2011-01-11 TVOntario: The Agenda: Livestream interview with Birgitta Jónsdóttir

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, member of the Icelandic parliament and former WikiLeaks volunteer, in Toronto to speak at the first Samara/Massey journalism seminar, will be interviewed by Steve Paikin of Television Ontario's The Agenda at 2 p.m. EST today. The interview will be livestreamed and will be archived on the program's website.

From Samara:

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, now a member of Iceland’s Parliament, has led a movement in her country to take the most far-reaching steps towards advancing free speech, freedom of the press and transparency in government of any country in the world. This initiative, the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (IMMI) aims to bring together transparency laws from multiple jurisdictions to create the strongest media freedom laws in the world, with the goal of improving democracy and Iceland's standing in the international community.

In her talk, Birgitta Jónsdóttir will describe how and why she decided to help transform Iceland into the world’s safe haven for transparency, and what the impact has been to date, including her reflections on WikiLeaks’ ongoing revelations.

TVO Interview


Wow! What an interview! Birgitta Jónsdóttir is one formidable person. She kept to her points, wasted no time on trivialities and was otherwise solid as a rock. It's so nice to see a rational person work their magic.

The questions she was given where, I'd say, of medium difficulty but she fielded them well. As a long time ago member of a high school debating club, I would quake at the sight of the likes of her sitting at the oppositions desk.

Well done.

If you missed the live stream, I believe you can find a podcast of the show from the link above.

[A tip about the spam filter problem. Don't abuse the 'Edit' button because it thinks that you are repeating content (spam). I found that out the hard way. 8D]

TVO Live Stream


To save the lot of you from clicking around blindly, here's the link to the live stream on TVO:



Sorry -- why would we be

Sorry -- why would we be clicking around blindly? The link is there: click on The Agenda.



You're right. I missed the link in the body of your post.

Nae bother, laddie/lassie. I

Nae bother, laddie/lassie. I just wasn't sure everyone could see what I see.

nitebat! So nice to see you

nitebat! So nice to see you ;)

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