The Wired rebuttal to Glenn Greenwald's article yesterday is online. It is written by both Kevin Poulsen and Evan Hansen, each making their own points as follows.
The Case for Privacy
–Evan Hansen, Editor-in-Chief
A Litany of Errors
Rasch, who worked for the Justice Department in Washington D.C., left government service in 1991. I had two prosecutors in my phone-hacking case: David Schindler in Los Angeles and Robert Crowe in San Jose, California.
-Kevin Poulsen, Senior Editor
By my assessment, this very long, two author rebuttal has one newsworthy point, which is the last. This was the reference Greenwald used.
Update: Greenwald comes back here and provides more sources and dates for the Poulsen-Rasch connection here. He also states, and supports, that he was not aware of Jacob Appelbaum's association with WikiLeaks when he wrote the article in question.
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Wired's One Newsworthy Point?
So, Glenn was hasty in accepting the claim in a bio (quite likely provided by Rasch, himself) for a Rasch appearance at an upcoming conference? Rasch said he prosecuted Poulsen and Poulsen begs to differ?
OK. Noted.
Now, Wired, as for you: If you don't have a better response to Greenwald's well-founded accusations than that, you should expect to come out of this mess quite badly tarnished.
Your next step should be publication of the unedited logs, along with sufficient headers, etc. to allow us to form an opinion about whether they are genuine or not.
Tomorrow would be a good day to start.