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News Archive - 2012-06 (June 2012)
2012-06-01 The hidden, human cost of the EAW
2012-06-02 Senator Ludlam confronts DFAT over plans to extradite Julian Assange to the US
2012-06-03 Open letter to the Australian people from Christine Assange, mother of Julian Assange
2012-06-05 Transcript: Julian Assange on 2UE Radio; Supreme Court verdict, lack of support from Australian Government
2012-06-05 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange and Cypherpunks; No access to Manning documents
2012-06-06 Transcript: Julian Assange on LNL Radio -- What's next?
2012-06-09 WikiLeaks News Update: Bradley Manning's motion hearings; U.S. Government's leak hypocrisy
2012-06-12 WLC Q&A: Oscar Swartz
2012-06-13 Sen Ludlam on extradition & #Assange in light of expanding US military presence in Asia Pacific #WikiLeaks
2012-06-14 Supreme Court rejects appeal to reopen Assange case
2012-06-14 WikiLeaks News Update: Supreme Court to decide on Assange appeal; US Gov responds to CCR petition
2012-06-17 A Brief History of Swedish Sex: The rise and fall of "Swedish Sin"
2012-06-17 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange appeal rejected; Worldwide rallies planned; Updated events
2012-06-20 Swedish extradition facts from Christine Assange
2012-06-20 WikiLeaks News Update: Assange seeks asylum; WikiLeaks to challenge VISA in court
2012-06-21 Transcript: Julian Assange's first interview from Ecuadorian Embassy
2012-06-23 Dissecting the Smears: Assange's asylum bid
2012-06-25 Assange, Diplomacy, and Duplicity
2012-06-27 Transcript: Why Ecuador needs Assange - LNL Radio
2012-06-28 Correa in the catbird seat
2012-06-28 Francisco Carrión ex-ministro de Relaciones Exteriores: "Ecuador debería conceder el asilo ya que la vida del Sr. Assange corre peligro y es un perseguido político"
2012-06-29 Francisco Carrión ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs: "Ecuador must grant asylum because Mr. Assange is being politically persecuted and his life is at stake"
‹ 2012-05-31 Understanding the Supreme Court verdict in Julian Assange's case
2012-06-01 The hidden, human cost of the EAW ›
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