In his first interview since being released from jail, Rudolf Elmer stated to India Today that:
- the investigation against him is still ongoing, and that he could not make any detailed statements because he would be arrested again.
- the CDs he handed over to Julian Assange in the Frontline Club were empty. He also said that it was only a symbolic handover, because it was a public place, and because the police could have intervened. He also said that Assange would not have come, had there not been information.
- that he would not have been released from prison had any data been published.
- that he cannot answer whether any Indian names are on a list he allegedly gave to Assange, as the investigation against him was still ongoing.
- it is possible to keep money out of reach of tax authorities. He also describes how this could be done, in hypothesis.
- that he cannot comment on whether any Indian cricket players have Swiss bank accounts because his investigation is still ongoing.
- that private investigators put pressure on him and his family, including his six year old daughter.
- that he filed a complaint at the European Court of Human Rights.
- that he will appear in court in November.
- that Assange protected him and his family. This statement was made in reply to a question whether there was a deal between Assange and the courts that Assange will not publish the data.
WL Central cannot verify these claims. The above is merely a summary of some key points in this interview. For our previous coverage of the topic please see this link.
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