WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 549 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 546 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 743 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 629 days.
WikiLeaks News:
- Friends of WikiLeaks, a social network for people who promote the missions and values of WikiLeaks, is almost ready to open. It is currently available in 12 languages.
- Cabledrum released a "GIFiles Matrix" which displays a graphic depiction of how the Stratfor emails released by WikiLeaks were covered in 24 select countries. Based on this information, WikiLeaks Press published a detailed analysis of media coverage of the Global Intelligence Files by country.
Julian Assange News:
- "The World Tomorrow" Episode 8: Cypherpunks premiered, featuring Jacob Appelbaum, Jérémie Zimmermann, and Andy Müller-Maguhn. Watch the full episode on YouTube. Full, unedited transcript of the entire 1.5 hour interview is also available.

- Julian Assange was interviewed by Tim Shaw on 2UE Radio about his extradition case and how the Australian Government has practically abandoned him. Full audio of the interview is available, as well as transcript. Shaw interviewed Julian Assange's mother, Christine, and Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr the previous day about similar issues.
- Australian Greens Senator Scott Ludlam confronted Foreign Minister Bob Carr during a Budget Estimates session regarding Julian Assange, the lack of Government support, and the sealed indictment against him in the U.S.
- Investigative journalist Danny Schechter interviewed retired CIA officer Ray McGovern and NYT eXaminer editor Chris Spannos about the British Supreme court ruling in favor of Julian Assange's extradition to Sweden.
- Swedish Prosecutors reactivating dismissed allegations, such as in Julian Assange's case, is an occurrence which has only happened in 0.04% of all prosecutor rulings.
- An open letter has been drafted to Prime Minsiter David Cameron concerning Julian Assange and the delay of extradition reform in the UK. Citizens are encouraged to sign the letter and mail it to their MP.
- The Guardian awarded the "Star of the Week" to Dinah Rose QC for her incredible feat of halting Julian Assange's extradition last Wednesday.
- NPR corrected four instances where it falsely stated Julian Assange had been charged. The Guardian also corrected itself shortly after publishing the same falsity. For more information regarding press corrections and Julian Assange, see his submission to the Leveson Inquiry.
Bradley Manning News:
- The U.S. Government refuses to allow Bradley Manning's lawyers access to 250,000 pages of documents related to the transmission of cables to WikiLeaks.
- An article at the Bradley Manning Support Network looks into the continued secrecy surrounding Bradley Manning's legal proceedings, which have now been going on for over 2 years.
- Vigils for Bradley Manning are scheduled worldwide during his next motion hearings, June 6-8. Locations include Fort Meade, Phoenix, Tuscon, Ventura, Salina, Lawton, Camp Parks, London, and Chester.
Upcoming Dates & Events:
June 5-8: Worldwide vigils for Bradley Manning.
June 6-8: Bradley Manning motion hearings
June 10: SEP meetings to defend Julian Assange in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth.
June 13: Julian Assange defence submission to Supreme Court due.
July 16-20: Bradley Manning motion hearings.
August 27-31: Bradley Manning motion hearings.
September 19-20: Bradley Manning motion hearings.
September 21-October 12: Bradley Manning's court martial.