This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.
08:30 PM ‘U.S. supplied weapons “lost” by the Honduran military turned up in Mexico and Colombia’ via AlterNet.
A cable dating from 2008 documents how weapons supplied to the Honduras the U.S. Foreign Military Sales Program end up in the hands on drug trafficking organizations in Mexico and Colombia.
07:55 PM Major General Hussein Ali had been warned against shoot-to-kill order in 2008, a recently released cable titled ‘Kenya : Behind a calm façade, hardliners prepare for more violence’ shows.
"we believe that the established rules of engagement and situation-specific circumstances should continue to dictate minimal use of deadly force", U.S. ambassador Ranneberger states in the cable.
Hussein Ali is one of six suspects in the post-election violence case. Wikileaks cables will be used in court by chief prosecutor Ocampo as evidence against three other suspects.
04:45 PM Minileaks, el Wikileaks 'made in Spain' : a spanish website based on the WikiLeaks model, aiming to expose even the smallest abuses.
"A lengthy standoff between the franchise-holder for Coca Cola-Libya, Ka´Mur Bottling Company-U.K., and two of Mu´ammar Qadhafi´s sons, Mu´tassim and Mohammed, appears to have stabilized in the wake of a compromise agreement. The problem became public on December 28, 2005 as security troops controlled by Colonel Qadhafi´s son Mu´tassim encamped at the Tripoli Coca-Cola plant, owned jointly by Ka´Mur Bottling Company and the Libyan Olympic Committee (LOC) through their joint venture, the Global Beverage Company (GBC). With the plant shut for more than three months, Colonel Qadhafi´s daughter Aisha may have intervened to broker a compromise, according to which LOC would--at an unspecified future date--sell its shares in GBC to the Libyan Social Security Fund. Mu´tassim´s men left the plant in late February, shortly after USLO sent a strongly-worded diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressing concern over the legality of the plant shutdown and urging a swift resolution to the conflict. Coca Cola´s General Manager for Libya credits USLO support for helping keep the incident under control as Ka´Mur, GBC and Coca Cola worked their own channels."
El País: El embajador norteamericano en México, noqueado por los papeles de Wikileaks (The U.S. ambassador to Mexico, knocked out by Wikileaks papers)
El País: Zelaya logró que Chávez y Castro firmaran una propuesta sin saber que era de EE UU (Zelaya influenced Chávez and Castro into signing a proposal without letting them know it was an American one)
"Según los cables del Departamento de Estado, Chávez reclamó a Honduras que dejara de considerar a las FARC como un grupo terrorista. (According with the cables of the American State Department, Chávez demanded to Honduras to stop calling FARC a terrorist group.)"
El País: EE UU retrata al presidente yemení totalmente alejado de la realidad (The United States says the Yemeni president is completely out of reality)
""Si le digo que el país tiene problemas, se enfada", confesó un parlamentario. ("If I tell him the country has problems, he gets upset", confessed a diplomat.)"
El País: Estados Unidos recelaba del hombre que asumió el poder en Honduras tras el golpe de Estado (The United States mistrusted the man who took the power in Honduras after the coup)
"Roberto Micheletti aprovechó la confusión de la crisis política para firmar contratos corruptos, según la embajada. (Roberto Micheletti took advantage of the political crisis and the confusion to sign corrupt contracts, according with the [American] embassy.)"
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