1. Introduction
2. Revelations
3. Chronology
4. Data resources
5. Major coverage from release partners
The momentous release by WikiLeaks of 251,287 US diplomatic cables starting on November 28, 2010 in conjunction with The Guardian, Le Monde, El País, Der Spiegel and The New York Times has been regarded by many commentators as "a worldwide diplomatic crisis" (The Guardian) and "political meltdown for American foreign policy" (Der Spiegel).
"The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them," said WikiLeaks on the introduction page for the release.
The documents point not only to questionable practices on behalf of the US, but also on behalf of the partner states concerned. As the release will this time be done in stages, the full extent of the revelations in the cables is not yet apparent. The five major release media partners will continue to analyze the content and provide further in-depth reporting.
A few key disclosures made so far include the following:
Browse, search and download the embassy cables released so far:
5. Major coverage from release partners
Please see the links below for coverage details from The Guardian, Le Monde, El País, Der Spiegel and The New York Times. Each of these media organizations has full sections dedicated to the WikiLeaks embassy cable revelations, with new articles being posted daily.
Der Spiegel - English coverage
"Such surprises from the annals of US diplomacy will dominate the headlines in the coming days when the New York Times, London's Guardian, Paris' Le Monde, Madrid's El Pais and SPIEGEL begin shedding light on the treasure trove of secret documents from the State Department. Included are 243,270 diplomatic cables filed by US embassies to the State Department and 8,017 directives that the State Department sent to its diplomatic outposts around the world. In the coming days, the participating media will show in a series of investigative stories how America seeks to steer the world. The development is no less than a political meltdown for American foreign policy.
Never before in history has a superpower lost control of such vast amounts of such sensitive information -- data that can help paint a picture of the foundation upon which US foreign policy is built. Never before has the trust America's partners have in the country been as badly shaken. Now, their own personal views and policy recommendations have been made public -- as have America's true views of them."
Further English coverage from Der Spiegel:
Section front: WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables
What Do the Diplomatic Cables Really Tell Us?
'Tribune of Anatolia': Diplomatic Cables Reveal US Doubts about Turkey's Government
The Germany Dispatches: Internal Source Kept US Informed of Merkel Coalition Negotiations
Foreign Policy Meltdown: Leaked Cables Reveal True US Worldview
Orders from Clinton: US Diplomats Told to Spy on Other Countries at United Nations
The US Diplomatic Leaks: A Superpower's View of the World
Der Spiegel: Diplomats or spooks? How US Diplomats Were Told to Spy on UN and Ban Ki-Moon
"The US State Department gave its diplomats instructions to spy on other countries' representatives at the United Nations, according to a directive signed by Hillary Clinton. Diplomats were told to collect information about e-mail accounts, passwords and encryption keys, credit cards, biometric information and a whole lot more.
Such methods violate all the rules laid down within the UN. In the "Convention on the Privileges and Immunity within the United Nations" as in the "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations," it is stated that no methods of espionage should be used. In addition, the US and the UN signed an agreement in 1947 ruling out undercover activities."
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Der Spiegel: Laughter in Rome, Denials in Berlin: The World Reacts to Massive Diplomatic Leak
"Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, depicted as a vain party animal in the US State Department cables disclosed by WikiLeaks on Sunday, "had a good laugh" upon learning of the revelations. Others aren't as sanguine. A US Representative wants to designate the Internet platform as a terrorist organization."
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Der Spiegel: Blackwater Subsidiary Flouted German Arms Export Laws
"A subsidiary of the US private security firm Blackwater flouted German arms export law, the US diplomatic cables have revealed. The company, Presidential Airways, didn't want to wait to get the proper export permit, so it simply transported the aircraft to Afghanistan via third countries."
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Der Spiegel: Unstable Pakistan Has US on Edge
"The US diplomatic cables provide deep insights into the true extent of Pakistan's true volatility. American Embassy dispatches show that the military and the Pakistani secret service are heavily involved in the atomic power's politics -- and often work against US interests."
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Der Spiegel: The 'Tribune of Anatolia': America's Dark View of Turkish Premier Erdogan
"The US is concerned about its NATO ally Turkey. Embassy dispatches portray Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a power-hungry Islamist surrounded by corrupt and incompetent ministers. Washington no longer believes that the country will ever join the European Union."
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Der Spiegel: Geheimdepeschen enthüllen Weltsicht der USA
"Es ist ein Desaster für die US-Diplomatie. WikiLeaks hat mehr als 250.000 Dokumente aus dem Washingtoner Außenministerium zugespielt bekommen, interne Botschaftsberichte aus aller Welt. Sie enthüllen, wie die Supermacht die Welt wirklich sieht - und ihren globalen Einfluss wahren will.[...]
Solche Überraschungen aus den Annalen der US-Diplomatie werden in den nächsten Tagen die Schlagzeilen beherrschen, denn von diesem Montag an beginnen die "New York Times", der Londoner "Guardian", der Pariser "Monde", das Madrider "País" und DER SPIEGEL damit, den geheimen Datenschatz des Außenministeriums ans Licht zu holen. Aus einem Fundus von 243.270 diplomatischen Depeschen, die Amerikas Botschaften an die Zentrale sendeten, und 8017 Direktiven, welche das State Departement an seine Botschaften in aller Welt verschickte, versuchen die beteiligten Medien in einer Serie von Enthüllungsgeschichten nachzuzeichnen, wie Amerika die Welt lenken möchte."
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Further coverage from Der Spiegel:
US-Depeschen über Deutschland: Skepsis gegenüber Schwarz-Gelb
US-Depeschen über die Türkei: Furcht vor islamistischen Tendenzen unter Erdogan
US-Depeschen über Iran: USA paktieren mit Arabern
US-Depeschen über die Uno: Außenministerium lässt Diplomaten ausspähen
Themenseite: Alles zu den Botschaftsdepeschen
El País: Los secretos de la diplomacia de Estados Unidos, al descubierto
"EL PAÍS, en colaboración con otros diarios de Europa y Estados Unidos, revela a partir de hoy el contenido de la mayor filtración de documentos secretos a la que jamás se haya tenido acceso en toda la historia. Se trata de una colección de más de 250.000 mensajes del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos, obtenidos por la página digital Wikileaks, en los que se descubren episodios inéditos ocurridos en los puntos más conflictivos del mundo, así como otros muchos sucesos y datos de gran relevancia que desnudan por completo la política exterior norteamericana, sacan a la luz sus mecanismos y sus fuentes, dejan en evidencia sus debilidades y obsesiones, y en conjunto facilitan la comprensión por parte de los ciudadanos de las circunstancias en las que se desarrolla el lado oscuro de las relaciones internacionales."
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Further coverage from El País:
Washington ordena espiar en la ONU
Los árabes piden a EE UU frenar a Irán por cualquier medio
EE UU vigila de cerca la agenda islamista de Erdogan
Wikileaks, información transparente contra el secretismo
"La seguridad de las fuentes, fundamental"
Directo: Las repercusiones de la filtración de papeles
2010-11-29: El Pais: Los internautas preguntan a Javier Moreno
Javier Moreno, director of El Pais, answers questions from readers about the WikiLeaks embassy cable release and the decision of his newspaper to publish it: "Let us say, as modestly as we can, that Wikileaks has allowed us to do great journalism. Journalism that changes history is needed by the citizens more than ever in a world where states and politicians are increasingly trying to hide information from their societies."
2010-11-29: El Pais: Clinton indagó en la salud física y mental de la presidenta argentina
"Clinton doubted the physical and mental health of the Argentine president. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was just an instrument of her husband, Néstor Kirchner, according to telegrams from the US embassy in Buenos Aires. The cables also reveal that the South American government offered to collaborate with Washington against Evo Morales of Bolivia."
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2010-11-30: El País: "Los ministros españoles trabajan para que no prosperen las órdenes de detención"
"EE UU contaba con el Gobierno y los fiscales para cerrar el 'caso Couso'.- Un cable de la Embajada de Estados Unidos afirma que Conde-Pumpido dijo a Aguirre que hacía lo que podía para el archivo de la causa por la muerte en Bagdad del cámara de Telecinco.- "Moratinos asegura que la vicepresidenta De la Vega se ha implicado en el asunto" "
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2010-11-30: El País: Los espías cubanos actúan por libre en Venezuela y despachan con Chávez
"El despliegue de los servicios de inteligencia cubanos en Venezuela es tan profundo que disfrutan de "acceso directo" al presidente Hugo Chávez y, frecuentemente, le hacen llegar información no compartida con los servicios de inteligencia locales, según indican cables enviados al Departamento de Estado por su embajada en Caracas. "Delicados informes indican que los lazos de inteligencia entre Cuba y Venezuela son tan estrechos que sus agencias parecen rivalizar para conseguir la atención del gobierno bolivariano", indica el cable 51158, fechado el 30 de enero de 2006."
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2010-11-30: El País: Pakistán presta apoyo encubierto a grupos terroristas
"Los papeles secretos de la diplomacia norteamericana sobre Pakistán descubren un escenario escalofriante. Los documentos revelan los temores de Washington con todo lo relacionado con la seguridad de las instalaciones atómicas paquistaníes, donde trabajan más 120.000 personas, su "frustración" por la creciente falta de cooperación de Islamabad en temas de no proliferación y su alarma por la utilización por parte de los militares y los servicios secretos paquistaníes de "los grupos terroristas como herramientas de la política exterior". Para colmo, debido a la rivalidad histórica con India, Pakistán sigue incrementado su arsenal nuclear."
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2010-11-30: El País: "Zaragoza tiene una estrategia para torcer el brazo a Garzón en el 'caso Guantánamo"
"La Embajada de Estados Unidos trabajó a fondo en la primavera de 2009 para frenar una querella presentada en la Audiencia Nacional por crímenes de guerra y torturas en la prisión de Guantánamo (Cuba). El escrito, elaborado por un grupo de abogados afincados en España, iba dirigido contra los seis asesores jurídicos del Gobierno de George W. Bush que habían diseñado la arquitectura legal que sustentaba Guantánamo, entre ellos el ex fiscal general Alberto Gonzales o David Addington, ex jefe de gabinete del vicepresidente Dick Cheney."
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2010-12-01: El País: "Tendremos que ser conscientes de lo que está en juego cuando uno se sienta delante de un funcionario de EE UU"
"Ex diplomáticos españoles celebran que salgan a la luz 250.000 documentos secretos de la mayor potencia del mundo.[...]
Máximo Cajal, diplomático retirado que ejerció durante 35 años su oficio, cree que la Casa Blanca, sólo trata de "eludir las muchas responsabilidades que en este tema tiene la Administración Obama, aunque algunas de ellas sean sobrevenidas". "Además, con esas críticas sólo se pretende matar al mensajero". En cuanto a lo que concierne a España, Cajal opina que se deberían extraer algunas lecciones. "Estos documentos ponen al desnudo las presiones confesables y algunas inconfesables a los que están sometidos los llamados países aliados. Los llamados países aliados tendremos que ser más cautos. El jefe de Estado, los ministros, la Magistratura, los fiscales... En el futuro tendremos que ser conscientes de lo que está en juego cuando uno se sienta delante de un funcionario de EE UU. No se trata sólo de que puedan aparecer sus manifestaciones publicadas, como ha ocurrido, sino que uno puede verse sometido a presiones. Hay que ser cauteloso con lo que se dice y con lo que se escucha, porque muchas veces compromete más lo que se escucha que lo que se dice"."
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Section front page: http://www.lemonde.fr/documents-wikileaks/
Le Monde: Les révélations de WikiLeaks sur les coulisses de la diplomatie américaine
"Les cinq journaux vont publier, à partir du 28 novembre, des dizaines d'articles sur les coulisses de la diplomatie américaine, ainsi que des pays avec lesquels les Etats-Unis sont en contact. Les thèmes sont avant tout diplomatiques et politiques. Les relations des Etats-Unis avec l'Europe, la Russie, la Chine et les pays du Moyen-Orient sont longuement évoquées. L'Afghanistan et l'Irak, les deux pays où l'Amérique est en guerre, sont très présents. Le terrorisme et la prolifération nucléaire sont des sujets permanents. Le Monde publiera des dossiers spéciaux sur la France.
De même que l'on ne découvrira pas le nom de l'assassin du président Kennedy dans les archives du département d'Etat, ce n'est pas en lisant ces télégrammes qu'on connaîtra les plus protégés des secrets d'Etat. Mais aucun sujet d'intérêt politique, du plus sérieux au plus futile, n'est absent de ces câbles qui, selon le degré d'information et le talent du diplomate, dresse un passionnant état des lieux de la planète, scrutée par des regards américains."
