2011-06-29 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update," constantly updated throughout each day. The blog tracks stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks but also follows stories related to freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.

11:35 PM Senator Youri Latortue, ally of Haiti's president, described as a drug-trafficker, gang godfather, death-squad leader and overall corrupt politician in U.S. State Department cables.

11:25 PM Inside Canada’s very own W.T.F.: a Wikileaks Task force and a ‘war room’ were set in Ottawa to deal with Wikileaks releases by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs. This ‘war room’ used to be operational 12 hours a day and was the only place where access to the Wikileaks website was allowed.

04:40 PM Curators of Wikileaks-inspired art exhibition Information is Currency praise Wikileaks' impact in new interview:

WikiLeaks has shaken power dynamics; it has given some power back to people. 'We can access you; you're not impenetrable or invincible, and we can wreak our own sense of moral justice on you'. That's what youth identify with; that they want to wrestle some of this power back.


03:10 PM Event featuring Julian Assange and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek deemed too controversial by the University of London, after strong interest in hosting the conversation was shown.

03:00 PM Bradley Manning’s overall mood and demeanor have greatly improved since moving to Fort Leavenworth, writes his lawyer. Bradley is in regular contact with his defense team and family and is thankful for the hundreds of letters of support he receives weekly.

02:55 PM Two Wikileaks supporters review the first theatre play based on Wikileaks and Julian Assange, Ron Elisha’s Stainless Steel Rat:

1. It is clear that nobody gains from this stinking jewel of misinformation, toxic parody and cynical caricature except the egos of those who “wanted to be first” to ride on WikiLeaks’ fame whilst at the same time poisoning the well.

2. I would echo the plea made by @Wikileaks - make your own art using the rich trove of world changing material that Wikileaks has given us. But make it your own, make it honest and make it count.

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