This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.
Today Julian Assange’s legal team filed an application to have his extradition case taken to the Supreme Court, based on the following points:
1) Whether a European Arrest Warrant issued by a partisan prosecutor working for the executive (i.e. not an independent judge or investigating magistrate in the civil law system) is a valid Part 1 Warrant issued by a "judicial authority" within the meaning of sections 2(2) & 66 of the Extradition Act 2003?
This point argues that the decision goes against parliamentary intent in the 2003 Extradition Act (see SwedenVsAssange).
2) Whether a person in respect of whom no decision to prosecute has been taken can be said to be ’accused’ within the meaning of sections 2(3)(a) of the Extradition Act 2003?
On December 5, in a public hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice (London), the High Court will decide whether these two points are 'of general public importance'. If that is considered to be the case, the appeal will then proceed to the Supreme Court.
On November 24 the UK Parliament will debate the extradition of Julian Assange, among other cases. If you live in the UK, contact your MP on the subject ahead of November 24.
Prior to the appeal being lodged today, both Swedish and British media erroneously reported Julian Assange would not appeal the High Court’s decision, therefore it’s worth reminding readers only WikiLeaks and Sweden vs. Assange provide reliable information on this case.
"Most outside, neutral observers privately agree that the GSL could have finished off the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) more quickly if they had been willing to risk a higher level of civilian casualties." [via Colombo Telegraph]
November 14 to November 18: a Call-in to The White House and Military to Demand UN Access to Bradley Manning is happening this week.
The first two contacts, whose phone lines are to be flooded with calls demanding the authorization of a UN visit to Bradley Manning are:
* Secretary of the Army Public Affairs Officer Lt. Anne Edgecomb: 703-697-3491
* Army Chief of Staff Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col Alayne Conway: 703-693-4961
More information at
November 17: Led by Christine Assange, Julian Assange's mother, an antiwar protest, also against Julian's extradition and U.S. government’s measures against WikiLeaks will occur in front of the Parliament House in Canberra on the occasion of US President Obama's visit to Australia. Please join.
Know more about this protest.
November 17: whistleblower Rudolf Elmer's appeal hearing will take place. Prosecution requests 'convicted on all charges' verdict and increased sentence.
Before November 24: the UK Parliament will, on November 24 debate the extradition of Julian Assange, among other cases. If you live in the UK, write your MP on the subject ahead of this debate. Here’s how. (All details about this case at Sweden vs. Assange)
November 28: a new WikiLeaks online submission system is to be launched.
November 28: Julian Assange and Kristinn Hrafnsson debate the topic The WikiLeaks effect: the rebirth of investigative journalism at the GEN News World Summit (Hong Kong).
November 29: Channel 4 airs new special ‘WikiLeaks: Secrets and Lies’.
December 5: Public hearing for Julian Assange’s appeal at the Royal Courts of Justice (London).
December 17: Vigil for Bradley Manning on his 24th Birthday:
Saturday, December 17 · 12:00am - 11:30pm
[For more details, see Vigil for Bradley Manning on his 24th Birthday's facebook page.]
Send small gifts and birthday cards to the following address
Bradley Manning 89289
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 6602
Other action campaigns in support of WikiLeaks/Julian Assange
Please take the time to read and send these letters, or to compose your own, and demand justice for Julian Assange and others affected by the same legislations and procedures.
Julian Assange has been under house arrest for 344 days without having being charged of a crime.
Bradley Manning has spent 561 days detained without trial.
A Fair Trials International campaign was launched to end pre-trial detention within the EU. Fair Trials International also advocate the reform of the European Arrest Warrant.
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