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Further coverage from Le Monde:
2010-11-28: Pourquoi "Le Monde" publie les documents WikiLeaks
2010-11-28: Observer le régime iranien et ses méthodes d'intimidation
2010-11-28: Iran : comment les Israéliens ont poussé Washington à la fermeté
2010-11-28: La peur des pays arabes face à l'Iran
2010-11-28: Espionnage : les ordres de Washington aux diplomates américains
2010-11-28: Manning, un militaire à l'origine des plus grandes " fuites " de l'histoire
2010-11-29: Les révélations de WikiLeaks en quelques phrases-clés
2010-11-29: Wikileaks : l'embarras de Washington au sujet des anciens détenus de Guantanamo
2010-11-29: Wikileaks : quand la France négociait avec les Etats-Unis le sort de détenus de Guantanamo
2010-11-29: Wikileaks : comment Washington voit la lutte contre le terrorisme en France
2010-11-29: Pour Washington, les révélations de WikiLeaks sont "un crime grave"
2010-11-30: Espionnage : les ordres de Washington à ses diplomates
2010-11-29: Le Monde: Les révélations de WikiLeaks en quelques phrases-clés
Le Monde summarizes some of the key revelations disclosed so far in the WikiLeaks embassy cables, from the Arab leaders' concerns about Iran to the Putin-Berlusconi relationship, the Russian "mafia state," views on Sarkozy, Karzai, Erdogan, Kadhafi, diplomatic espionage and Chinese attack on Google.
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2010-11-29: Le Monde: Wikileaks : comment Washington voit la lutte contre le terrorisme en France
"La guerre en Irak a provoqué un fort refroidissement des relations diplomatiques entre la France, qui y était opposée, et les Etats-Unis. Mais on sait moins que, pendant ce temps, la coopération policière et judicaire n'a fait que se renforcer. Une coopération "mature et étendue (…) largement hermétique aux bisbilles politiques et diplomatiques quotidiennes qui peuvent faire de la France un allié souvent difficile", souligne un télégramme envoyé de Paris le 7 avril 2005, obtenu par WikiLeaks et étudié par Le Monde."
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2010-11-30: Le Monde: WikiLeaks : le Pakistan, un allié inconfortable dans la "guerre contre la terreur"
""Méfiance", "Suspicion". Ces termes reviennent souvent sous la plume d'Anne Patterson, ambassadrice américaine à Islamabad entre 2007 et 2010, pour qualifier l'ambiguïté des relations entre les Etats-Unis et le Pakistan, alliés inconfortables de la "guerre contre la terreur". Les Américains n'en finissent pas de se plaindre de l'attitude sélective de l'armée pakistanaise à l'endroit des divers groupes talibans, selon qu'ils frappent au Pakistan ou en Afghanistan.
De leur côté, les Pakistanais – analysent les câbles américains – vivent toujours dans la crainte d'être abandonnés par les Etats-Unis une fois leurs objectifs stratégiques atteints, à l'instar du scénario qui avait suivi le départ des troupes soviétiques d'Afghanistan en 1989. En dépit de cette relation crispée, les Américains engrangent quelque acquis, en obtenant notamment d'Islamabad la présence de leurs forces spéciales dans les zones tribales où l'armée pakistanaise combat les foyers insurrectionnels talibans."
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2010-11-30: Le Monde: Irak : les "ex" de Blackwater sont désormais employés par DynCorp
"Blackwater change de nom et devient "Xe" en 2009. Sa licence ne sera finalement pas renouvelée en Irak et elle prendra le chemin de l'Afghanistan. En revanche, l'ordre du premier ministre Maliki d'expulser "tous les agents et ex-agents" de la firme ne sera pas entièrement respecté. Un télégramme diplomatique du 5 janvier 2010 l'établit clairement : "Bonne nouvelle pour nos opérations aériennes", se félicite le diplomate qui le rédige : "Le ministère de l'intérieur irakien a approuvé la licence de la société DynCorp, bien qu'il sache qu'elle emploie beaucoup d'anciens de Blackwater."
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2010-11-30: Le Monde: Cuba-Venezuela, "l'axe de la Malice", dit l'ambassade américaine à Caracas
"Après "l'axe du Mal" cher à George Bush (Irak-Iran-Corée du Nord), voici "l'axe de la Malice". C'est ainsi que l'ambassade américaine à Caracas qualifie l'alliance entre Cuba et le Venezuela dans un rapport secret de janvier 2006 obtenu par WikiLeaks et révélé par Le Monde. Les diplomates des Etats-Unis considèrent que les opposants au président vénézuélien, Hugo Chavez, ont fait fausse route en dénonçant "les ingérences et le communisme cubains". Cet argument ne porte pas auprès des "Vénézuéliens pauvres", car les programmes sociaux inspirés et soutenus par La Havane sont appréciés. Cependant, l'ambassade prend très au sérieux "la large coopération des Cubains avec les services de renseignement vénézuéliens"."
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The Guardian: US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomacy crisis
"The United States was catapulted into a worldwide diplomatic crisis today, with the leaking to the Guardian and other international media of more than 250,000 classified cables from its embassies, many sent as recently as February this year.
At the start of a series of daily extracts from the US embassy cables - many of which are designated "secret" – the Guardian can disclose that Arab leaders are privately urging an air strike on Iran and that US officials have been instructed to spy on the UN's leadership.
These two revelations alone would be likely to reverberate around the world. But the secret dispatches which were obtained by WikiLeaks, the whistlebowers' website, also reveal Washington's evaluation of many other highly sensitive international issues."
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Further coverage from The Guardian:
Diplomats ordered to spy on UN leaders
Saudis repeatedly urge attack on Iran
How 250,000 US embassy cables were leaked
Siprnet: America's secret information database
Explore the US embassy cables database
2010-11-28: The Guardian: The job of the media is not to protect power from embarrassment
The Guardian's Simon Jenkins writes: "Perhaps we can now see how catastrophe unfolds when there is time to avert it, rather than having to await a Chilcot report after the event. If that is not in the public's interest, I fail to see what is.
Clearly, it is for governments, not journalists, to protect public secrets. Were there some overriding national jeopardy in revealing them, greater restraint might be in order. There is no such overriding jeopardy, except from the policies themselves as revealed. Where it is doing the right thing, a great power should be robust against embarrassment."
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2010-11-28: The Guardian: Editorial: Open secrets
"The next question: what is a secret? It is worth remembering the words Max Frankel, a former editor of the New York Times, wrote to his paper's own lawyers as they were fighting off the litigation around the 1971 publication of the Pentagon Papers, a comparable leak to the present one. He wrote: 'Practically everything that our government does, plans, thinks, hears and contemplates in the realm of foreign policy is stamped and treated as secret – and then unravelled by that same government, by the Congress and by the press in one continuing round of professional and social contacts and co-operative exchanges of information.'[...]
Once the material fell into the hands of WikiLeaks, an organisation dedicated to publishing information of all kinds, there was no realistic chance of it being suppressed. While opposing publication, the US administration has acknowledged that the involvement of news organisations has not only given protection to many sources, but has also given a context to information which, had it been simply dumped, would have been both overwhelming and free of any such context. As Timothy Garton Ash puts it: it is both a historian's dream and a diplomat's nightmare."
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2010-11-28: The Guardian: US embassy cables: A banquet of secrets
"A diplomat's nightmare is a historian's dream – a feast of data that deepens our understanding," writes Timothy Garton Ash. "The historian usually has to wait 20 or 30 years to find such treasures. Here, the most recent dispatches are little more than 30 weeks old. And what a trove this is. It contains more than 250,000 documents. Most of those I have seen, on my dives into a vast ocean, are well over 1,000 words long. If my sample is at all representative, there must be a total at least 250m words – and perhaps up to half a billion. As all archival researchers know, there is a special quality of understanding that comes from exposure to a large body of sources, be it a novelist's letters, a ministry's papers or diplomatic traffic – even though much of the material is routine. With prolonged immersion, you get a deep sense of priorities, character, thought patterns. [...]
There is a public interest in understanding how the world works and what is done in our name. There is a public interest in the confidential conduct of foreign policy. The two public interests conflict."
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2010-11-29: The Guardian: UN seeks answers from Washington
"[US ambassador to US Susan] Rice was questioned about a leaked US cable showing diplomats were asked to find personal financial details about the UN leadership, including credit card information, passwords for their communications systems and frequent-flier membership. Ban's office hit back at the US with a warning that any violation of UN "immunity" may breach international law.
Rice, speaking after a meeting of the security council today, three times declined to deal directly with questions about the spying."
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2010-11-29: The Guardian: Wikileaks cables reveal China 'ready to abandon North Korea'
"China has signalled its readiness to accept Korean reunification and is privately distancing itself from the North Korean regime, according to leaked US embassy cables that reveal senior Beijing figures regard their official ally as a 'spoiled child'," writes Simon Tisdall.
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2010-11-30: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cable reveals secret pledge to protect US at Iraq inquiry
"The British government promised to protect America's interests during the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war, according to a secret cable sent from the US embassy in London.
Jon Day, the Ministry of Defence's director general for security policy, told US under-secretary of state Ellen Tauscher that the UK had "put measures in place to protect your interests during the UK inquiry into the causes of the Iraq war".
The admission came in the cable sent on 22 September 2009, which recorded a series of high-level meetings between Tauscher and UK defence officials and diplomats, which involved the then foreign secretary, David Miliband."
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2010-11-30: The Guardian: Cables expose Pakistan nuclear fears
David Leigh writes: "American and British diplomats fear Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme could lead to fissile material falling into the hands of terrorists or a devastating nuclear exchange with India.
The latest cache of US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks contains warnings that Pakistan is rapidly building its nuclear stockpile despite the country's growing instability and "pending economic catastrophe".[...]
The leak of classified US diplomatic correspondence exposes in detail the deep tensions between Washington and Islamabad over a broad range of issues, including counter-terrorism, Afghanistan and finance, as well as the nuclear question. "
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2010-11-30: The Guardian: Wikileaks: US pressured Spain over CIA rendition and Guantánamo torture
"US officials tried to influence Spanish prosecutors and government officials to head off court investigations into Guantánamo Bay torture allegations, secret CIA "extraordinary rendition" flights and the killing of a Spanish journalist by US troops in Iraq, according to secret US diplomatic cables.
Among their biggest worries were investigations pursued by the magistrate Baltasar Garzón, who US officials described as having "an anti-American streak".
"We are certainly under no illusions about the individual with whom we are dealing," they said after he opened an investigation into torture at Guantánamo Bay prison camp. "Judge Garzon has been a storied and controversial figure in recent Spanish history, whose ambition and pursuit of the spotlight may be without rival."
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2010-11-30: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: US special forces working inside Pakistan
"Small teams of US special forces soldiers have been secretly embedded with Pakistani military forces in the tribal belt, helping to hunt down Taliban and al-Qaida fighters and co-ordinate drone strikes, the embassy cables reveal.
The numbers involved are small – just 16 soldiers in October 2009 – but the deployment is of immense political significance, described in a cable that provides an unprecedented glimpse into covert American operations in the world's most violent al-Qaida hotbed."
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2010-11-30: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Pakistani army chief considered plan to oust president
"Pakistan's army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, considered pushing President Asif Ali Zardari from office and forcing him into exile to resolve a political dispute, the US embassy cables reveal.
Kayani aired the idea during a frantic round of meetings with the US ambassador Anne Patterson in March 2009 as opposition leader Nawaz Sharif rallied thousands of supporters in a street movement that threatened to topple the government."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Pakistan opposition 'tipped off' Mumbai terror group
"Pakistan's president alleged that the brother of Pakistan's opposition leader, Nawaz Sharif, "tipped off" the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) about impending UN sanctions following the 2008 Mumbai attacks, allowing the outfit to empty its bank accounts before they could be raided."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Secret deal let Americans sidestep cluster bomb ban
"British and American officials colluded in a plan to hoodwink parliament over a proposed ban on cluster bombs, the Guardian can disclose.
According to leaked US embassy dispatches, David Miliband, who was Britain's foreign secretary under Labour, approved the use of a loophole to manoeuvre around the ban and allow the US to keep the munitions on British territory."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables condemn Russia as 'mafia state'
"Russia is a corrupt, autocratic kleptocracy centred on the leadership of Vladimir Putin, in which officials, oligarchs and organised crime are bound together to create a "virtual mafia state", according to leaked secret diplomatic cables that provide a damning American assessment of its erstwhile rival superpower.
Arms trafficking, money laundering, personal enrichment, protection for gangsters, extortion and kickbacks, suitcases full of money and secret offshore bank accounts in Cyprus: the cables paint a bleak picture of a political system in which bribery alone totals an estimated $300bn a year, and in which it is often hard to distinguish between the activities of the government and organised crime."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables allege Russia bribed Viktor Bout witnesses
"Russia tried to block the extradition of the suspected international arms trafficker Viktor Bout from Thailand to America by bribing key witnesses, the US claims.
Diplomats in Bangkok alleged in cables released by WikiLeaks that Bout's "Russian supporters" had paid witnesses to give false testimony during his extradition hearing."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Moscow mayor presided over 'pyramid of corruption'
"The US ambassador to Russia claimed that Moscow's veteran mayor Yuri Luzhkov sat on top of a "pyramid of corruption" involving the Kremlin, Russia's police force, its security service, political parties and crime groups."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Alexander Litvinenko murder 'probably had Putin's OK'
"Vladimir Putin was likely to have known about the operation in London to murder the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko, Washington's top diplomat in Europe alleged in secret conversations in Paris.
