Rage Against The War Machine

A coalition of several groups will be holding a Rage Against The War Machine rally in Washington DC this Sunday 19 February 2023 at the Lincoln Memorial.

Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President's Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. After the rally, we'll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden.


2021-09-27 A Man Obsessed

And an agency desperate.

This likely flew under the radar for many. It happened right after the Trump upset in November 2016. The establishment still hadn't regrouped, upper management at Google were still literally shaking. Julian Assange's theory seems the most plausible. Hillary could have indeed won, but every poll put her so far in front that there was no point in wasting further campaign millions.


2019-11-19: 19 November 2019. Mark this day.

This is the day that Sweden finally closed the 'preliminary' investigation into the allegations against Julian Assange, a case resumed on 1 September 2010, after being summarily closed once before by Stockholm prosecutor Eva Finné.

That's nine years, two months, and nineteen days to do what Finné accomplished in twelve hours.

Lives have been ruined - lives have been lost - during and because of this Swedish ordeal (RIP, GM).

Every imaginable manifestation and toxicity has reared its ugly head during this time. Every imaginable reincarnation of betrayal as well.

This website went 'live' on 17 November 2010, after a conversation with Julian Assange and Sarah Harrison a week earlier, in anticipation of the formal arrest of Assange by Ny's proxy in Stockholm the following day. Those involved anticipated a wave of malicious misinformation, and the site was explicitly created to combat what would inevitably follow. Part of the initial work was carried out by a volunteer ('AD') in Tokyo.

The site went rogue several years later but was successfully rescued. At that point in time, it took eight months to recover the site and clean up the mess left behind, well over 10,000 spam accounts that the rogue team had let in.

Yes, it's a long story, and neither the angels nor the devils are what they'd appear to be. The truth will out, the truth wins out.

More may follow.

2019-07-23 Anna Ardin: Sweden Democrats Celebrating Breivik

Are the Sweden Democrats celebrating the terror attack of Anders Behring Breivik? That's what 'deaconess' Anna Ardin claimed in a Facebook post on the anniversary of the atrocity. Ardin later removed her post.


We've been so busy sifting through the ashes that too few of us have noticed what's been staring us in the face all along.

Let's change that.

Radack in Contempt

On Friday 26 April of this year, Senior District Court Judge Robert E Payne appended the following to a ruling in the matter of Fitzgibbon v. Radack.

Neither contrition nor emotional distress nor illness nor financial difficulties can excuse deliberate misconduct of this sort by any litigant, much less by a lawyer. And, the record here shows that Radack is a sharp-tongued, mean-spirited, proliferous user of social media. Her conduct here is just more of the same. Neither contrition nor emotional distress nor illness nor financial distress have caused Radack to ameliorate her penchant for nasty social media communication.

The 'Radack' that Judge Payne is referring to is of course the well-known whistleblower attorney Jesselyn Radack.

Freeing Julian Assange: Part Two

The myth that became Russiagate was seven years in the making.

Julian Assange launches case over continued gagging

Julian Assange today launched a case accusing the government of Ecuador of violating his fundamental rights and freedoms. WikiLeaks general counsel Baltasar Garzón arrived in Ecuador yesterday to launch the case against the government. The move comes almost seven months after Ecuador threatened to remove his protection and summarily cut off his access to the outside world, including by refusing to allow journalists and human rights organisations to see him, and installing three signal jammers in the embassy to prevent his phone calls and internet access.

Reconnecting Assange

Electronic jammers have been placed inside the Ecuador embassy in London to prevent Julian Assange having access to social media, according to news.com.au and RT.com.

Laura's Risky Business

Risk, the most recent documentary from Oscar-winner Laura Poitras, premiered a year ago at the Cannes Film Festival, where it was met with standing ovations. Immediately the final credits rolled, Laura, Sarah Harrison, and Jake Appelbaum took to the stage to read an official statement and answer questions.

Assange Affair: Marianne Ny Tried to Hide Her Shortcomings

After almost seven years, Marianne Ny has finally closed the preliminary investigation on Julian Assange, an investigation that should never have been reopened in the first place, after it was closed back in 2010 by an experienced prosecutor.1

The reason for my claim is very elementary: there is no evidence, and then one should not carry on an investigation.2

Motion to Dismiss

Stockholm District Court
Department 1
B 12885-10: Åklagaren ./. Julian Assange

1. Julian Assange moves that the warrant be immediately withdrawn.

2017-01-23 Master Justice Assange by Natalie Buske Thomas

Natalie Buske Thomas is an artist and author, and composed this stunning video set to music by Kevin MacLeod. Art prints of her oil painting are available here.

Further WikiLeaks gear can be purchased through the WikiLeaks Shop. Follow WikiLeaks Art Force on Twitter.

Visit and support Natalie Buske Thomas at nataliebuskethomas.com.

2017-01-05 Report submitted from Ecuador

Marianne Ny's office today reported that they have received, from the Republic of Ecuador, the written report of their interview with Julian Assange from November last year. The report, in the Spanish language, shall now be translated into a language more suitable for Marianne Ny.

Assange: Case Closed

Reprinted from Rixstep.

So Julian Assange finally got to submit his statement to the elusive Marianne Ny. Things rolled pretty fast there for a while - it took only 74 months. But now it's been done.

2016-11-30 UN rejects UK appeal on Assange

30 November 2016: Today, the United Nations rejected the United Kingdom’s attempt to appeal the UN’s February ruling in favour of Julian Assange.

The decision of 5 February 2016 therefore stands, and the UK and Sweden are once again required to immediately put an end to Mr Assange’s arbitrary detention and afford him monetary compensation.

Earlier this year, the United Nations concluded the 16 month long case to which the UK was a party. The UK lost, appealed, and today - lost again. The UN instructed the UK and Sweden to take immediate steps to ensure Mr Assange's liberty, protection, and enjoyment of fundamental human rights. No steps have been taken, jeopardising Mr Assange's life, health and physical integrity, and undermining the UN system of human rights protection.

Despite initially being given two weeks to appeal the 5 February ruling, the United Kingdom waited until after the first appeal period expired, and instead submitted an appeal for review on 24 March, which the United Nations now found inadmissable.

As a member of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Kingdom must now respect its commitments.

From the UN press release:

The UN expert group also considered four requests for review of previous opinions, submitted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Kuwait and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Working Group concluded that the requests did not meet the threshold of a review as enshrined in paragraph 21 of its methods of work, and that they were thus not admissible.

Reactions in Sweden

At time of writing, there is no response from the website of Marianne Ny or from the prosecution authority's Twitter account, and no mention whatsoever in Swedish media.

Lauri Love extradition final arguments 25 July

Final arguments in Lauri Love's extradition hearing will be heard at 10am on Monday 25 July at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Support Courage's emergency funding drive

Courage, the international organisation that protects whistleblowers and activists, launches a major funding drive for core costs.

Soutenez l'urgente campagne de financement de Courage

Courage, l'organisation internationale qui protège les lanceurs d'alertes et les activistes, lance une importante campagne de financement structurel.

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