2010-12-24 Glenn Greenwald: What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010

Glenn Greenwald has assembled a graphic collection of headlines from around the world that dramatize how much WikiLeaks has revealed since April 2010, and counters claims either that there was "nothing new" in the documents or that they have done "grave harm" to U.S. national security.

As a coda to the succession of headlines, Greenwald writes:

Those are the truths that led WikiLeaks -- and whomever the leaker(s) is -- to sacrifice their own interests in order to disclose to the world.

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Merry Christmas

I wish a Merry Christmas to all the staff at Wikileaks and WL Central!

Merry Christmas to you too,

Merry Christmas to you too, xdiesp! It's nice to have you over here. :)

It is very important what

It is very important what Glenn does, to ensure these revelations stay alive and the MSM don't revert to sticking their heads in the sand.

I agree, xdiesp. Glenn and

I agree, xdiesp. Glenn and Amy Goodman and some others have worked so hard over the last few months to keep people's attention focused on the genuine importance of this work. They have my support and thanks.

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