admits ongoing investigation

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 575 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 572 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 769 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 655 days.

2012-06-20 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange seeks asylum; WikiLeaks to challenge VISA in court

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 564 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 561 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 758 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 644 days.

2012-06-17 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange appeal rejected; Worldwide rallies planned; Updated events

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 561 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 558 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 755 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 641 days.

2012-06-14 WikiLeaks News Update: Supreme Court to decide on Assange appeal; US Gov responds to CCR petition

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 558 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 555 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 752 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 638 days.

2012-06-13 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange appeal to Supreme Court; 'Thank You' message from Bradley Manning

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 557 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 554 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 751days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 637 days.

2012-06-09 WikiLeaks News Update: Bradley Manning's motion hearings; U.S. Government's leak hypocrisy

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 553 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 550 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 747 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 633 days.

2012-06-06 Transcript: Julian Assange on LNL Radio -- What's next?

Julian Assange interviewed on Late Night Live Radio, 6 June 2012. Full audio is available via the RadioNational website.

Phillip Adams: Good day, beloved listeners. Last night on this little wireless program, I was talking to Shapiro about the Obama kill-list. It's pretty dangerous being deemed an enemy of the American people these days, because at any moment a drone will come in and take you out. And of course tonight we've learned that another member of Bin Laden Proprietary Limited has been killed by one of those precision attacks. I think if I was Julian Assange, I'd be more concerned with a drone attack than with mere extradition, but let's see how Julian is feeling at this time of, well, endless strife. Julian, who's talking to us from his hideout in the English countryside where he's under house arrest, joins us on the program. How are you coping with this incredible stress level?

2012-06-05 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange and Cypherpunks; No access to Manning documents

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 549 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 546 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 743 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 629 days.

2012-06-02 WikiLeaks News Update: Worldwide rallies for Assange; Australian Government's careful comments

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 546 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 543 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 740 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 626 days.

2012-05-30 WikiLeaks News Update: Supreme Court split, orders extradition of Assange, then re-opens case

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 543 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 540 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 737 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 623 days.

2012-05-28 What we know about the Information Review Task Force | US v PFC #Manning #WikiLeaks #Assange

On July 29, 2010, the then Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, ordered the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Ronald L. Burgess, to stand up an Information Review Task Force, to lead a comprehensive review of the documents allegedly given to WikiLeaks in concert with interagency participants.

2012-05-26 WikiLeaks News Update: Support events for Julian Assange; New motions in Manning hearing; Other news

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 539 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 536 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 733 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 619 days.

2012-05-23 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange verdict date set, "World Tomorrow" episode 6, other news

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 536 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 533 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 730 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 616 days.

2012-05-21 WikiLeaks News Update: WL Friends soon to launch, "World Tomorrow" guest announced, other news

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 534 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 531 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 728 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 614 days.

2012-05-21 The U.S. military's post-Manning monitoring: Where does it end?

ImageIn the wake of Pfc. Bradley Manning's alleged part in Cablegate, the U.S. Army is still reeling from the blow it received from the biggest security breach in its history. Now, not only has the U.S. military drastically increased its monitoring of soldiers, but it's also working with the secretive DARPA agency -- combining new computer software with behavioral science techniques to try and predict when a "good" soldier will "go rogue."

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