2011-06-26 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update," constantly updated throughout each day. The blog tracks stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks but also follows stories related to freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, freedom of expression, and sometimes the national security establishment of the United States because each issue/topic helps one further understand WikiLeaks and vice versa. All the times are GMT.

17:35 PM The Chinese government has refused to comment on a U.S. State Department cable that reveals China’s ex-Finance Minister Jin Renqing was victim of a honeytrap by a woman believed to be a Taiwan intelligence operative. This situation preceded his sudden resignation in 2007.

15:20 PM Wikileaks' supporters organize events in London advocating Julian Assange’s freedom : a Free Assange, End The Wars public meeting is scheduled for the 9th of July, at the Giuseppe Conlon House and a video of a previous manifestation of support entitled Julian Assange Subterranean Homesick Blues can be seen on youtube :

Event organizer and Australian peace activist Ciaron O’Reilly highlights the importance of supporting the Wikileaks founder and Bradley Manning, and urges the peace movement to show solidarity to both men.

14:50 PM Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega is said in a diplomatic cable to have done ‘dirty work’ for Cuba’s government by ordering the shut down of Vitral, a Roman Catholic magazine critical of the communist regime.

14:30 PM A rumor quickly spread, started by a fake Wikileaks Argentina twitter account, that Hugo Chavez had died of a heart attack. Wikileaks has since had to deny any association, but the fake account unfortunately still exists.

14:25 PM LulzSec says bon voyage, but according to Sabu : « we are now working under the #antisec flag gentlemen ».

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