
2011-02-18 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageLa Jornada: Redes sociales, instrumento para detectar fraudes con visas de EU (Social Networks, tool to detect frauds with American visas)

"Wikileaks reseña este método de investigación; crece el número de solicitudes amañadas. (Wikileaks reviews this method of investigation; the number of fake applications grows.)"

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"AFGHANISTAN: Discussion focused on scheduling strategic instructed dialogues prior to the Krakow Defense Ministers, meeting on the Afghan National Army Trust Fund, crafting an interim response to the Afghan-proposed military technical agreement, and Pakistani proposals for building closer cooperation with NATO. PermReps want to address discrepancies in ISAF and UNAMA counts of civilian casualties with visiting Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Kai Eide next week. Two topics related to NATO,s role in Afghan police development are stalemated in the Military Committee."

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2011-02-17 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Guardian: Ugandan gay rights activist 'mocked' at rights seminar

"US embassy cable reports on Uganda's rising homophobia, even at a UN-backed human rights meeting attended by activist David Kato, who was later murdered."

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The Telegraph: US wanted 'derogatory' information on Bahrain king's sons

"The US State Department secretly asked its diplomats in Bahrain to report any "derogatory" information about two of the King's sons and evidence of "rivalry" with senior members of the ruling royal family, leaked documents show."

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2011-02-16 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: EE UU, alarmado de la falsificación de documentos en México para pasar la frontera (The United States are alarmed due to the falsified documents in Mexico to cross the border)

"El delito organizado y las mafias del narcotráfico controlan este negocio, al que cada día acuden más mexicanos ricos para huir de su país. (The organized crime and the drug gangs control this business, which every day is being used by more rich Mexicans who want to escape from their country.)"

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El País: Estados Unidos alaba el tacto de Chile en sus enfrentamientos con Perú (The United States praises the Chilean touch during its confrontations with Peru)

"Los papeles de Wikileaks revelan cómo la superpotencia saca provecho de la carrera militar entre sus dos aliados. (The Wikileaks documents unveil how the super potence takes advantage of the military affair between its two allies.)"

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El País: Bush apoyó la participación de España en el G-20 para obstaculizar la regulación de flujos de capital (Bush supported the participation of Spain in the G-20 to block the regulation of capital flow)

"La embajada de EE UU defendió "fervientemente" invitar a Zapatero a la reunión de Washington de 2008. (The American Embassy defended "fervently" the invitation of Zapatero to the Washington meeting in 2008.)"

2011-02-15 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: Egypt’s new man at the top 'was against reform'

"The military leader charged with transforming Egypt opposed political reform because he believed that it “eroded central government power”, according to leaked US diplomatic cables."

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The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables show no evidence of Iran's hand in Bahrain unrest

"US sources dismissive of Bahraini allegation, and as early as 2008 noted tensions between its Shia majority and Sunni rulers.

The United States has repeatedly dismissed claims by the Bahraini government that Shia Muslim unrest in the Gulf island state is backed by Iran."

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El País: Guatemala, un país controlado en un 60% por el narcotráfico, según el fiscal Castresana (60% of Guatemala is controlled by drug sales, according with the attorney Castresana)

2011-02-14 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Guardian: Egyptian military head is 'old and resistant to change'

"US ambassador to Cairo gives his opinion on Muhammad Tantawi and number two general, Sami Enan.

Nothing Egypt's military council has done in its past suggests it has the capacity or inclination to introduce speedy and radical change. Guaranteed its $1.3bn (£812m) annual grant from the US — a dividend from the Camp David peace accord with Israel – it has gained the reputation as a hidebound institution with little appetite for reform."

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The Guardian: UK 'threatened to pull out of Open Skies deal', leaked US cables show

"Senior British civil servant warned that UK could pull out if the US did not approve BA's proposed tie-up with American Airlines, according to US embassy cables obtained via WikiLeaks.

Britain threatened to pull out of the controversial trans-Atlantic Open Skies aviation agreement if the US government did not approve British Airways's proposed alliance with American Airlines, a senior British civil servant warned US embassy officials, according to a leaked cable obtained via WikiLeaks."

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El País: España aportará a EE UU pruebas que ayuden a condenar al cerebro del 11-S (Spain will contribute with proof to help the United States to condemn the brain behind 9-11)

2011-02-13 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: Las aerolíneas protestan ante las trabas para repatriar de Venezuela sus ingresos (The airlines protest due to the lock to take their profits from Venezuela)

"La irritación de las aerolíneas hacia los usos y costumbres de la administración venezolana estaba a punto de explotar el año pasado. La Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) protestaba ante la embajada de EE UU en Caracas a finales de 2009 porque las aerolíneas internacionales tenían que esperar cada vez más tiempo en recibir el dinero que le retenía el Gobierno venezolano por la emisión de billetes. (The irritation of the airlines against the Venezuelan administration's habits was about to explode last year. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) protested in front of the American Embassy in Caracas at the end of 2009 because the international airlines had to wait longer each time to receive their money retained by the Venezuelan government due to the currency emission.)"

