
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Book page2011-09-26 #Occupywallstreet continues despite harsh police repression, as more occupations are planned across the U.S. FuturePress312 years 46 weeks ago
Book page2011-09-27 Market trader on BBC: "I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession" FuturePress112 years 46 weeks ago
Book page2011-09-28 #OccupyWallStreet spreads: around 70 protests planned in the following weeks #occupytogether FuturePress112 years 46 weeks ago
Book page2011-10-05 Canada joins the revolution #OccupyCanada #cdnpoli #oct15 FuturePress012 years 46 weeks ago
Book page2011-02-25 Russia and Spain: Organized crime, half-truths, and public secrets FuturePress012 years 48 weeks ago
Book page2011-10-11 Žižek at Wall Street: “don’t fall in love with yourself” #occupywallstreet #ows FuturePress412 years 49 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-24 Spanish Government announces "express" change in Constitution, #15M movement demands a referendum FuturePress213 years 3 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-23 Outraged start camping in Berlin's major square in #Germany #Alex11 FuturePress013 years 4 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-21 Massive anti-corruption movement grows in #India FuturePress513 years 4 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-21 The global economy is having a heart attack FuturePress213 years 4 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-20 The Pope's visit to #Madrid ends up with police brutality against peaceful protesters #JMJ #19a #15m FuturePress013 years 4 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-19 The popular marches from #Madrid on their way to #Brussels #15M #europeanrevolution FuturePress013 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-19 Documentary about the #15M movement in #Madrid #europeanrevolution FuturePress013 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-17 If today is Wednesday and you are in #Belarus, join the protest! #europeanrevolution FuturePress013 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-10 London calling: a haunting glimpse into our future? #UKRiots FuturePress513 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-09 #UKRiots spread and intensify, one person dead and one seriously injured FuturePress013 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-13 Murder as foreign policy: assassination of Syrian General could have been an inside job FuturePress013 years 5 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-06 The ugly face of austerity? Massive riots in #Tottenham FuturePress113 years 6 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-06 Historic protest in #Israel: over 300,000 demand social justice FuturePress313 years 6 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-05 Violent police repression of student protests in #Chile FuturePress013 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-05 In Spain, defiant indignados receive blows, solidarity from police #nopararemos #europeanrevolution FuturePress013 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-08-02 Sol Square evicted in the morning, thousands demonstrating during the night in #Madrid #spanishrevolution #nopararemos FuturePress013 years 7 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-19 @Lulzsec does not forgive, The Sun latest target FuturePress013 years 9 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-16 After 10 days in #Syntagma... #europeanrevolution #globalrevolution FuturePress013 years 9 weeks ago
Book page2011-07-15 Brazilian Cables: Too many coincidences Nov 2009 blackout #cablegate #wikileaks FuturePress013 years 9 weeks ago

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