Daniel Fried, the assistant secretary of state, questioned whether "rogue elements" in Russia's security services could have carried out the hit without Putin's direct approval."
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2010-12-01: The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables claim Russia armed Georgian separatists
"Russia provided Grad missiles and other arms to separatists in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and carried out a wave of "covert actions" to undermine Georgia in the runup to the 2008 Russian-Georgian war, US diplomatic cables say.
The Kremlin's hostile measures against Georgia included missile attacks, murder plots and "a host of smaller-scale actions", the leaked cables said. Russian secret services also ran a disinformation campaign against Georgia's pro-American, pro-Nato president, Mikheil Saakashvili, claiming he suffered from "paranoid dysfunction"."
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The New York Times: State's Secrets: Cables Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels
"A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at backroom bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views of foreign leaders and frank assessments of nuclear and terrorist threats.
Some of the cables, made available to The New York Times and several other news organizations, were written as recently as late February, revealing the Obama administration’s exchanges over crises and conflicts. The material was originally obtained by WikiLeaks, an organization devoted to revealing secret documents. WikiLeaks intends to make the archive public on its Web site in batches, beginning Sunday.
The anticipated disclosure of the cables is already sending shudders through the diplomatic establishment, and could conceivably strain relations with some countries, influencing international affairs in ways that are impossible to predict."
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Further coverage from the New York Times:
Documents: selected dispatches
Around the world, distress over Iran
Mixing diplomacy with spying
Iran is fortified with North Korean aid
A note to readers: the decision to publish diplomatic documents
2010-11-29: The New York Times: Answers to Readers’ Questions About State’s Secrets
NY Times ediror Bill Keller: "So, two basic questions. Why do we get to decide? And why did we decide to publish these articles and selected cables?
We get to decide because America is cursed with a free press. I’m the first to admit that news organizations, including this one, sometimes get things wrong. We can be overly credulous (as in some of the reporting about Iraq’s purported Weapons of Mass Destruction) or overly cynical about official claims and motives. We may err on the side of keeping secrets (President Kennedy wished, after the fact, that The Times had published what it knew about the planned Bay of Pigs invasion) or on the side of exposing them. We make the best judgments we can. When we get things wrong, we try to correct the record. A free press in a democracy can be messy.
But the alternative is to give the government a veto over what its citizens are allowed to know. Anyone who has worked in countries where the news diet is controlled by the government can sympathize with Thomas Jefferson’s oft-quoted remark that he would rather have newspapers without government than government without newspapers. And Jefferson had plenty of quarrels with the press of his day."
Read more
2010-11-30: The New York Times: U.S. Haggled to Find Takers for Detainees From Guantánamo
"American diplomats went looking for countries that were not only willing to take in former prisoners but could be trusted to keep them under close watch. In a global bazaar of sorts, the officials sweet-talked and haggled with foreign counterparts in efforts to resettle detainees who were cleared for release but could not be repatriated for fear of mistreatment, the cables show."
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2010-12-01: The New York Times: Ahoy Washington, Need Advice: Blackwater Plans Pirate Hunt
"In late 2008, Blackwater Worldwide, already under fire because of accusations of abuses by its security guards in Iraq and Afghanistan, reconfigured a 183-foot oceanographic research vessel into a pirate-hunting ship for hire and then began looking for business from shipping companies seeking protection from Somali pirates. The company’s chief executive officer, Erik Prince, was planning a trip to Djibouti for a promotional event in March 2009, and Blackwater was hoping that the American Embassy there would help out, according to a secret State Department cable."
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2010-12-01: The New York Times: Nuclear Fuel Memos Expose Wary Dance With Pakistan
"It may be the most unnerving evidence of the complex relationship — sometimes cooperative, often confrontational, always wary — between America and Pakistan nearly 10 years into the American-led war in Afghanistan. The cables, obtained by WikiLeaks and made available to a number of news organizations, make it clear that underneath public reassurances lie deep clashes over strategic goals on issues like Pakistan’s support for the Afghan Taliban and tolerance of Al Qaeda, and Washington’s warmer relations with India, Pakistan’s archenemy."
Read more
If you got here from an old link, please visit our new campaigns and petitions page, or the master list.
Mo Nabbous is thought by many to be the most inspiring journalist we have seen in a very long time. We feel that he ought to be a CNN 2011 hero. Please go here to nominate him.
Everyday People Changing the World
From Wikipedia: NPR social media strategist Andy Carvin called Nabbous "the face of Libyan citizen journalism;" Nabbous was the primary contact of many international media outlets looking for information regarding the situation in Libya.[citation needed] Nabbous was also the founder of the independent internet tv station in Libya: Libya Alhurra TV, broadcasting on Livestream.com.
Nabbous' online news station, Libya Alhurra TV, was the only broadcast coming out of Benghazi when Muammar Gaddafi shut down internet lines when the February 2011 uprising began.[4] Using an illegal satellite connection, Nabbous was able to bypass government blocks on internet in order to broadcast live images from Benghazi across the world. As the independent voice for a Libyan population during the 2011 Libyan uprising, Der Spiegel reporter Clemens Höges called Nabbous "the man who just might be the most important person in the revolution."
One of the first videos WL Central posted when we began our live blog on Libya on February 17th, was a livestream video from Mo (shown below). The video, entitled "Tell The World What Is Happening To Us!" (first link below) was the first real live voice out of Benghazi, aired on February 19th. From the 15th forward there had just been tweets and frightening disjointed street filming to counteract the message from Libya state TV. Mo continued to provide livestream coverage for the next month, which we linked to as a primary source for the 'ceasefire' situation in Benghazi a few hours ago before he was shot. His broadcasts are below.
This campaign and petition is for the arrest and prosecution of Barack Obama pursuant to international law on the prevention of torture and cruel and inhumane treatment of human beings, during his state visit to Ireland on May 22nd. Visit the site here.
Basic goals and principles
From the petition page:We the undersigned, wish to express our support for the following statements: That, pursuant to a universal respect for human rights, and pursuant to the written law in the U.N Convention Against Torture and other international humanitarian treaties, torture, in any form, or its enablement, or the failure to prevent it or prosecute those responsible, is one of the worst crimes possible, and anathema to the values of our political order. That the wrongness of torture is amplified, and not lessened, by power and influence, and that pragmatic interests must not intervene in the rightful prosecution of those responsible for torture, however inconvenient that may be politically. That Barack Obama has now successfully assumed responsibility for the failure to prosecute torture, and that he is responsible, by omission, for the failure to prevent torture occurring under his own administration, and that this is illegal by international law. That Ireland’s obligations under international and domestic law are clear, and that we must prosecute torturers whenever it is possible to do so. That Barack Obama should be arrested when he sets foot on Irish soil, and made to face the consequences of his acts and of his failures to act.
If this campaign does not reach $5,200 by Apr 14th, at 10:32 p.m. PDT, no credit cards will be charged.
UPDATE: Great job guys! With your support we have been able to fund one Wikileaks billboard in Los Angeles and hope to fund more. This particular campaign is to fund a billboard in Chicago to further spread the Wikileaks cause throughout the nation.
It is my sincere hope that everyone who believes in freedom of speech and transparency in government will take action by supporting this billboard campaign. Our government is treading in dangerous waters on this issue. We need to show our elected officials that we defend WikiLeaks, and demand adherence to the 1st Amendment and transparency in government. I stand behind WikiLeaks. Many Americans do. And though we all love our country, we want the facts and deserve the truth.
Our billboard will demand attention and entice news outlets to cover it. It will compel our elected officials to take notice, as we loudly express our support for WikiLeaks. We have a tremendous opportunity here. We can actually make our voices heard. It's up to us to spread this message.
I am extremely passionate about this campaign, but know that with the help of my fellow Epic Steppers, we can make it even better. I came up with this message: "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act! - George Orwell." While I like this message, I think there could be a better one out there. So, I'd like to ask all you amazing designers and writers out there to come up with witty messages and creative designs. We need to have the best options possible to choose from in order to make our billboard really stand out and capture the hearts, minds, and news cameras this cause so desperately needs.
This campaign is a reflection of all who support WikiLeaks. It isn't mine, it's ours. Let's start changing the world together. Los Angeles has been funded, now let's make Chicago a reality.
Donate here.
End the punitive detention of Bradley Manning
Take Action On This Issue
Amnesty International is concerned that the conditions inflicted on Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking information to Wikileaks, are unnecessarily severe and amount to inhumane treatment by the US authorities. Bradley Manning has not been convicted of any offence, but military authorities appear to be using all available means to punish him while in detention. The conditions under which Bradley Manning is held appear to breach the USA’s human rights obligations. Urge the Secretary of Defense to review the conditions under which Bradley Manning is confined and take effective measures to ensure that he is no longer held in 23-hour cellular confinement or subjected to other undue restrictions.
Message Recipients
Robert M. Gates (Republican), Barack Obama (Democrat) - President
Customize Your Letter (optional)
Subject Line:
Dear [Recepient's Name],
I am writing to urge you to review the conditions under which Private First Class (PFC) Bradley Manning is confined at the Quantico naval brig and take effective measures to ensure that he is no longer held in 23 hour cellular confinement or subjected to other undue restrictions.
I understand that, since July 2010, PFC Manning has been confined for 23 hours a day to a single cell, measuring around 72 square feet and equipped only with a bed, toilet and sink. There is no window to the outside, the only view being on to a corridor through the barred doors of his cell. All meals are taken in his cell, which has no chair or table. He has no association or contact with other pre-trial detainees and he is allowed to exercise, alone, for just one hour a day, in a day-room or outside. He has access to a television which is placed in the corridor for limited periods of the day. However, he is reportedly not permitted to keep personal possessions in his cell, apart from one book and magazine at a time. Although he may write and receive correspondence, writing is allowed only at an allotted time during the day and he is not allowed to keep such materials in his cell.
I understand that PFC Manning’s restrictive conditions of confinement are due to his classification as a maximum custody detainee. This classification also means that – unlike medium security detainees–he is shackled at the hands and legs during approved social and family visits, despite all such visits at the facility being non-contact. He is also shackled during attorney visits at the facility. I further understand that PFC Manning, as a maximum custody detainee, is denied the opportunity for a work assignment which would allow him to be out of his cell for most of the day. The United Nations (UN) Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (SMR), which are internationally recognized guiding principles, provide inter alia that "Untried prisoners shall always be offered opportunity to work" should they wish to undertake such activity (SMR Section C, rule 89).
PFC Manning is also being held under a Prevention of Injury (POI) assignment, which means that he is subjected to further restrictions. These include checks by guards every five minutes and a bar on his sleeping during the day. He is required to remain visible at all times, including during night checks. His POI status has resulted in his being deprived of sheets and a separate pillow, causing uncomfortable sleeping conditions; his discomfort is reportedly exacerbated by the fact that he is required to sleep only in boxer shorts and has suffered chafing of his bare skin from the blankets.
I am concerned that no formal reasons have been provided to PFC Manning for either his maximum security classification or the POI assignment and that efforts by his counsel to challenge these assignments through administrative procedures have thus far failed to elicit a response. I am further concerned that he reportedly remains under POI despite a recommendation by the military psychiatrist overseeing his treatment that such an assignment is no longer necessary.
I recognize that it may sometimes be necessary to segregate prisoners for disciplinary or security purposes. However, the restrictions imposed in PFC Manning’s case appear to be unnecessarily harsh and punitive, in view of the fact that he has no history of violence or disciplinary infractions and that he is a pre-trial detainee not yet convicted of any offence. The conditions under which PFC Manning is held appear to breach the USA’s obligations under international standards and treaties, including Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which the USA ratified in 1992 and which states that "all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person". The UN Human Rights Committee, the ICCPR monitoring body, has noted in its General Comment on Article 10 that persons deprived of their liberty may not be "subjected to any hardship or constraint other than that resulting from the deprivation of liberty; respect for the dignity of such persons must be guaranteed under the same conditions as for that of free persons ...".
The harsh conditions imposed on PFC Manning also undermine the principle of the presumption of innocence, which should be taken into account in the treatment of any person under arrest or awaiting trial. I am concerned that the effects of isolation and prolonged cellular confinement - which evidence suggests can cause psychological impairment, including depression, anxiety and loss of concentration – may, further, undermine his ability to assist in his defense and thus his right to a fair trial.
In view of the concerns raised, I urge you to review the conditions under which PFC Manning is confined at the Quantico naval brig and take effective measures to ensure that he is no longer held in 23 hour cellular confinement or subjected to other undue restrictions.
Find the letter here.
Read the Amnesty call to action here.
To the UN Security Council:
We urge you immediately to impose a no-fly zone on Libya to stop aerial bombings, attacks and the movement of Qaddafi's troops and weapons, which are inflicting a terrible toll on civilians, and to protect the needs and interests of the Libyan people.
As Libyan government jets drop bombs on the civilian population, the UN Security Council will decide in 48 hours whether to impose a no-fly zone to keep Qaddafi's warplanes on the ground.
Two weeks ago Avaaz members sent 450,000 emails to the Security Council, reportedly stunning the President of the Council's office and getting a public response from the US ambassador. Then, we helped win serious targeted sanctions on the Libyan regime - now, to stop the bloodshed, we need a massive outcry for a no-fly zone.