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La Jornada: Los Zetas colapsan estado de derecho en Guatemala ("The [drug gang] Zetas" collapse the rule of law in Guatemala)

2011-02-12 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Jerusalem Post: Suleiman promised to stop Gaza elections

"Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman promised Israel in 2005 that he would prevent Hamas from gaining control over Gaza, according to a US diplomatic cable released on Friday.

According to the cable, which was leaked to WikiLeaks and published by Norweigan newspaper Aftenposten, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, head of the Defense Ministry's Diplomatic-Security Bureau, secretly visited Suleiman, then the head of Egyptian intelligence, in September 2005. Gilad then reported on the visit to US diplomats in Tel Aviv."

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2011-02-10 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: Lord Dannatt wrong on troop numbers, civil servant told US

"The senior civil servant organising the Iraq Inquiry secretly briefed against Britain’s top general after he called for more troops to counter a surge of deaths in Afghanistan."

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"Embassy Beirut´s consular section has obtained, through the Lebanese commercial registry, the listing of the 38 shareholders of the Lebanese Media Group, aka Lebanese Communication Group, Hizballah´s parent company for Al-ManarTelevision and Al-Nour Radio. As is required under Lebanese law for all media companies, the shareholders are drawn from across Lebanon´s confessional spectrum. We understand that, in some cases, Christians were given shares in the company for free, so that Hizballah would be able to maintain the appearance of complying with the requirements of confessional balance."

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2011-02-09 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: Suleiman told Israel he would 'cleanse' Sinai of arms runners to Gaza

"Omar Suleiman, the new vice-president of Egypt, told the Israelis he wanted to start “cleansing the Sinai” of Palestinian arms smugglers, according to leaked cables."

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The Telegraph: Egyptian 'torturers' trained by FBI

"The US provided officers from the Egyptian secret police with training at the FBI, despite allegations that they routinely tortured detainees and suppressed political opposition."

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The Telegraph: Mohamed ElBaradei was 'too soft on Tehran’

"The United States and Israel warned that Mohamed ElBaradei, a key leader of the Egyptian opposition, was soft on Iran and was becoming “part of the problem” in the Middle East, according to leaked diplomatic cables."

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The Telegraph: Hosni Mubarak told US not to topple Saddam Hussein

"Hosni Mubarak told Dick Cheney, the former US vice-president, “three or four times” not to depose Saddam Hussein, according to leaked cables."

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El País: Frei, un perdedor con cara de perdedor (Frei, a loser with the face of a loser)

2011-02-08 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: No 10 urged commander to play down Afghanistan failures

"A senior adviser to Gordon Brown put pressure on the commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan to play down the “bleak and deteriorating” situation to reduce criticism of his government, leaked documents disclose."

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The Guardian: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices

"US diplomat convinced by Saudi expert that reserves of world's biggest oil exporter have been overstated by nearly 40%.

The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from its embassy in Riyadh show."

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El País: EE UU, preocupado por la corrupción oficial en Argentina (The United States worry about the official corruption in Argentina)

"El fenómeno de la corrupción oficial en Argentina preocupa a Estados Unidos, cuya embajada en Buenos Aires envió al Departamento de Estado más de cien despachos confidenciales, a lo largo de varios años, alertando sobre la fragilidad del sistema judicial en el país sudamericano y, consecuentemente, sobre la impunidad de quienes delinquen. (The phenomenon of the official corruption in Argentina worries the United States, whose embassy in Buenos Aires sent to the State Department more than a hundred confidential cables, through several years, warning about the fragility of the judicial system in the South American country and, consequently, about the impunity of those who break the law.)"

2011-02-07 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak

"The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret "hotline" to Cairo, leaked documents disclose."

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El País: Estados Unidos cree que nunca se sabrá si el expresidente chileno Eduardo Frei fue asesinado (The United States believe it will never be known if the Chilean ex-president Eduardo Frei was assassinated)

"El que fuera máximo mandatario entre 1964 y 1970 murió tras someterse a una operación rutinaria de hernia en la que contrajo una infección bacteriológica. (The one who was maximum leader of Chile between 1964 and 1970 died after a routine hernia surgery in which he got a bacteriologic infection.)"

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2011-02-06 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: El Arma es la Red (The Weapon is the Web)

"Los papeles de Wikileaks revelan cómo los blogueros de Egipto iniciaron su rebelión en 2005, se inspiraron en la revuelta de Irán y usaron Facebook para enfrentarse a la dictadura. (The Wikileaks documents unveil how bloggers from Egypt started their insurrection in 2005, got inspired by the one in Iran and used Facebook to face the dictatorship.)"

