2013-07-05 WikiLeaks and DataCell sue Visa/Valitor for 9 billion ISK

Now that the extralegal financial blockade of WikiLeaks is collapsing, with an Icelandic supreme court ruling on its illegality and both MasterCard and Visa ending their legal fights, WikiLeaks and payment processor DataCell are turning the tables and suing Visa and Valitor for damages. The amount sought is Íkr (Icelandic krónur) 9,000,000,000.

Plaintiff lawyer Sveinn Andri Sveinsson for WikiLeaks and DataCell says the amount is based on estimates from Veritas, and that the minimum acceptable amount is €15.5 million.

Approximately €50 million is being asked for lost contributions to WikiLeaks, €2.5 million for lost fees to DataCell, €2.5 million for lost revenues to DataCell, and €2.2 million in interest.

Valitor lawyer Sigurður Guðjónsson stated, incredibly enough, that DataCell and WikiLeaks haven't suffered financial loss because of the blockade, as there have always been other means to donate - as if the whole idea with the blockade, one of several repressive measures lobbied by US congressmen Joe Lieberman and Peter King, was pointless.

But a quick look at WikiLeaks donation history of course indicates otherwise. And per the WikiLeaks website:

The attack destroyed 95% of our revenue. The blockade came into force within ten days of the launch of Cablegate as part of a concerted US-based, political attack that included vitriol by senior right wing politicians, including assassination calls against WikiLeaks staff. The blockade is outside of any accountable, public process. It is without democratic oversight or transparency.

Now that the blockade has been lifted, at least as regards MasterCard and Visa, why not consider a contribution? http://shop.wikileaks.org/donate

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