
2011-06-29 Two days of rage in #Brussels Part 2/2. #europeanrevolution #globalrevolution

Democracy Belgian Style by flick/photos/MediActivista July 22nd and 23rd were very important for the political calendar of Europe. The European Commission signed the new adjustments of the Euro-Pact, the rules for the european commonwealth, organized by the European Bank, the IMF and the executive body of the European Union. In Brussels, where the whole summit took place, people went to the streets and squares to manifest their indignation regarding corruption and economical dominance of state affairs.
We have been there and experienced two days of rage in the european political capital.

(Part 2 of 2)

Part 1 here.

2011-06-24 - Two days of rage in #Brussels Part 1/2. #europeanrevolution #globalrevolution

ImageThe past two days were very important for the political calendar of Europe. The European Commission signed the new adjustments of the Euro-Pact, the rules for the european commonwealth, organized by the European Bank, the IMF and the executive body of the European Union. In Brussels, where the whole summit took place, people went to the streets and squares to manifest their indignation regarding corruption and economical dominance of state affairs.
We have been there and experienced two days of rage in the european political capital.

(Part 1 of 2)

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