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El País: Guatemala's congress reinstates data protection: the end of the problem that refused to go away

"Guatemala's Congress passed legislation by an overwhelming majority to reinstate data protection for drugs and agrochemicals, paving the way for consideration of the CAFTA in the U.S. Congress. This was the end of a drama played out over years that was fraught with misinformation, conflict of interest, partisan politics, and a pronounced lack of decisiveness by top political leaders. It has consumed in aggregate more of our full-time attention than any other issue in recent months. Most of what follows has been reported in e-mails and, to a lesser extent, cables as we have moved from one operational crisis to the next. Here, we lay out more systematically the extent of the problem, the forces at play, and the efforts of many to succeed on an issue where the easy arguments lie on the other side."

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El País: Next steps for Thailand's compulsory license bid

2011-02-05 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: Objetivo: matar a Osama Bin Laden (The Goal: kill Osama Bin Laden)

"Arabia Saudí propuso unir las fuerzas de seis países para capturar o asesinar al jefe de Al Qaeda, según revelan documentos secretos del Departamento de Estado de EE UU. (Saudi Arabia proposed to unify the strength of six countries to capture or assassinate the chief of Al Qaeda, according to secret documents from the State Department of the United States.)"

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The Telegraph: Why Scots want to stay in the Union

"Scotland would remain part of the United Kingdom for “a generation” because of the economic crisis, the then Scottish secretary told US officials."

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The Telegraph: Zardari is a numbskull, British told Americans

"British officials described Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani president, as “highly corrupt” and a “numbskull”, according to leaked documents."

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The Telegraph: Tony Blair's fees the talk of Beijing

"When senior diplomats met in Beijing to discuss the burning issues of the day, one topic seemed to exercise them as much as any other – the size of Tony Blair’s lecture fees."

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2011-02-04 Cable illuminates why Yemenis engaged in "Day of Rage" [UPDATE]

While Egyptians continue to maintain their uprising against President Hosni Mubarak with a “Day of Departure" today, it is worth looking at what happened in Yemen yesterday. An opposition coalition of Yemenis mobilized in defiance of a plea from President Ali Abdullah Saleh to not protest, rally or engage in any sit-ins, and held their own "Day of Rage."

The protests were considered to be the largest anti-government demonstration that Saleh has “faced in his 32-year rule.” The Guardian reported protesters chanted, “Together we fight against poverty, corruption and injustice.” Given what has been happening in Egypt, the protesters hoped to mobilize in their Tahrir Square, but the government “beat them” to the Square and sent “hundreds of tribesmen to camp out there overnight.”

Protesters called for Saleh to “form a new government” and “let the Yemeni people decide who will rule them in clean, fair elections.”

2011-02-04 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: EE UU descarta el derrumbe del castrismo (The United States rules out the fall of "Castrism" in Cuba)

"Asegura que, a pesar del endeudamiento y el desabastecimiento en sectores clave, su economía "menos vulnerable" que hace 20 años. ([The United States] assures that, despite the debt and the lack of supplies in key sectors, its economy is "less vulnerable" than 20 years ago.)"

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Aftenposten: Burma-Knu: Knu Seeks Preconditions for Talks

"Despite the Burmese regime´s offer reported in Ref A for unconditional talks with the Karen National Union (KNU), which has been waging a conflict against the regime for over 50 years, the KNU placed several conditions on its participation in future talks with the regime during its April 6 meeting with Thai FM Kasit, who has offered to be a facilitator for direct talks between the KNU and the Burmese regime. Though he characterized some of the KNU´s requests as unattainable, Kasit agreed to use them as the starting point for a discussion with Burmese PM Thein Sein he expects to have on the margins of the April 10-12 ASEAN Plus Three and East Asian Summits in Pattaya, Thailand. According to the NLDLA (National League for Democracy Liberated Areas), the exile group that claims to speak for Aung San Suu Kyi´s NLD (National League for Democracy), the FM also, at its request, agreed to explore possibilities for Thailand to serve as a facilitator for discussions between the NLD and the Burmese regime."

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Aftenposten: Burma: Struggles at the Top Affecting Relief Effort

2011-02-03 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Telegraph: Sale of uranium mine blocked over Iran fears

"The US intervened in the £371 million sale of a Canadian-owned mine in Africa because of fears that uranium ore would be sold to Iran, the leaked cables show."

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The Telegraph: British firms made millions from trading with Iranians

"British companies made millions of pounds selling or leasing items to Iranian companies that were the subject of international trade sanctions, US Embassy documents show."

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The Telegraph: Vanished FBI officer Robert Levinson 'held by Iranian Revolutionary Guards'

"A former FBI officer who disappeared in mysterious circumstances in Iran four years ago has been held by the country’s Revolutionary Guard, the cables suggest."

