This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.
- Information about media coverage of Julian Assange’s Supreme Court extradition appeal, on February 1 and 2, was shared today.
According to Jerome Taylor, reporter for The Independent, the Supreme Court itself indicated that the hearing will be broadcast live, by Sky News, on this page.
And that due to "considerable public interest", the Supreme Court is enforcing accreditation for the hearing, with priority given to press from the UK, Sweden and Australia.
Judgement is likely to be reserved for a few weeks, Jerome also tweeted.
(Two support demonstrations are planned on this date: one at the Supreme Court in London, from 8:30AM, and other at Sydney's Town Hall, 5:30PM.
More details under Upcoming WikiLeaks Dates.)
- It has been determined that one of the witnesses Bradley Manning’s defense is attempting to question prior to his trial is Hillary Clinton, despite her name being blacked out in the document filed by his lawyer. Clinton is one of the many witnesses that Bradley Manning’s defense originally intended to call to testify but was denied.
- Crikey published an article by Bernard Keane on attempts made by Boston authorities to subpoena information from Twitter about Australian activist Asher Wolf in relation to the Occupy movement and also condemning data retention, a cause that was recently advocated by WikiLeaks through the #NOLOGS campaign.
“The only real solution”, Bernard Keane writes, “is establishing social media networks outside the jurisdiction of nation-states”, such as Friends of WikiLeaks, the activism network created by WikiLeaks that will soon be fully launched.
- Today the @WikiLeaksTruck twitter account announced that a new vehicle would be on the road and indeed a new WikiLeaks van was spotted at Occupy Newark.
Recent Press Coverage of WikiLeaks Releases
- Sri Lanka’s fifth President Percy Mahendra Rajapakse frequently contacted the Embassy in the 1988-89 period to report disappearances and extra-judicial killings under the then-United National Party (UNP) government, a cable published by WikiLeaks shows.
- WikiLeaks cables document the extent of Monsanto’s continuing efforts to influence governments worldwide to adopt and endorse GM crops, and punish those who won’t.
Upcoming WikiLeaks Dates
January 12: Officer Almanza recommended court-martial on all charges against Bradley Manning. A final decision on the matter is yet to be made.
January 21: “War on the Internet” panel in Melbourne with Jacob Appelbaum, Bernard Keane, Senator Scott Ludlam and Suelette Dreyfus. More information here.
January 28: WikiLeaks debate in Houston (Texas). Julian Assange’s lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC will participate via Skype, from London.
February 1 & 2: Julian Assange’s extradition appeal will be heard by the Supreme Court. Hearing will likely last 2 days. A support demonstration is planned in London outside of the Supreme Court, starting at 8:30AM. How to attend.
Sydney Vigil for Julian Assange.
April 25-29: WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson and L’Espresso journalist Stefania Maurizi, who has worked on several WikiLeaks releases, will speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia (Italy).
May 23: Julian Assange will speak at the Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 (Netherlands).
Action Campaigns
409 days of unlawful financial blockade.
Julian Assange
406 days under house arrest without charge.
- Show your support for Julian Assange at the Supreme Court of London, February 1 and 2, at 8:30AM. More information on how to attend at Free Julian Assange Now campaign by Liberté Info.
A Vigil is also planned in Sydney.
- Australia: Contact your MP or Senator demanding Justice for Julian Assange! Threaten your vote if action to defend the rights of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, is not taken.
Here is a short guide with tips on How To Get Politicians’ Attention, which may be helpful.
- Nominate Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for the Nobel Peace Prize 2012: campaign website.
- Send at least one of the several call to action draft letters addressed to European organizations and Members of the European Parliament requesting action over the unjust treatment of Julian Assange.
Bradley Manning
603 days detained in military jail.
- I am Bradley Manning campaign website with photos of supporters from around the world. Submit your own!
- A challenge proposed by the Bradley Manning Support Network: Stand with Bradley until his trial is over - pledge a monthly donation for the length of the trial. For more details see bradleymanning.org
Rudolf Elmer
- Liberté Info started a campaign to make whistleblower Rudolf Elmer’s trial an international issue. The campaign page is constantly updated with new developments on his case. Readers are encouraged to share.