Secretary of Defense

2011-03-06 [UPDATE 4] Latest #Amndawla Leaks, Account and Videos of Clashes in #Lazoghly

This story was written by @carwinb and @exiledsurfer. Recent updates by @kgosztola.

[UPDATE 2011-03-06]

ImagePhoto by LilianWagdy of protesters praying in front of SS headquarters in Lazoghly

Some protesters are out in Tahrir and some are still even out in and around Lazoghly, where army clashes took place earlier. The protesters were headed to the State Security headquarters. Smoke was coming from the building. State Security has been shredding, burning and destroying documents that presumably would incriminate them, as many like Habib el-Adly, former head of the Interior Ministry, are going to be facing investigations or trials.

Amn Dawla Leaks Website tweets the following links to documents [not in English]: "Outright fraud in the election of the Chamber of Commerce"

And a few on selecting judges:

"Letter to the security of the State Requests sort of judges between the cooperative and is in preparation for the selection of the elections", SSI intervention in identifying some of the judges, and nomination of names of some judges of "collaborators" to monitor the elections

WL Central reported on a document detailing a natural gas deal with Israel. Now, here from Al Masry Al Youm, an article describing the document and giving a little background.

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