WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 450 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 447 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 644 days.

Image from WikiLeaks
- WikiLeaks, partnered with over 25 media organizations, began the release of "The Global Intelligence Files," a collection of over 5 million emails from the Texas-based intelligence company Stratfor. So far 167 files have been released. Here are some ways to follow the releases:
- Stratfor issued a statement on the release which said WikiLeaks' actions are "deplorable, unfortunate — and illegal" and that some emails may be "forged or altered" while others are "authentic," but they will not validate either.
- An email has been circulating alleged to be Stratfor CEO George Friedman announcing his resignation, but Stratfor has tweeted that this is a false rumor.
- WikiLeaks is holding a press conference on the release at the Frontline Club, February 27 at 12PM. It is possible that it will be live-streamed at Frontline Club's livestream channel.
- A graph shows that spikes in WikiLeaks' traffic coincides with declines in traffic of Australian MSM organizations Sydney Morning Herald and News AU.

- Swedish journalist Staffan Heimerson, who has been reading the police interrogations from the Assange case, commented (translated from Swedish):
[…] the idea of prosecution of rape against Assange is idiocy. Put down the target. It attracts ridicule of Swedish everyday life.
- German newspaper The Intelligence has released a critical analysis of Patrick Forbes' documentary, "WikiLeaks: Secrets and Lies."
- WikiLeaks Press has released its coverage of Cablegate news from February 2 – 8.
- A transcript of Bradley Manning's arraignment is now available, via Alexa O'Brien.
- The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) has stated it does not condone the alleged actions of Bradley Manning.
- The Bradley Manning Support Network has issued an update for February 25 which covers Roger Waters' support for Bradley, Logan Price's report from the arraignment, and a demonstration in Santa Cruz.
Upcoming Dates & Events:
*NEW* February 27: WikiLeaks will hold a press conference at the Frontline Club at 12PM.
March 1: Julian Assange will host a Q&A on "Europe's Last Dictator," 6:30PM at The Old Vic Tunnels, London.
March 8: Daniel Ellsberg will speak at Princeton University at an event called "Secrets, Lies, and Leaks: From the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks."
March 15: Bradley Manning's next court appearance.
April 25: Kristinn Hrafnsson to speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.
May 23: Julian Assange to speak at Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 in The Netherlands.
May 27: "Incident in New Baghdad" to air on The Documentary Channel, 8PM.
Stratfor as a thumbnail of our society.
Stratfor is exposed as fraudulent, greedy, and dangerously ‘careless’. I emphasize ‘careless’ in its literal definition. The company had no ‘care’ for anything except profit!
The clients, the subjects of investigation, and the welfare of the world, are irrelevant to these people. They are intent on creating their own relevance. One could readily accept that they would not hesitate to cause wars in pursuit of their own profit.
The company’s access to government agencies and personnel is troubling but unsurprising.
Corporations are not Human!