Today is the start of a series of rallies being held world wide in support of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Assange's next scheduled hearing is on January 11. The details of Sweden's extradition request and the EU arrest warrant should be heard at that time. Currently, Twitter and possibly other social media have been subpoenaed for information about Wikileaks volunteers and supporters. Information on upcoming rallies is posted here, campaigns and petitions here.
Rallies today:
Rosario: Saturday, January 8, 6pm
Location: Mitre y Cordoba, Ciudad de ROSARIO
Event page:
Miraflores: Saturday, January 8, 6pm
Location: Avenida José Larco1301, Miraflores
Event page:
Demonstration and Operation Freedom Assange
Valencia: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del Ayuntamiento /Town Hall Square - Valencia, Spain
Event page:
Madrid: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del Callao (frente al Corte Inglés) / Callao Square (Opposite El Corte Inglés – Underground Stations: Callao/sol/Gran Vía) - Madrid, Spain
Event page:
Málaga: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de la Constitución - Málaga, Spain
Event page:
Sevilla: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Nueva / New Square - Sevilla, Spain
Event page:
A Coruña: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Galicia, delante del TSXG / Galicia Square at the TSXG - A Coruña, Spain
Event page:
Bilbao: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Moyua / Moyua Square - Bilbao, Spain
Event page:
Zaragoza: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de España, Diputación Provincial / Spain´s Square, Plaza of Spain, Provincial - Zaragoza, Spain
Event page:
Badajoz: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de San Francisco / Spain´s Square - Badajoz, Spain
Event page:
Albacete: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del parque de Abelardo Sánchez, Punta Abelardo Sánchez Park - Albacete, Spain
Event page:
Mallorca: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de España / Spain´s square - Mallorca, Spain
Event page:
Murcia: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Glorieta frente Ayuntamiento/ Roundabout Square opposite the Town Hall, Murcia, Spain
Event page:
Barcelona: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Sant Jaume, Barcelona, Spain
Event page:
Pamplona: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6pm - 7pm
Location: Kiosko Plaza Castilla /Castilla Square kiosk, Pamplona, Spain
Event page:
Alicante: Pendiente / to be confirmed.
Zamora: pendiente / to be confirmed
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