As long as Qaddafi's gunships are in the air, the civilian death toll will rise. Many European and Arab nations support a no-fly zone, but the politics of the Security Council requires unity to pass a resolution. A powerful public demand from all corners of the planet can push all the governments on the Council to take action. We have just 48 hours left -- sign now and forward this email widely.
Note from WL Central
Previously, US defence secretary Robert Gates gave a press conference: "There’s a lot of frankly loose talk about some of these military options and let's just call a spade a spade. A no-fly zone begins with an attack on Libya to destroy the air defences, that’s the way you do a no-fly zone, and then you can fly planes around the country and not worry about our guys being shot down. But that’s the way it starts. But it also requires more airplanes than you would find on a single aircraft carrier. So it is a big operation in a big country."
Please ensure that you are making an informed decision if you choose to sign this petition.
Sign the Open Letter to the United States Government, Demand that they Stop Prosecution of Assange and Wikileaks
Sign RevolutionTruth's open letter in defense of Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Let the US Government know the world is watching, and we don't approve. Go here.
Open Letter to the United States Government Regarding WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and the Fundamental Tenets of Democracy and Open Societies.
To President Obama, US Senators and Congressmen and women, Attorney General Eric Holder, the Department of Justice, and all of those involved in the attempt to prosecute Julian Assange, founder of the nonprofit news organization WikiLeaks.org:
We are a diverse group of people from around the world who have come together for a common purpose: to defend WikiLeaks, to ask the United States to cease its attempts to manufacture a case against Julian Assange, and to defend democratic principles and our fundamental rights guaranteed therein. We are professionals, homemakers, activists, students, and others who believe that government derives its power from the consent of the governed, as stipulated in the Declaration of Independence, but that citizens can only give meaningful consent if they are fully informed about their government’s actions. Nothing more violates American principles, which inspire both those of us who are and are not American citizens, than the idea that "government knows best" and has the right to deceive its own people.
The Wikileaks documents have revealed that the U.S. government has been keeping enormously important information secret from the American people, such as the fact that the U.S. government knew of the mass murder of civilians in Iraq even though it claimed it did not; that the U.S. government failed its legal responsibility as an occupying power by handing civilians over to Iraqi police units knowing they would be tortured and killed, even though it claimed it did not; that U.S. officials believe the Afghan government is corrupt and unpopular, even as they falsely claim to be fighting for democracy in Afghanistan; and that U.S. officials are extremely worried about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear stockpile, a potential matter of life and death that they have kept from the people of the world.
When the N.Y. Times released the Wikileaks "Afghan Logs" on July 25, its headline read: "View Is Bleaker than Official Portrayal of War in Afghanistan." This revealed, according to America’s "newspaper of record," that the U.S. Government was hiding the truth from its own people. Is it really right that the proud citizens of America should need Wikileaks to discover vital truths denied them by their own government?
U.S. officials claim they have a right to deceive the American people, and prosecute WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, on the grounds of "national security". But this information is clearly known to America’s enemies. It is the American people who have been denied it, information critical to their ability to make an informed decision as to whether or not to support their government's war-making, including putting their sons and daughters at grave risk of death or crippling injuries.
The U.S. Government claim that Wikileaks has endangered national security has been invalidated by its own Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, who has stated "is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it awkward? Yes. Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest." The German Interior Minister has stated that "WikiLeaks is annoying, but not a threat", and the BBC has reported that "Wikileaks: US allies unruffled by embassy cable leaks."
The result of any U.S. government prosecution of Wikileaks and Julian Assange will be to restrict the truthful information American citizens receive about their government's foreign policy. But the U.S. cannot promote democracy abroad by limiting it at home.
We urge you to halt your undemocratic prosecution of Wikileaks; and to instead learn from it by providing the public with the honest and truthful information upon which democracy depends.
Stop the Massacre - Save the Libyans
To: His Excellency Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations
The international news organizations are broadcasting atrocities that are being committed against unarmed civilians in Libya that could be considered crimes against humanity.
This country has been ruled with an iron fist for the past 42 years by the notorious regime of Muammar Gaddafi. While claiming to have a unique form of direct democracy, the regime has never tolerated any dissent, and has carried out many atrocities over the decades it has been in power oppressing its people, including public hangings, long-term imprisonments without trial, and the infamous massacre of 1270 prisoners in the Abusleem prison in Tripoli in 1996. Libya has no constitution, parliament, elections or free press. All political activities and parties are banned.
The Libyan people have risen in a wide wave of protests since February 15th that are turning into a bloodbath due to the vicious repression of these protests that the rulers of Libya have unleashed on its citizens. Hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries are being reported, with graphic evidence posted all over the Internet. This has got to stop. Nobody believes the denials and feeble excuses of the Libyan government's representatives.
We demand that all free world governments and international organizations take immediate action to:
• Condemn all military actions against civilians all over Libya, and demand that the Libyan regime immediately stop all such actions and stop repression of any free peaceful protests
• Demand that the Libyan rulers allow international media and international humanitarian organizations free, unhindered and safe access to all parts of the country
• Demand that the Libyan government resume provision of food, medicines and medical supplies and permit the delivery of such supplies as humanitarian aid to the eastern region of Libya through all border points and airports
• Immediately put in place an embargo on export of any materiel or equipment of any military or security nature to Libya to limit loss of life and casualties
• Conduct an International inquiry into recent events and hold all responsible to international Justice.
Click here to sign.
@Carwinb has compiled a list of Senators, who are on Twitter, and who have not yet responded to: "Did you place an anonymous hold on the Whistleblower Protection Act?" Now you can tweet them, and ask them yourself.
On December 22, 2010, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act Bill S.372) was killed by an unknown United States Senator, who placed an anonymous hold on the bill (reported here on WL Central).
WNYC, On the Media and the Government Accountability Project have joined forces to uncover the identity of the mystery senator.
WNYC has posted a table, "containing the names, states, and contact information for the 87 [United States] Senators still serving that could have put the anonymous hold on this bill." You can find it here.
They are asking the American public to "call, write, [or] email their Senators and ask them 'did you kill this bill?'” Then, regardless of the Senator's reply, they request you email blowthewhistle@wnyc.org with an update.
Here are some tips about "How To Track Down Anonymous Holds" from Tom Devine, legal director of the Government Accountability Project
Source: WNYC: Blow the Whistle
Four Days of Action announced for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th February.
Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday/Tuesday on the Woolwich magistrates court, while on Saturday there will be a public meeting in Harringay, north London.
Friday 4 February: Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday and Tuesday 7 and 8 February on the Woolwich magistrates court, attached to the Category A Belmarsh Prison, to demand freedom for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, presently on restrictive bail and facing extradition, and also for Bradley Manning, the young soldier who is being held in solitary confinement in Quantico Marine Base in USA. The activist groups will join others from WikiLeaks London Support group outside the court.
Saturday 5 February: a public meeting will be held at Harringay's Giuseppe Conlon Hall, which also serves as a 'house of hospitality' for refugees and others in need of help and support. Speakers will include former political prisoner of the US, Ciaron O'Reilly, and a speaker from the support group 'UK Friends of Bradley Manning'. Footage from the 'Collateral Murder' video Manning is accused of leaking will be shown and there will also be live music.
Irish/ Australian anti-war activist Ciaron O'Reilly served 13 months in US prisons for his part in disabling a US B52 Bomber at the now defunct Griffiths Air Force Base in upstate New York on the eve of the 1991 Gulf War. In December 2010 WikiLeaks published secret cables which had been sent from the US embassy in Dublin following the 2006 acquittal of O'Reilly and four other activists of criminal charges in relation to $US2.5 million damage to a US war plane being refuelled at Shannon Airport en route to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. A Dublin jury had unanimously acquitted the activists on all charges but the cables show that US authorities were considering further legal action against the activists through the civil courts. The cables also quoted Irish government making apologetic and dismissive statements about the Irish legal system.
O'Reilly has said: "Reporting war crimes should not be a crime. The war on Iraq is the crime. I should know a crime when I see one. I have a 30 year criminal history in a wide variety of jurisdictions! The persecution of Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are the great anti-war show trials of our era. They echo the persecution of Daniel Ellsberg, the Chicago 8, the Berrigans and the Catonsville 9 during the Vietnam period. We need to be on the streets protesting as loudly as we can while these two men are in the docks and in the dungeons for their opposition to these criminal ongoing wars on the people of Afghanistan and Iraq."
"I was talking to a British Iraq combat veteran recently and he reflected on the sophistication of the war machine in prosecuting wars, marketing wars domestically and persecuting anyone who has the courage to oppose these wars. When I was a prisoner of the United States government, they did to me what they are doing to Manning: they isolated me. I was arrested and sentenced in upstate New York and was transported by Con Air to the Mexican border, then driven hours into the Texas outback to do my time in an overcrowded isolated county jail in Pecos. Manning, a US Army intelligence analyst, has been buried alive in solitary confinement in the largest US marine base in the world. His present prison conditions amount to torture in anyone's terms of reference."
"Many believe that Assange has been hit with bogus charges that will eventually evaporate as a holding action before the British government hands him over to the Americans. At the end of my sentence, I was moved from Texas to Louisiana. I was rearrested on release on a minor immigration charge and was also charged with 'being guilty of a crime of moral turpitude' and an exorbitant $50,000 bail was placed on my head. This is a charge they had previously used effectively against their political target Charlie Chaplain to banish him from the United States. In my case the charge evaporated, as these proposed charges with Assange will also evaporate."
UK Friends of Bradley Manning have been campaigning for the UK to recognise Manning as a British citizen on account of his Welsh-born mother, and to take steps to protect him as such.
WikiLeaks London Support group have maintained a consitent presence outside of all Assange's bail hearings.
Friday Feb. 4th 4.30pm-6.30pm Vigil and Speak Out at the Australian Embassy on The Strand, central London.
Saturday Feb. 5th, 3pm Public Meeting at Giuseppe Conlon Hall 49 Mattison Rd. Harringey London N4.
Monday and Tuesday Feb. 7th and 8th, 9am-5pm Vigil outside Julian Assange's extradition hearing at Woolwich Courts, Belmarsh Rd. London SE28.
'These actions are being co-ordinated by the London Catholic Worker, an organisation which offers hospitality to the destitute as well as taking part in nonviolent resistance to war.'
For further information, please contact: Ciaron O'Reilly
Phone 079 392 90576
Email: ciaronx [at] yahoo.com
- Homepage: http://www.collateralmurder.com/
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Bristol Event
04.02.2011 19:24
we intend to hold a lively vigil with films. Tuesday February 8th - opposite the hippodrome 4.30pm - 7.00pm
Usual Suspect
home Homepage: http://www.bristolagainstarmstrade.wordpress.com
Act Now to Stop Mubarak's Thugs From Killing More!
WL Central's clayclai outlines on the following terms a campaign to bring a halt to anti-protest state violence in Egypt:
‘The chant is يسقط يسقط حسني مبارك – Tell the world he is killing us’
As the Sun rises in Cairo on the tenth day of the Egyptian uprising, the protesters opposed to the government of Hosni Mubarak still hold Tahrir Liberation Square. They still hold it in spite of a night of horrific violence by pro-Mubarak thugs that attacked the peaceful protesters with machine guns, other guns and fire bombs. Overwhelming evidence is already mounting that this murderous gang was composed of police in plain clothes, NDP functionaries and loyalist and hired thugs. The army, which in previous days made sure all the protesters that entered the square were unarmed, stood by and did nothing while the assault took place.
The goal of the thugs was to drive the protesters from the square. In this they were not successful.
Click here to sign the petition....
Call to Action in support of Julian Assange / WikiLeaks in Monday's London Extradition Hearing
Auto-emailing United Kingdom media, their Embassy and Consulates in support of Julian in his extradition hearing. There are 5 individual identical emails each with 25 addresses. PLEASE sign all 5. Click here to go there.
The following letter of support for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks will be available for signing at the Minneapolis, MN: Demonstration supporting Julian Assange and Wikileaks and will be delivered. Any group in one of the other 27 cities with British Consulates (or UK Embassy in Washington DC) is free to copy our letter as a model:
February 7, 2011
Honorary United Kingdom Consul William R. McGrann:
Today Julian Assange stands before a court that will decide if he will be extradited to Sweden. Our concern is the same as that of Mr. Assange's lawyers - that this is just the first step in his being rendered illegally from Sweden to the United States. We hope and stress that the laws of the United Kingdom be upheld. Political rendition is unlawful in the United Kingdom, but there are several indications that extradition to Sweden would serve as false cover to effectively render him illegally to the United States.
The seven major points of law (see Guardian article: "WikiLeaks: Julian Assange 'faces execution or Guantanamo detention'") outlined by Assange's attorneys need to be fairly evaluated without any of the extra-legal political pressure from the United States that has, unfortunately, occurred during the Chilcot Inquiry or vis a vis Spanish authorities' inquiries into Iraq War crimes and the Bush Administration's use of torture and illegal renditions.
We note that United States' interference in other countries' justice systems, including the justice system of England, runs against the international wisdom of how we honor each other as nations.
