2011-01-03 Update: The Wrath of Anon in Tunisia

If you thought the The Anonymous Group had hung their suits for the night, think again. The following is a list of additional Tunisian government and financial sites that have been rendered nonoperational; at the time of this publication, each is still down:

www.bmvt.com.tn - Tunisian Stock Exchange

www.sicad.gov.tn - Tunisian Foreign Relations

www.industrie.gov.tn - The Ministry of Industry

www.commerce.gov.tn - Tunisian Government Commerce

www.carthage.tn - The Carthage Palace: Presidency of The Republic of Tunisia

benali.tn - Presidential Elections Site

www.ministeres.tn - Tunisian government site listing various ministries

Expressed motivations for these attacks, as well as yesterday's DDoS attack updates, can be found here.

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