The Rule of Custom Emerges

The Rule of Law is falling away (and the Rule of Custom is emerging).

At least, as We have understood the Rule of Law, in the context of the formal administrative systems of Nation States.

It seems to be happening at different rates in different parts of the World, depending on media, especially social media, saturation.

There is a Singularity at Hand. It is a confluence of events. Global economic collapse. Exposure of the United States as the New Nazi madmen. The US regime's petulant, and delusional response.

When War Crimes happen, My United States is in the Front Row to Prosecute, not to Perpetrate them.

I am in a unique position. I was a dissident military journalist and my stridence followed me for years, during which I patiently took notes.

I published my findings in December 2005 .

So I don't really feel constrained or chilled in any way by the Obama administration's policies, myopic though they may be, as a normal 9-5, or especially an embedded journalist might.

Who am I?

I publish the dcmDaily and a group of other newspapers .

My backstory is at .

I've done reporting, analysis, and curation of source materials at .

I was trained in Journalism at the Department of Defense Information School in 1975.

I wrote an opinion column for OsOpinion from 2000-2002.

I was recently ignored by the White House when I asked a simple question .

I just released a documentary film Collateral War Crimes and I publish the dcmDaily Group of newspapers

And I Love the Smell of Information Revolution In The Morning.

- dredeyedick

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