It is noteworthy that the both the EAW and the Interpol red notice were issued for Julian by Sweden just before WikiLeaks began to publish Cablegate with their media partners and were executed just days after publication began. - Jennifer Robinson
This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.
- WikiLeaks tweeted the following, about a project in course: "Interviewing revolutionaries & power insiders on plans & futures, utopian vs dystopian-suggest a name #worldtomorrow"
- The WikiLeaks Truck is for sale, so we can have more WikiLeaks trucks around the world. Artist Clark Stoeckley, the owner, plans to expand the project into a global fleet of WikiLeaks trucks. More information at @WikiLeaksTruck.
- In response to WikiLeaks, lawyer Peter Kemp determines Julian Assange is able to run for Australian Senate from house arrest in England, reflects on the policy of a hypothetical WikiLeaks party: wlcentral.org/node/2401
- The New York Times eXaminer announced segment 9 of their interview with Julian Assange on his experience working with the New York Times will be up soon.
Recent Press Coverage of WikiLeaks Releases
- Combining IBC civilian data with official Iraqi, US combatant death figures and data published by WikiLeaks as part of the Iraq War Logs, Iraq Body Count determines more than 114.000 civilians were killed in Iraq during US invasion.
- Censored News presents the top 6 ways the United States and Canada worked against the rights of Indigenous Peoples, as revealed by WikiLeaks, by engaging in espionage and the promotion of mining, while violating Indigenous autonomy: “In the Censored News pick for the Best of the Best in 2011, Wikileaks claims first prize. (…) Wikileaks revealed extensive espionage of Indigenous Peoples, including the Mapuche and Mohawks, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Bolivian President Evo Morales, who ushered in a new Indigenous global rights campaign.”
- An experimental drug trial conducted by Pfizer in 1996 that left Nigerian children mentally and physically impaired was brought back under the spotlight this year by WikiLeaks. A 2009 cable published WikiLeaks on the legal battle that followed, exposed Pfizer’s attempts to blackmail former Attorney General Mike Aondoakaa into dropping lawsuit against the company. [via About.com]
- A new book on the United States’ “$80-billion-a-year spying bureaucracy”, titled Intel Wars makes use of cables published by WikiLeaks.
Upcoming WikiLeaks Events
January 16: A recommendation on whether Bradley Manning faces court-martial is expected. Final decision has no date set.
February 2: Julian Assange’s extradition appeal will be heard by the Supreme Court. Hearing will likely last 2 days. A support demonstration is planned outside of the Supreme Court, starting at 9AM.
May 23: Julian Assange will speak at the Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 (Netherlands).
Action Campaigns (updated)
395 days of unlawful financial blockade.
Julian Assange
392 days under house arrest without charge.
- Show your support for Julian Assange at the Supreme Court of London, February 1st, at 9 AM.
- Nominate Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for the Nobel Peace Prize 2012: campaign website.
- Send at least one of the several call to action draft letters addressed to European organizations and Members of the European Parliament requesting action over the unjust treatment of Julian Assange.
Bradley Manning
589 days detained in military jail.
- A challenge proposed by the Bradley Manning Support Network: Stand with Bradley until his trial is over - pledge a monthly donation for the length of the trial. For more details see bradleymanning.org
Rudolf Elmer
- Liberté Info started a campaign to make whistleblower Rudolf Elmer’s trial an international issue. The campaign page is constantly updated with new developments on his case. Readers are encouraged to share.