On this day, Feb. 7, 2002, our country became a rogue state when President Bush dropped the protections of the Geneva Conventions for those we had taken prisoner. We stand in solidarity with WikiLeaks supporters in London this day and ask that you not collaborate in those and other crimes. We are thankful for the people who have revealed war crimes that have been committed. And, we are thankful that the secrets of war are made public to the people whose name is on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - we the people of the United States.
We are ashamed as United States' citizens that our government has held back information about crimes committed in our names, only to have it marked "Secret" for "national security reasons." A nation of laws cannot be secure if its laws are broken with impunity. It is a wretched irony that our previous president openly brags that he ordered waterboarding and other torture, yet our current president, despite public claims that he is opposed to torture and favors the rule of law, is doing nothing to investigate and prosecute this hideous crime.
As longtime partners, it would cast a terrible pall on our relationship were the United Kingdom to participate directly or implicitly in the same crimes the United States has embraced, such as illegal rendition. Mr. Assange has bravely participated in a great public service to the United States and the world through his journalism. He has broken no U.S. laws. As a nation that lifts high the right of freedom of speech and the virtue of transparency of government, we advocate for the freedom of the press, including that of WikiLeaks. Exposing war crimes is no crime...NOT exposing war crimes is the crime.
(please email tacklingtorture@gmail.com if you'd like to sign this letter being delivered to the UK Consulate in Minneapolis)
*here is a site with 28 UK embassy/consulate locations in the U.S. -- http://united-kingdom.visahq.com/embassy/United-States/. They are D.C., San Juan (PR), Chicago, San Francisco, Orlando, Miami, Denver, Glendale (AZ), Houston, Charlotte (Nebraska), Boston, Nashville, Salt Lake City, Atlanta, Anchorage, Pittsburgh, Seattle, New York, La Jolla (CA), Philadelphia, Dallas, Chesterfield (Missouri), Portland, Kansas City (Kansas), San Jose, Los Angeles, and New Orleans. [DC of course is the Embassy; all the others are Consulates.]
Translated from German
The massive intimidation by corporations such as Visa, Master Card, Paypal and Amazon against Wikileaks is a frontal attack on press freedom. Subscribe to our appeal to the company!
To those in charge of Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and Amazon
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your notice to Wikileaks provide a massive attack constitutes at the press freedom at risk with this approach a cornerstone of democracy. Quit now your obviously politically motivated attempts to block and take the business to Wikileaks again!
Yours sincerely,
Please join us in signing our petition here.
Support Julian Assange Our Freedom Depends on it.
2011-01-19 Video Protest: This is a simple and direct open letter to the US government about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange spoken on video by people from around the world. We presently have approximately 12 countries and 35-50 people on board. The video will include your voices as part of a collective message as well as other relevant imagery and quotes that provide a full picture to help us meet our objective. The goal is for this video to be powerful, intelligent, moving and straightforward.
The objective of this project is two-fold. First, it is to interrupt the US government’s attempts to villainize and prosecute Julian Assange and bring down WikiLeaks. Second, it is to assist in shifting public opinion in the US by strategically highlighting the potential loss of key freedoms including free speech and a free press and the implications this could have on open societies everywhere. This video will be uploaded onto YouTube, highlighted on the www.support-julian-assange.com site, and loaded onto our new site (in construction) called www.nomino.org.
Open letter to be read
2011-01-15: Dear President Obama,
I am outraged by the abuse of power by your government I have been witnessing against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
It is very clear to me that actions in those regards are NOT designed to protect the people, but to keep information about corruption and deceit by the government covered at all cost.
I ask you to stop all action against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. I ask you to expose the corrupt individuals in your government and those who are protecting them. I ask for them to bear the consequences of their actions. Lastly, I ask you to assume personal responsibility for the humane and just treatment of Bradley Manning.
Dagi Cueppers (on behalf of anybody who signs this petition)
Please join us in signing the petition and tweeting the message to Barack Obama here.
2011-01-06: Rally4Wikileaks has created an email form that allows people to send an email message to up to 12 Australian Federal MPs at a time.
2011-01-07: I read Wikileaks. I support freedom of speech and our free press, not torture, military coups or drone strikes on civilians.
I support Wikileaks because government secrecy is used to protect powerful criminals, not to protect the people.
My government has no right to threaten me or to frighten me or to lie to me to protect the guilty.
I read Wikileaks.
Please join us in signing the petition here.
2011-01-06: An Appeal for Wikileaks
The German activist group www.bewegung.taz.de has posted an "Online Aktion Unterzeichner liste" (on-line petition) "Appell gegen die Kriminalisierung von Wikileaks" (An Appeal Against The Criminalization of Wikileaks)
"Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen Artikel 19: "Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten."
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers "
There are already over 15k signatories on the list; please join us in our support by signing the petition here
2010-12-15: FAIR: We Support WikiLeaks
FAIR (Freedom and Accuracy in Reporting) has published a petition in support of WikiLeaks, signed by Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, Barbara Ehrenreich, Arundhati Roy, Medea Benjamin, Tom Morello, John Nichols and more. The text reads:
As journalists, activists, artists, scholars and citizens, we condemn the array of threats and attacks on the journalist organization WikiLeaks. After the website's decision, in collaboration with several international media organizations, to publish hundreds of classified State Department diplomatic cables, many pundits, commentators and prominent U.S. politicians have called for harsh actions to be taken to shut down WikiLeaks' operations.
Major corporations like Amazon.com, PayPal, MasterCard and Visa have acted to disrupt the group's ability to publish. U.S. legal authorities and others have repeatedly suggested, without providing any evidence, that WikiLeaks' posting of government secrets is a form of criminal behavior--or that at the very least, such activity should be made illegal. "To the extent there are gaps in our laws," Attorney General Eric Holder proclaimed (11/29/10), "we will move to close those gaps."
Throughout this episode, journalists and prominent media outlets have largely refrained from defending WikiLeaks' rights to publish material of considerable news value and obvious public interest. It appears that these media organizations are hesitant to stand up for this particular media outlet's free speech rights because they find the supposed political motivations behind WikiLeaks' revelations objectionable.
But the test for one's commitment to freedom of the press is not whether one agrees with what a media outlet publishes or the manner in which it is published. WikiLeaks is certainly not beyond criticism. But the overarching consideration should be the freedom to publish in a democratic society--including the freedom to publish material that a particular government would prefer be kept secret. When government officials and media outlets declare that attacks on a particular media organization are justified, it sends an unmistakably chilling message about the rights of anyone to publish material that might rattle or offend established powers.
We hereby stand in support of the WikiLeaks media organization, and condemn the attacks on their freedom as an attack on journalistic freedoms for all.
Please join us in signing the petition here.
2010-12-08: Avaaz petition in support of WikiLeaks
Global activist organization Avaaz has launched a petition titled Wikileaks: Stop the crackdown. The text reads:
"Whatever we think of WikiLeaks, the massive campaign of intimidation against it is sending a chill through free speech and media advocates everywhere. Top US politicians has even gone as far as calling WikiLeaks a terrorist organization and suggested assassination of its staff, and the organization has come under massive corporate attack to shut it down.
Right now, dozens of governments and corporations are being heavily pressured to join the crackdown -- we urgently need the public to take a stand and make sure our governments protect our democracies and rule of law.
Sign the petition to stop the crackdown below and forward this email to everyone -- let's get 1 million voices against the crackdown this week!"
"To the U.S. government and corporations linked to Wikileaks:
We call on you to stop the crackdown on Wikileaks and its partners immediately. We urge you to respect the democratic principles and laws of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. If Wikileaks and the journalists it works with have violated any laws they should be pursued in the courts with due process. They should not be subjected to an extra-judicial campaign of intimidation."
Please join us in signing the petition here.
2010-12-07: EFF: Join EFF in Standing up Against Internet Censorship
December 7, 2010
Call to Action by Shari Steele
"Over the past few weeks, we here at EFF have watched as whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has fueled an emotionally charged debate about the secrecy of government information and the people's right to know. We have welcomed this debate, and the fact that there have been myriad views is the embodiment of the freedom of expression upon which this country was founded.
However, we've been greatly troubled by a recent shift in focus. The debate about the wisdom of releasing secret government documents has turned into a massive attack on the right of intermediaries to publish truthful information. Suddenly, WikiLeaks has become the Internet's scapegoat, with a Who's Who of American and foreign companies choosing to shun the site.
Let's be clear — in the United States, at least, WikiLeaks has a fundamental right to publish truthful political information. And equally important, Internet users have a fundamental right to read that information and voice their opinions about it. We live in a society that values freedom of expression and shuns censorship. Unfortunately, those values are only as strong as the will to support them — a will that seems to be dwindling now in an alarming way.
On Friday, we wrote about Amazon's disappointing decision to yank hosting services from WikiLeaks after a phone call from a senator's office. Since then, a cascade of companies and organizations has backed away from WikiLeaks. A public figure called for the assassination of Assange. PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa axed WikiLeaks’ accounts. EveryDNS.net pulled Wikileaks’ DNS services. Unknown sources continue to cripple WikiLeaks with repeated denial of service attacks. Even the Library of Congress, normally a bastion of public access to information, is blocking WikiLeaks.
There has been a tremendous backlash against WikiLeaks from governments around the world. In the United States, lawmakers have rashly proposed a law that threatens legitimate news reporting well beyond WikiLeaks. We expect to see similar efforts in other countries. Like it or not, WikiLeaks has become the emblem for one of the most important battles for our rights that is likely to come along in our lifetimes. We cannot sit this one out.
Join EFF in standing up against Internet censorship.
Download our No Censorship button to display on your websites and social networking profiles. Show the world that you are committed to free expression and denounce censorship."
2010-12-08: Italy: Il Fatto Quotidiano Petition
7 dicembre 2010
Salviamo il soldato Assange!
Firma la petizione
Julian Assange è stato arrestato il 7 dicembre, per accuse scandalose oltre che incredibili: un rapporto sessuale consenziente, un preservativo che non ha funzionato. La verità è un’altra: Assange è stato catturato come un micidiale terrorista (un «uomo che vuol distruggere il mondo», dixit il ministro Frattini) perché nella sua qualità di direttore di WikiLeaks ha fatto luce su politiche, misfatti, crimini che dovevano restare segreti, custoditi nelle segrete di cancellerie e ambasciate, inaccessibili all´opinione pubblica mondiale che sta prendendo forma nel web. Chiediamo che sia immediatamente liberato. Allo stesso modo chiediamo chiarezza sul caso di Bradley Manning, il soldato che rischia 52 anni di carcere per aver rivelato a WikiLeaks i crimini contro i civili commessi dall´esercito Usa in Iraq. I soldati che appaiono nei video da lui trasmessi a Wikileaks, colpevoli di massacri di civili, sono stati elogiati dal comando militare Usa per il loro «giudizio sensato».
Saving private Assange
Julian Assange was arrested on December 7th, on the basis of absurd and unbelievable accuses: a consensual sexual relationship and a broken condom. We believe the truth is different: Assange has been captured as a dangerous terrorist (a “man who wants to destroy the world”, says Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini) because the founder and director of Wikileaks has brought to light all sorts of crimes, misdeeds and political acts that had to remain secret, protected into diplomatic offices and embassies, inaccessible to the world’s public opinion that is taking shape on the web. We ask for his immediate release. In the same manner we ask for the truth for Bradley Manning, the young soldier who is risking 52 years of jail for disclosing to Wikileaks a video showing crimes against civilians committed by the American army in Iraq. The soldiers appearing in the video, guilty of the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen civilians, were praised by US military for their “reasonable judgment”.
Please join us in signing the petition here.
2010-12-09: Get Up! Action for Australia: Petition in support of WikiLeaks
Get Up! is hosting a petition in support of WikiLeaks. The campaign organizers also plan to take out ads in The New York Times and Washington Times. The petition reads:
"Dear President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder:
We, as Australians, condemn calls for violence, including assassination, against Australian citizen and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, or for him to be labeled a terrorist, enemy combatant or be treated outside the ordinary course of justice in any way.
As Thomas Jefferson said, "information is the currency of democracy." Publishing leaked information in collaboration with major news outlets, as Wikileaks and Mr. Assange have done, is not a terrorist act.
Australia and the United States are the strongest of allies. Our soldiers serve side by side and we’ve experienced, and condemned, the consequences of terrorism together. To label Wikileaks a terrorist organisation is an insult to those Australians and Americans who have lost their lives to acts of terrorism and to terrorist forces.
If Wikileaks or their staff have broken international or national laws, let that case be heard in a just and fair court of law. At the moment, no such charges have been brought.
We are writing as Australians to say what our Government should have: all Australian citizens deserve to be free from persecution, threats of violence and detention without charge, especially from our friend and ally, the United States.
We call upon you to stand up for our shared democratic principles of the presumption of innocence and freedom of information."
Please join us in signing the petition here.
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RESOURCES: Are you organizing a rally?