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The Telegraph: William, Harry and the Abramovich of Azerbaijan

"Princes William and Harry are on friendly terms with a young billionaire whose family wealth has been the subject of intense scrutiny by US officials, the documents show."

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The Telegraph: Chinese weapons fall into hands of insurgents

2011-02-02 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

The Telegraph: Iran's missile launchers towed by Peugeots

"Family cars made by Fiat, Peugeot and Renault are being used as missile platforms by the Iranian armed forces because of their difficulty obtaining proper military vehicles, leaked cables show."

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The Telegraph: US vs China in battle of the anti-satellite space weapons

"On the night of Feb 20, 2008, Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, was on a plane to Hawaii when his telephone rang."

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The Telegraph: The race to take control of space

"The race to take control of space raged throughout much of the cold war and has previously been dominated by the Americans."

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The Telegraph: US and China in military standoff over space missiles

"The United States threatened to take military action against China during a secret "star wars" arms race within the past few years, according to leaked documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph."

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The Telegraph: Timeline of the space race

"The US and China are locked in a bitter battle to assert their power in space, leaked diplomatic cables have disclosed. Here is a timeline of the space race."

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2011-02-01 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

The Telegraph: FBI hunts the 9/11 gang that got away

"The FBI has launched a manhunt for a previously unknown team of men suspected to be part of the 9/11 attacks, the Daily Telegraph can disclose."

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The Telegraph: 9/11 gang with pilot uniforms fled to London

"Even before three men of Middle Eastern appearance had told cleaners to stay out of their room, staff at a Los Angeles airport hotel had become increasingly suspicious of what they were up to."

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The Telegraph: Libyan 'frogman' sent to train in Rome couldn't swim

"In Libya, where corruption and nepotism are often stitched into the fabric of society, it is often not a case of what you know, but who you know."

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The Telegraph: WikiLeaks files reveal 'cold, callous and brutal' behaviour of ministers

"A mother who lost her daughter in the Lockerbie attack has condemned the “cold, callous and brutal” behaviour of British ministers after WikiLeaks documents revealed how they secretly advised Libya on securing the successful early release of the bomber."

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The Telegraph: Libya insists ball in U.S. court on scud B alternative

2011-01-20 Welt Online: WikiLeaks cables indicate that Israel believes Turkey is lost to the West

The German language website Welt Online continued publication of WikiLeaks cables critical of Turkey, in their bid to "Break the WikiLeaks Cartel". According to cables cited today, the opening of the PLO Embassy in Turkey was only an excuse for Abbas' visit in 2009, and Israel considers Turkey to be "lost to the west".

The cables document how not only the USA and Israel, but also the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah were concerned with Turkey's silent support for Hamas, which the PLO official quoted in the cable of June 3, 2009 called "very dangerous". Turkey's ambivalent relationship to Hamas, while nothing new, required Turkish officials to "talk out of both sides of their mouth" when dealing with American officials. The U.S. Congress' anger is is clearly visible in the cables. This push-me pull-you continued well into 2009, when U.S. Ambassador James F. Jeffrey reported on February 9th that President Gül and especially Foreign Minister Babacan were taking extra care to deal with the "extremely critical" remarks that Erdogan had made towards Israel in order to repair the "traditionally strong relationship between Israel and Turkey".

The cables document the further deterioration of the relationship, to the degree where the Israeli Ambassador to Ankara, Gabi Levy, called Erdogan a fundamentalist who "hates us with religious fury". Whereupon the Americans soberly confirm that their contacts inside and outside of the Turkish government are of the opinion that Erdogan probably "just hates Israel".

2010-12-30 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

The Guardian: Omar Bongo pocketed millions in embezzled funds, claims US cable

"Gabon's late president allegedly channelled money to French political parties in support of Nicolas Sarkozy.

Gabon's late president Omar Bongo allegedly pocketed millions in embezzled funds from central African states, channelling some of it to French political parties in support of Nicolas Sarkozy, according to a US embassy cable published by El País."

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El País: El Pentágono presionó a Turquía para que aceptara el escudo antimisiles (The Pentagon pressed Turkey to accept the missil shield)

"El Gobierno de Erdogan se ha resistido a instalar un radar clave para el sistema defensivo. Ankara exigió a EE UU garantías para no enfrentarse con Irán. (Erdogan's government has resisted to instal a radar, key of the defensive system. Ankara demanded to the United States guarantees to avoid a conflict with Iran.)"

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El País: Bulgaria no hace nada por evitar la corrupción que socava el Estado (Bulgaria does nothing to stop the corruption that currently ruins the state)

"Un alto funcionario europeo revela a EE UU el desencanto de Bruselas con Sofía. (A high ranked employee of the European government reveals to the United States the disappointment in Brussels with Sofia.)"

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