2011-01-21 Julian Assange receives Russian visa

According to Russia Times, Julian Assange has been granted a Russian visa and plans to visit the country soon. With his next court hearing scheduled for February 7, Assange may be able to visit Russia in three weeks, but only if the Swedish extradition request is turned down by Britain.

No details of the agenda and schedule have been disclosed. However, by that time a Russia-based pro-WikiLeaks NGO currently being established is likely to get its official registration.

The Russian News Service quoted by Russia Times quotes Israel Shamir as its source for the article. Shamir is a highly controversial figure who was associated with Wikileaks in distributing the US State cables.

In other news, Moscow Times reports "Russia's Own WikiLeaks Takes Off".


"Russia Times" - that should be "Russia Today"


need crowdsourcing help re: Wikileaks on Russia

How do we authenticate if the cable actually comes from wikileaks and not fabricated? One of leading russian newspapers (komsomol'skaya pravda) published some translated cables they allegedly received from WL, detailing secret meeting of Russian Liberal opposition with US officials and asking for more pressure on Putin's regime (a-la-Zimbabwe story). The article in Russian is here (http://www.kp.ru/daily/25623/790207/).
The original Cables in English are supposedly here: http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?304305-WikiLeaks-USA-and-Russia... (and few other not-quite-reputable places).
Have not been able to find these cables through any official WL database.
How do we know if these are not just fakes, manufactured to smear Russian opposition?
Thanks for your help.



Out of the frying pan.... into the fire. That's one fearless dude. Conviction does that.


It will all work out

Mr. Assange has millions who are on his side as he spearheads a movement whose time has come. The only thing he has to fear is fear itself. He seems to be plenty bright enough to know that and he seems to be taking all reasonable precautions.

A couple of months ago, it seems that Bolivia offered to give him refuge. Bolivia & Cuba may be two places where he could be a little less on guard and more productive.

I imagine he'll live a long and productive life.

It will all work out.

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