Protest organizers might find these resources useful:
Global: Freedom of Information Rally
Date and time: Third Saturdays Every Month
Location: Earth, Everywhere
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Sydney: The War on Wikileaks - Breaking Australia's silence: a public forum
Date and time: Wednesday 16 March, 18:30h
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Speakers: John Pilger, Andrew Wilkie MP, Julian Burnside QC
Enquiries: Sydney Peace Foundation 9351 4468 or
Minsk: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 12, 2011 18:00h - 21:00h
Location: Liberty Square, Square near City Hall, Liberty Square, 2A, Minsk, Belarus
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Mechelen: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 9, 2011 18:00h - 21:00h
Location: Mechelen Sint Romboutstoren, Sint Rombouts Toren
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Santos: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 5, 2011 14:00h - 16:00h
Location: Praça da Independencia, Avenida Ana costa, Santos, São Paulo
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Winnipeg: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 10:00h - 12:00h
Location: Manitoba Legislative Building, Broadway & Osbourne, Winnipeg Manitoba
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Medellin: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 18:00h - 20:00h
Location: Parque de Berrio, Medellin
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Copenhagen: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 16:00h - 18:00h
Location: Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Copenhagen: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 19, 2011 14:00h - 16:00h
Location: Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Santiago: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 22:00h - 24:00h
Location: TBA
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Athina: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: March 4, 2011 15:00h - 21:00h
Location: Σύνταγμα, Σύνταγμα @37.975344,23.735511, Athina 10557, Greece
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
The Hague: Friday, February 4, 7:30h - 9:30h
Location (updated): The Hague
Event Information: http://wikileaks-protest.hyves.nl/
The Hague: demonstration in support of Julian Assange against his extradition to Sweden.
Date and time: Friday, February 5, 14:00h
Location: Gathering in front of Central Station at appr. 1.45 PM. We will demonstrate in front of the American, English and Swedish embassies.
Utrecht: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 26, 2011 11:00h - 23:00h
Location: Het Neude, Neude, Utrecht
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 1, 2011 1:00h
Location: TBA
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Glasgow, Lanarkshire: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 4 February 2011 13:00h - 15:00h
Location: St. Enoch Centre, Outside the underground, 55 St Enoch Square
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Alicante: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 12:00h - 14:00h
Location: Renfe, Alicante
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Barcelona: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 23:00h - 1:00h
Location: Plaza Cataluña en el FNAC que hay enfrente del McDonalds
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Madrid: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 18:00h - 21:00h
Location: Puerta del Sol
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Valencia: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 12, 2011 15:00h - 17:00h
Location: Delegación de Gobierno
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Madrid: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 13, 2011 0:00h - 11:00h
Location: Paperstorm Goya, Nomeacuerdo
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Santiago de Comspotela: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 26, 2011 18:00h - 20:00h
Location: Plaza Roja, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, 15701
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Sevilla: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 28, 2011 13:00h - 15:00h
Location: Plaza Nueva, 1
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Newcastle Upon Tyne: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 13:00h
Location: TBA
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
London: Monday, Monday, February 7 at 10:00am - February 11 at 7:00pm
Location: London, Magistrates' High Court [[Belmarsh Magistrates' Court, 4 Belmarsh Road Thamesmead]]
Event page (Justice for Assange UK): http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=139776242750742
London: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 12, 2011 13:00h - 15:00h
Location: Trafalgar Square, Westminster TQ299804, City of Westminster
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Oxford City: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: February 19, 2011 11:00h - 14:00h
Location: Carfax Tower, Corner of Queen Street and Cornmarket street
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
London: Monday, Monday, February 23 at 10:00am
Julian Assange Final Extradition Hearing & Support Rally - Decision day
Location: London, Magistrates' High Court [[Belmarsh Magistrates' Court, 4 Belmarsh Road Thamesmead]]
Event page (Justice for Assange UK): http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=139776242750742
Newcastle Upon Tyne: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: March 5, 2011 13:00h
Location: TBA
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Bristol: Saturday, May 14 at 11:00h 16:00h
Location: Castle Park, Castle Street, Broadmead.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186864697993323&num_event_invites=0
Arlington: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 12:00h
Location: Dallas Cowboys Stadiums, 900 E Randol Mill Rd., Arlington, TX
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Boston: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Sunday 6 February 2011 8:00h - 17:00h
Location: 545 Boylston Street, Copley Square
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Minneapolis, MN: Demonstration supporting Julian Assange and Wikileaks
Date and time: Monday, February 7 . 16:30h - 7:30h
Location: UK Honorary Consulate, 800 Nicollet Mall, US Bancorp Center, Suite 2600
Details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124498937618128
Washington, DC: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 12th, 13:00h 17:00h
Location: 1424 16th Street Northwest
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Key Biscayne, FL: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 13th, 11:00h 1800h
Location: Miami Seaquarium, 4400 Rickenbacker Causeway
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Houston: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Wednesday, February 16, 19:00h
Location: University of Houston, Main Campus
Spindletop Room (Rm 242) of the University Center
Houston, Texas
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Boston, MA: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 19th, 12:00h 15:00h
Location: Boston Common
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Charlotte, NC: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 19th, 9:00h 18:00h
Location: All four corners of the street, 101 East Trade Street
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Minneapolis, MN: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 19th, 11:00h 16:00h
Location: WINneapolis, 1001 Nicollet Mall
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Seattle, WA: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 19th, 13:00h 16:00h
Location: Westlake Center, 400 Pine Street
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Hartford, CT: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, February 26th, 14:00h 16:00h
Location: Anti Internet Censorship Rally, the state capitol
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=107782962625172
New York City: Rally for Information Freedom
Date and Time: Thursday April 7, 15:00h
Location: City Hall, New York City
New York, New York
Event page: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/1/13/936168/-Rally-for-Information-Fr...
Dallas, TX: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, March 5th, 13:00h 16:00h
Location: TBD
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Global: Global WikiLeaks Support Rally
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011, 15:00h local time
Details: http://www.facebook.com/pages/WikiLeaks-Supporters-United-global-Support...
Global: Operation Mahatma
Date and time: January 29 and 30, 2011
Details: http://opfaceoff.blogspot.com/
Protest against censorship, turn your profile black on 29th & 30th January, go for Blackout, wear black, switch off lights and speak up
Event information: http://on.fb.me/f1LdeV
Global: Global Protest
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011, 18:00h
Details: http://freewikileaks.eu/en/protests/
Global: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Global: Media Blitz to support Wikileaks
Date and time: Tuesday, January 11 · 10:30h - 13:30h
Details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120437981357342
Global: Wikileaks Flash Mob Event
Date and time: Wednesday, January 12 · 15:30h - 17:00h
Details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112718522134191
Rosario: Saturday, January 8, 6pm
Location: Mitre y Cordoba, Ciudad de ROSARIO
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Defensores-de-Wikileaks-Rosario/1732321326...
Buenos Aires: Saturday, December 11, 1pm
Location: Embajada Británica en Argentina (British Embassy), Dr. Luis Agote 2412, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Read a report from the event
Sydney: Rally for Wikileaks
Date and time: Sunday Feb 6, 2011, 13:00h
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=190630764292574
Contact: Patrick 0422028113
Adelaide: Saturday Feb 5, 2011, 13:00h - 15:00h
Location: Victoria Square, northern end. Adelaide, South Australia
Event page: adelaidefriendsofwikileaks.org
Hobart: Saturday, January 29, 10:30h - 11:30h
Location: Franklin Square Hobart.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163550893689753
Launceston: Saturday, January 29, 11:00h - 12:00h
Location: Royal Park (opposite Launceston College)
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122298457840336
Melbourne: Saturday, January 29, 14:00h - 17:00h
Location: State Library of Victoria
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120207014714402
Hobart: Saturday, January 15, TBA
Location: Information Day, at Franklin Square and surrounds
Sydney: Saturday, January 15, 13:00h
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Contact: Patrick on 0422 028 113
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163029660407190
Brisbane: Saturday, January 15, 20:30h
Location: Brisbane Square, Top of Queen St Mall
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=153885131325141
Melbourne: Discussion: Julian Assange, Law & Politics: A meeting to discuss Wikileaks' Julian Assange's legal and political position
Speakers: Julian Burnside AO QC, Peter Gordon, John Faine and Professor Spencer Zifcak
Date and time: Thursday 9 December 2010, 5:30pm
Venue: the Law Institute of Victoria, 470 Bourke St, Melbourne
Details: http://www.law.monash.edu.au/castancentre/events/index.html
Media release: http://wlcentral.org/node/556
Website: http://rally4wikileaks.com/
Brisbane: Thursday, December 9, 5:30pm
Location: Brisbane Square CBD
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=153885131325141
Read a report from the event.
Sydney: Friday, December 10, 1pm
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Media contacts: Antony Loewenstein 0402 893 690; Simon Butler 0421 231 011.
Rally information: [contact details redacted on request]
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161656067211736
Read a report from the event.
Melbourne: Friday, December 10, 4:30pm
Location: State Library Lawns, Melbourne
Contact: Vashti Jane 0423 407 910.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182297491780623
Read a report from the event.
Perth: Friday, December 10, 6:00pm
Location: Wesley Church, corner of William & Hay Streets, Perth City
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=152006861514227
Read a report from the event.
Brisbane: Friday, December 10, 12:00 noon
Location: Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, 295 Anne Street, Brisbane CBD
Rally information: Liam Hanlon 0435 266 613. Media contact: Jim McIlroy 0423 741 734
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155161634529449
Read a report from the event.
Hobart: Saturday, December 11, 12:00 noon
Location: Hobart Parliament Lawns
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=171620612868329
Adelaide: Sunday, December 12, 1:00pm
Location: Parliament House
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182236928453862
Melbourne: Tuesday, December 14, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: State Library, cnr Swanston St & Latrobe St, Melbourne
Rally information: Colleen on 0449 678 621 or Sue on 0413 377 978
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=167587746610490
Adelaide: Tuesday, December 14, 4:30pm
Location: Parliament House
Sydney: Tuesday, December 14, 5:30pm
Location: Sydney Town Hall
Rally contact: Patrick on 0422 028 113
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=183019401710397
Canberra: Thursday, December 16, 5:30pm
Location: Garema Place, Civic
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109503732454066
Melbourne: Monday, December 20, 7.00 p.m.
Location: Conference Room, Arts House, Meat Market, 5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne
Getting there: Melway Reference: 2B A9
Organizer: SEP Australia
Tickets: $4/$2 concession
Event page: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/dec2010/mtgs-d08.shtml
Sydney: Tuesday, December 21, 7.00 p.m.
Location: Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills
Getting there: Close to Central Station
Organizer: SEP Australia
Tickets: $4/$2 concession
Event page: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/dec2010/mtgs-d08.shtml
Vienna: Wednesday, December 22th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm (updated)
Location: Schwarzenbergplatz Hochstrahlbrunnen (updated)
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134852293237996
Confirmed speakers:
* Heinz Patzelt, Amnesty International Austria, Secretary General
* Rubina Möhring, Reporters without Borders Austria, President
* Sylvia Margret Steinitz, Editor in Chief for WIENERIN
Also planned: Red Alert - a sea of red lights for WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and our freedom
Minsk: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 5 February 2011 18:00h - 21:00h
Location: Liberty Square, Square near City Hall, Liberty Square, 2A, Minsk, Belarus
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
São Paulo: Saturday, December 11, 11am
Location: Consulado Geral Britânico (British Consulate), Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 – Pinheiros, São Paulo, Brasil
Event page: http://liberdadeparaassange.noblogs.org/
Toronto, Ont:
Date and time: Saturday, January 22 at 12:00h.
Location: Yonge-Dundas Square (10 Dundas Street East)
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186903491328924
Vancouver: Saturday, January 15, 1400h - 1700h
Location: Vancouver Public Library Central Branch, 350 West Georgia Street
Organizer: Pirate Party of Canada
Organizer website: http://www.pirateparty.ca/
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168626646506827
Calgary: Saturday, January 15, 1400h - 1700h
Location: University of Calgary, outside the social sciences building
Organizer: Pirate Party of Canada
Organizer website: http://www.pirateparty.ca/
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=174214409267004
Montreal, Qc:
Date and time: Saturday, January 15, 1400h - 16:00h
Location: Grande bibliotheque, 475 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Est
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Montreal: Saturday, December 18th, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Concordia EV Building
Directions: In front of Guy Concordia metro, Guy & Maisonneuve exit
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=166504226718137
Copenhagen: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 10:00h - 12:00h CET
Location: Jernbanegade 6, Copenhagen, Denmark
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Aarhus: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 10:00h - 12:00h CET
Location: Strøget, Banegårdspladsen, Aarhus C, DK-8000, Denmark
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Lyon: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h - 16:00h
Location: Place des Terreaux Lyon, france
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Paris: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h - 16:00h GMT
Location: METRO ODEON, Paris, france
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
München: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h - 17:00h
Location: Marienplatz, München, Germany
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Hamburg: Saturday, December 11, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: To be announced
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112899808778406
Berlin: Thursday, December 16th, 7:00pm
Location: Technical University Berlin, Room EB 407 (Erweiterungsbau),
Straße des 17. Juni 145, 10623 Berlin
Event page: http://wsws.org/de/2010/dez2010/meet-d10.shtml
Hamburg: Sunday, December 19, time TBA
Location: To be announced
Organizer website: http://wirsindwl.wordpress.com
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=13524947986567
Athens: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h
Location: Sidagma (Athens Center), Sidagmatos (Plateia Suntagmatos)
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Athina: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h
Location: Σύνταγμα @37.975344,23.735511, Σύνταγμα
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Dublin: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 11:00h
Location: 62-64 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Dublin: Saturday, December 18, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Central Bank of Ireland, Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland
Directions: Outside the main gates.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=151717948209518
Ciudad de México: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Embajada Británica en Mexico (British Embassy): Río Lerma 71 (esquina con Rio Sena), Del. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico DF.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=130062810387847
Rotterdam: Saturday, December 11, 2:00pm
Location (updated): Stationsplein 1 3013 AJ Rotterdam, Rotterdam Stationsplein (Rotterdam centraal
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Amsterdam: Saturday, December 11, 2:00pm
Location (updated): Museum Square
Den Haag: Saturday, December 18, 11:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Binnenhof
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175978872419936
Belfast: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h
Location: Victoria Square, BT1 4QG, Victoria Square
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Miraflores: Saturday, January 8, 6pm
Location: Avenida José Larco1301, Miraflores
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Lima: Saturday, December 11, 1pm
Location: Embajada Británica en Perú (British Embassy), Torre Parque Mar piso 22, Lima, Perú
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Łódź: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 13:00h - 16:00h EET
Location: Plac Wolności, Łódź, Polska
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Piła: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h - 16:00h EET
Location: Rondo JP II, Piła 64-920, Polska
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Lisbon: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 11:00h
Location: R. Garrett, Front of A Brasileira café.
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Lisbon: Saturday, December 11, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Largo do Chiado
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109098922496334
View photos from the event
Bucuresti: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h
Location: Piata Centrala, Romania
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Edinburgh: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h
Location: TBD
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Geneva: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 17:00h - 23:00h
Location: Parc des bastions, Place Neuve - Meeting in front of the Kiosque (Bar-Restaurant) in the parc
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Zurich: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 11:00h
Location: Hauptbahnhof, Zurich, 8000, Treffpunkt am
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Ankara: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 19:00h 23:00h EET
Location: Güven Park, Kızılay, Ankara
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Istanbul: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h 16:00h EET
Location: Galatasaray Square, Taksim, Beyoglu, Istanbul
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Barcelona: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 13:00h
Location: Plaza Catalnuya
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Bilbao: Global Mobalization
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 18:00h
Location: Plaza Moyua.
Event Information: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Madrid: Global Mobalization
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 18:00h
Location: Plaza del Rey 1, Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura
Event Information: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Málaga: Global Mobalization
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 18:00h
Location: Plaza de la Constitución /Constitution Square.
Event Information: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Valencia: Global Mobalization
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, (17:30h 19:00h)
Location: Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
Event Information: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=180215162012651&ref=nf
Vitoria Gasteiz: Global Mobalization
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 18:00h
Location: Plaza de la Virgen Blanca / White Virgin´s Square.
Event Information: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Demonstration and Operation Freedom Assange
Valencia: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del Ayuntamiento /Town Hall Square - Valencia, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Madrid: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del Callao (frente al Corte Inglés) / Callao Square (Opposite El Corte Inglés – Underground Stations: Callao/sol/Gran Vía) - Madrid, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Málaga: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de la Constitución - Málaga, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Sevilla: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Nueva / New Square - Sevilla, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
A Coruña: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Galicia, delante del TSXG / Galicia Square at the TSXG - A Coruña, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Bilbao: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Moyua / Moyua Square - Bilbao, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Zaragoza: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de España, Diputación Provincial / Spain´s Square, Plaza of Spain, Provincial - Zaragoza, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Badajoz: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de San Francisco / Spain´s Square - Badajoz, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Albacete: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza del parque de Abelardo Sánchez, Punta Abelardo Sánchez Park - Albacete, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Mallorca: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza de España / Spain´s square - Mallorca, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Murcia: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Glorieta frente Ayuntamiento/ Roundabout Square opposite the Town Hall, Murcia, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Barcelona: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6pm - 7pm
Location: Plaza Sant Jaume, Barcelona, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Pamplona: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6pm - 7pm
Location: Kiosko Plaza Castilla /Castilla Square kiosk, Pamplona, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Alicante: Pendiente / to be confirmed.
Zamora: pendiente / to be confirmed
For freedom, say no to state terrorism
Madrid: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Embajada británica en Madrid (British Embassy), Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana 259D, 28046 Madrid
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Read a report from the event
A Coruña: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Embajada de Suecia en A Coruña (Swedish Embassy): Sale del Cantón Grande a las 18.00 en el Obelisco hacía la Avenida de Linares Rivas 18-21, A Coruña, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Barcelona: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Consulado General Británico en Barcelona (British General Consulate), Edificio Torre de Barcelona, Avenida Diagonal, 477, 13º, 08036 Barcelona
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Sevilla: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Plaza Nueva 1, Sevilla, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Valencia: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Consulado de Suecia en Valencia (Swedish consulate), Plaza Porta de la Mar 4, pta 8, Valencia, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Zaragoza: Saturday, December 11, 6pm
Location: Diputación de Zaragoza, Plaza de España 2, Zaragoza, Spain
Event page: http://freewikileaks.eu/
Göteborg: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h
Location: Götaplatsen
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Stockholm: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h
Location: Plattan, Sergels torg, Stockholm
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Liverpool: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h PST
Location: Chavasse Park
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
London: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 11:00h PST
Location: 146 Queen Victoria Street London, EC4V 4BY
London Dianetics and Scientology Exhibition
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
London: University of London - Students' Union
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 18:00h
Location: Trafalger Square
Event Information:
Peterborough: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 19:00h 21:00h
Location: High Street outside queensgate shopping center, start outside KRCS store
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
London: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 11:001 - 19:00h
Location: London, Magistrates' High Court.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=186864697993323&num_event_invites=0
London: Saturday, December 11, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Cumberland Gate at Marble Arch Hyde Park.
Nearest tube station: Marble Arch
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175481195812657
London:, Monday, December 13, 2pm
Location: Swedish Embassy, 11 Montagu Place, London W1H 2AL
Topic: Against extradition to Sweden (JusticeforAssange.com Campaign)
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-for-Assange-UK/169102599797422?v=wall
Campaign website: http://www.justiceforassange.com
London: Tuesday, December 14, 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: City of Westminster Magistrates' Court, 70 Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London SW1P
Directions: Google maps
Nearby stations: St. James Park, Victoria and Pimlico
Campaign website: http://www.justiceforassange.com
Manchester: Wednesday, December 15, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Piccadilly Gardens, M60 1HX
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119100648155152
Chicago: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Saturday, January 22, 15:00h
Location: Bezazian Public Library, 1226 West, Chicago, Illinois
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Pasadena: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Saturday, January 22, 15:00h
Location: Room 21 of the Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church of Pasadena, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, California
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Columbia: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Monday, January 24, 18:00h
Location: University of South Carolina, Russell House University Union
Room 302, Columbia, South Carolina
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
New Orleans: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Tuesday, January 25, 19:00h
Location: Tulane University, Kendall Cram Lecture Hall, Lavin-Bernick Center 213, McAllister Pl between Feret St and Drill Rd, New Orleans, Louisiana
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
New York City: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Sunday, January 30, 15:00h
Location: University Settlement at the Houston Street Center,
Multi-purpose room 1&2
273 Bowery (corner of Houston St)
Closest subways: 6 train/Bleeker St. stop;
B & D trains/Bway-Lafayette stop; F train/Second Ave. stop
New York City, New York
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Boston: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 11:00h-05:00h EST
Location: Copley Square, Boston
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=189134337770129
NWI/Chicago, Indiana/Illinois: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, TBD
Location: TBD
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Cincinnati, Ohio: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 08:00h - 22:00h
Location: Great American Ball Park: 100 Joe Nuxhall Way
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Dallas, TX: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 11:00h
Location: 1100 Commerce Street, Earle Cabell Federal Building
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Dover, DE: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 22nd, 12:00h
Location: 55 The Green, Delaware Supreme Courthouse
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Denver, CO: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 13:00h
Location: 101 West Colfax Avenue, Colorado Supreme Court Clerk
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Elkton, MD: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 10:00h - 12:00h
Location: Walmart, 1000 East Pulaski Highway
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Eugene, OR: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 16:00h
Location: 420 park - Saturday market area
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Los Angeles: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 08:00h PST
Location: TBD
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Miami, FL: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h PST
Location: 11401 NW 12 St, Miami
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Missoula, MT: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h
Location: Corner of 4th St. and Higgins Ave., Higgins Ave. Bridge
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
New Haven, CT: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h PST
Location: Broadway, The Broadway Island
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
New York: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 17:00h PST
Location: 226 West 46th Street, Butt Land
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Pittsurgh: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h
Location: 201 Wood St., Point Park University
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Portland: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 12:00h PST
Location: pioneer square or anywhere downtown between sw 6th, sw broadway,sw morrison st, sw taylor st are the four streets surrounding the square - portland oregon 97024 pioneer square
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Providence RI: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 00:00h 06:00h 16 Jan
Location: 7 Dike Street
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Ortonville, MI: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 15:00h PST
Location: 476 Mill Street, Ortonville Village Office
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Raleigh: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 18:00h
Location: 2 East South Street, Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Saint Louis, MO: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 13:00h
Location: 1200 Market St, St Louis, MO, Saint Louis Information Services
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Saint Paul, MN: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 11:00h -18:00h CST
Location: 1011 Nicollet Mall, Party Hard Central, Saint Paul, MN
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Salt Lake City, UT: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 14:00h
Location: 400 s. 200 E, Salt Lake City Public Library Open grounds
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
San Diego: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 18:00h PST
Location: 326 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101, City Park across the street from The Grant
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
San Francisco:
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 16:00h - 18:30h
Location: Clay St and Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA
Event page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=178950392136750&num_event_invites=0
San Jose, CA: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 11:00h
Location: 650 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose/Los Gatos
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Sanford, FL: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 14:00h
Location: 648 E 1st St, Fort Mellon Park
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Seattle: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday 15 January 2011 08:00h PST
Location: 1000 4th Ave / 1200 12th Avenue
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Tampa, FL: Anonymous in defense of WikiLeaks and freedom of expression
Date and time: Saturday, January 15th, 10:00h
Location: 4202 E Fowler Ave, The University of South Florida
Details: http://www.whyweprotest.net/en/
Event Information: http://forums.whyweprotest.net/forums/planning.283/
Washington DC:
Date and time: Saturday, January 15, 12:00h - 18:00h
Location: Dupont Circle
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wikileaks-National-Rally-for-Transparency/...
Portland: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Tuesday, January 11, 19:30h
Location: Portland State University, Room 262, Smith MemorialUnion, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Rock Island: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Tuesday, January 19, 17:30h
Location: Theo’s Java Club, 213 17th Street, Rock Island, Illinois
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
Ann Arbor: Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality: Meetings to discuss Wikileaks
Date and time: Tuesday, January 20, 19:00h
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Henderson Room of the Michigan League, 911 North University, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Event page: http://wsws.org/wikimeetings.shtml
New York City, NY: Thursday, December 9, 6:30pm - 0:30am
Location: New York Times Bldg, New York, NY 10018
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155203287858724
New York City, NY: Thursday, December 9, 5:00pm
Location: Federal Building, Broadway between Worth and Duane St, NY, NY
Getting there: A, C, E, R, 4, 5, 6 Trains to Chamber and/or Brooklyn Bridge stops
Event page: http://www.iacenter.org/nyc_actions/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182681678414096
Organized by: International Action Center, 212-633-6646
San Jose, CA: Friday, December 10, 2010, 12pm - 3pm
Location: In front of San Jose City Hall
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=178828535463159
New York City, NY: Saturday, December 11 at 12:00 noon
Location: British Consulate-General at 845 Third Ave.
Minneapolis, MN: Monday, December 13, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: Senator Klobuchar's Minneapolis Office, 1200 Washington Ave S., Minneapolis, MN
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109641875774406
Miami FL:: Monday, December 13, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: U.S. Attorney's Office Building, 99 Northeast 4th Street, Miami, FL
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175854382432344
Atlanta GA: Wednesday, December 15, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Location: in front of the CNN Center
Directions: Centennial and Marietta St.
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182432395101619
Washington, DC: Thursday, December 16, 10:00am
Location: In front of the White House
Event details: http://www.zcommunications.org/with-wikileaks-revelations-peace-communit...
San Jose, CA: Thursday, December 16, all day
Location: San Jose State University
San Francisco: Thursday, December 16th, 4pm - 6pm (updated)
Location: British Consulate (1 Sansome St at Market)
Event page: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/12/13/18666433.php
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=110765495662010
Olympia, WA: Saturday, December 18, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Heritage Park (5th Ave and Water St)
Event page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wikileaks-Support-Rally-Olympia-WA/1747382...
(Image Credit: Dali Rău)
NSW Supreme Court solicitor Peter Kemp: Letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard
By Peter Kemp, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, 2010-12-04
Dear Prime Minister
From the Sydney Morning Herald I note you made a comment of "illegal" on the matter of Mr Assange in relation to the ongoing leaks of US diplomatic cables.
Previously your colleague and Attorney General the Honourable McClelland announced an investigation of possible criminality by Mr Assange.
As a lawyer and citizen I find this most disturbing, particularly so when a brief perusal of the Commonwealth Criminal Code shows that liability arises under the Espionage provisions, for example, only when it is the Commonwealth's "secrets" that are disclosed and that there must be intent to damage the Commonwealth.
Likewise under Treason law, there must be an intent to assist an enemy. Clearly, and reinforced by publicly available material such as Professor Saul's excellent article:
...Julian Assange has almost certainly committed no crime under Australian law in relation to his involvement in Wikileaks.
I join with Professor Saul also in asking you Prime Minister why has there been no public complaint to the US about both Secretaries of State Condaleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton being in major breach of International law ie UN Covenants, by making orders to spy on UN personnel, including the Secretary General, to include theft of their credit card details and communication passwords. Perhaps the Attorney General should investigate this clear prima facie evidence of crime (likely against Australian diplomats as well), rather than he attempts to prosecute the messenger of those crimes.
It is also disturbing that no Australian official has castigated Sweden for the shameful treatment Mr Assange has received ie his human rights abused, in that he has not been charged and served with papers in the English language regarding the evidence against him of alleged sexual offences. This is contrary to Article 6 of the European Covenant on Human Rights to which Sweden is a signatory nation.
Those offences remain unclear and the Swedish prosecutor Ms Ny appears to be making up the law as she wants. It appears now, by Ms Ny's interpretation that when consensual sex occurs but if a condom breaks, the male party is liable to 2 years imprisonment for sexual assault. All this information is publicly available.
An Australian citizen is apparently being singled out for "special treatment" Prime Minister. There are legitimate concerns among citizens here that his treatment by the Swedes is connected to US interests which are against the activities of Wikileaks, and you will note the strident, outrageous (and illegal) calls inciting violence against him in the US in demands for his assassination, by senior influential US politicians.
Granted that in western political circles, Mr Assange is not flavour of the month, but what he is doing in my opinion, and in the opinion of many here and abroad, is vitally necessary to expose American foreign policy failures and potential war crimes and crimes against humanity--not for the purpose of damaging US interests but to make them accountable.
While we have close and a good relationship with the US, there is no doubt that US influence and power is declining. That we appear to be still posturing, (given that declining power and a new paradigm of privately enforced accountability) to the US on the issue of Wikileaks is, Prime Minister, deeply disappointing.
Yours Faithfully
Peter Kemp.
SA Supreme Court solicitor Darren Bailey: Letter to Australian Prime Minister
By Darren Bailey, Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia
Submitted on 04 December 2010
Subject: Julian Assange
Dear Prime Minister,
I wish to strongly associate myself with the letter addressed to you from NSW Supreme Court solicitor Peter Kemp, dated 4 December 2010, concerning the treatment of Mr Julian Assange.
His rights as an Australian citizen are clearly being infringed and should be vigorously protected "though the heavens may fall". As this nation's Prime Minister, and as a lawyer yourself, you ought to know this fact far better than your official statements would indicate.
Please address this issue as a matter of urgency. Demonstrate that to be an Australian citizen actually counts for something.
Darren Bailey
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia
(Please find our previous features linked below)
By Greg Barns, barrister and director of the Australian Lawyers Alliance, 2010-12-01
Here’s a theory, and a plausible one at that. The Gillard government is getting pressure from Washington to close down Wikileaks founder Julian Assange because he is an Australian citizen. So Attorney-General Robert McClelland announces yesterday that he has asked the Australian Federal Police to see if Mr. Assange can have the book thrown at him and have his passport cancelled.
Mr. McClelland’s decision amounts to little more than posturing. This is because Mr. Assange would appear to have committed no crime under Australia’s suite of laws on disclosure of sensitive state information.
Yesterday the ABC’S Brisbane morning show presenter Madonna King exposed the weakness of McClelland’s position.
McClelland told King that the “law enforcement agencies are looking separately at the issue as to whether any Australian criminal laws have been breached and if so the appropriate course of action to take in response to that.”
Then there was this exchange:
MADONNA KING: Well what could be a criminal law that possibly could have been breached? I’m just thinking what is the crime here?
ROBERT McClelland: The crimes potentially relate to the publication of national security sensitive material, in circumstances where that is intentionally done knowing the sensitivity of it. There are other specific offenses relating to the publishing of details concerning certain places and so forth. So they’re the sort of issues that the police are looking at.
MADONNA KING: But don’t you have a big jurisdictional problem there? The leaks are coming from the United States but that’s a crime under Australian law. How do you actually do that?
ROBERT McClelland: No, you’re absolutely right. That’s why I said the prime agencies are United States agencies looking at the - that issue. It’s United States documentation so we will be focusing on what we can do to assist those. But at the same time I’ve asked the Australian Federal Police to specifically look at whether any Australian criminal laws have been breached.
Ms King is not a lawyer but she nailed the A-G perfectly in this exchange. The reality is that the Australian Federal Police can do nothing about an Australian citizen who is running a website out of Sweden which is the repository for American diplomatic cables. And Australia, unlike the UK, does not have an official secrets law. It has scattered throughout the Commonwealth statute books provisions relating to the unauthorised disclosure of information that relates to national security by employees, contractors and the like.
In any event, the current legal thinking in the UK and other common law countries is that leaking sensitive information per se is not necessarily an offence. The law respects the right to freedom of expression and simply because the leaked material embarrasses a government does not mean that a criminal offence has been committed.
The Gillard government and the Coalition also need to tread carefully in wanting to strip Mr Assange of his passport simply because they do not like the fact that he is embarrassing an ally. Many Australians, including politicians and journalists, are involved in the leaking of secret or highly sensitive documents. Remember back in 2004 when former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and his office were accused of leaking a document on Iraq war whistleblower and now federal MP Andrew Wilkie to conservative columnist Andrew Bolt? Should Mr Downer and his staff, and Mr Bolt for that matter, have had their passports cancelled if they were all proven to have been involved in a leak of a sensitive document?
Julian Assange is an Australian citizen who does not deserve to be harassed by the Australian government, he has done nothing wrong.
This article appeared originally on ABC.net.au. Reprinted with the author's permission.
Letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard
By Peter Kemp, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, on 2010-12-04
Dear Prime Minister
From the Sydney Morning Herald I note you made a comment of "illegal" on the matter of Mr Assange in relation to the ongoing leaks of US diplomatic cables.
Previously your colleague and Attorney General the Honourable McClelland announced an investigation of possible criminality by Mr Assange.
As a lawyer and citizen I find this most disturbing, particularly so when a brief perusal of the Commonwealth Criminal Code shows that liability arises under the Espionage provisions, for example, only when it is the Commonwealth's "secrets" that are disclosed and that there must be intent to damage the Commonwealth.
Likewise under Treason law, there must be an intent to assist an enemy. Clearly, and reinforced by publicly available material such as Professor Saul's excellent article:
...Julian Assange has almost certainly committed no crime under Australian law in relation to his involvement in Wikileaks.
I join with Professor Saul also in asking you Prime Minister why has there been no public complaint to the US about both Secretaries of State Condaleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton being in major breach of International law ie UN Covenants, by making orders to spy on UN personnel, including the Secretary General, to include theft of their credit card details and communication passwords. Perhaps the Attorney General should investigate this clear prima facie evidence of crime (likely against Australian diplomats as well), rather than he attempts to prosecute the messenger of those crimes.
It is also disturbing that no Australian official has castigated Sweden for the shameful treatment Mr Assange has received ie his human rights abused, in that he has not been charged and served with papers in the English language regarding the evidence against him of alleged sexual offences. This is contrary to Article 6 of the European Covenant on Human Rights to which Sweden is a signatory nation.
Those offences remain unclear and the Swedish prosecutor Ms Ny appears to be making up the law as she wants. It appears now, by Ms Ny's interpretation that when consensual sex occurs but if a condom breaks, the male party is liable to 2 years imprisonment for sexual assault. All this information is publicly available.
An Australian citizen is apparently being singled out for "special treatment" Prime Minister. There are legitimate concerns among citizens here that his treatment by the Swedes is connected to US interests which are against the activities of Wikileaks, and you will note the strident, outrageous (and illegal) calls inciting violence against him in the US in demands for his assassination, by senior influential US politicians.
Granted that in western political circles, Mr Assange is not flavour of the month, but what he is doing in my opinion, and in the opinion of many here and abroad, is vitally necessary to expose American foreign policy failures and potential war crimes and crimes against humanity--not for the purpose of damaging US interests but to make them accountable.
While we have close and a good relationship with the US, there is no doubt that US influence and power is declining. That we appear to be still posturing, (given that declining power and a new paradigm of privately enforced accountability) to the US on the issue of Wikileaks is, Prime Minister, deeply disappointing.
Yours Faithfully
Peter Kemp.
(Readers are encouraged contact the Australian Prime Minister here: http://www.pm.gov.au/PM_Connect/Email_your_PM)
By Darren Bailey, Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia
Submitted on 04 December 2010
Subject: Julian Assange
Dear Prime Minister,
I wish to strongly associate myself with the letter addressed to you from NSW Supreme Court solicitor Peter Kemp, dated 4 December 2010, concerning the treatment of Mr Julian Assange.
His rights as an Australian citizen are clearly being infringed and should be vigorously protected "though the heavens may fall". As this nation's Prime Minister, and as a lawyer yourself, you ought to know this fact far better than your official statements would indicate.
Please address this issue as a matter of urgency. Demonstrate that to be an Australian citizen actually counts for something.
Darren Bailey
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia
Please find below a number of further media resources on WikiLeaks.
News resources
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Video resources
Photo resources
Please find below the latest tweets from WikiLeaks. For a complete archive of posts dating back to 2009, organized by month, please click here.
2010-11-04: Swiss Press Club, Geneva
On the occasion of the first UN Universal Periodic Review of human rights in the United States, the Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights invited Julian Assange to Geneva. The press conference focused on the subject of human rights abuses disclosed by the WikiLeaks Iraq war logs, and also the treatment of whistleblowers and activists on part of the United States.
IPJ Secretary General Ridha Ajmi expounded on the reasons why the institute invited Julian Assange in a post on the IPJ website.
Video of the press conference:
Audio recording:
Selected media coverage:
IPJ reports from the events:
Photo credit: Reuters/Valentin Flauraud
2010-10-23: Iraq War Logs release, Park Plaza Hotel, London
Julian Assange was joined by Gavin MacFadyen (Centre for Investigative Journalism), John Sloboda (Iraq Body Count), Phil Shiner (Public Interest Lawyers) and Kristinn Hrafnsson at a historical press conference upon the release of the Iraq War Logs, with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg in attendance. The release of the more than 391,000 military SIGACT documents from Iraq and coordinated coverage the previous day by The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, The New York Times and SVT was heralded by The Guardian's Editor in Chief Alan Rusbridger as "an extraordinary moment in journalism."
Human rights activist and former British ambassador Craig Murray presented Julian Assange with the Sam Adams Associates Award for Integrity in Intelligence, WikiLeaks thus joining a small and distinguished group of winners honoured for "speaking truth to power."
Video of the press conference:
Selected media coverage:
Please see the Iraq War Logs section for extensive media coverage.
Please find below a few sites we would like to recommend:
Official WikiLeaks resources:
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Information resources:
WikiLeaks The Truth - Public Meeting
Central Hotel Dublin
Saturday January 29 2011
15:00 - 17:00
Harry Brown (Lecturer in Journalism) will speak in the Central Hotel Dublin 15:00 - 17:00 on the topic of WikiLeaks and the campaign against Julianl Assange being waged after he leaked top-secret US documents.
These documents have shed light on the way international relations work and have exposed many items which political leaders would prefer that people did not know.
Since the leaking of these top secret documents there has been a concerted campaign against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
1. PayPal has stopped processing donations to WikiLeaks
2. Julianl Assange has been brought up on trumped up charges.
3. Death threats have been made to Julianl Assange.
Related Link: http://www.irishantiwar.org/node/1065
American University Washington College of Law, Room 603
4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
2010-10-25: Frontline Club, London
Following up on the Iraq War Logs release, Frontline hosted a conversation between Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg. The event video and audio recordings are available on the Frontline website:
Photo credit: Frontline Club
2010-09-30: City University, London
Under the title "Too Much Information? Security and Censorship in the Age of WikiLeaks," City University's School of Journalism hosted a debate between Julian Assange and David Aaronovitch of The Times. Video of the debate is available on the City University website:
Photo credit: Øyvind Bye Skille, NRK
2010-07-16: TED Talks, Oxford
One week before the release of the Afghanistan war diaries, Julian Assange made an appearance on TED Talks and spoke with host Chris Anderson, curator of TED. The talk, entitled "Why the World Needs WikiLeaks," offers insights into how WikiLeaks operates and what it has accomplished. The full video is available via TED Talks:
Photo credit: TED
2010-04-28: Oslo Freedom Forum
Julian Assange was a featured speaker at the 2010 Oslo Freedom Forum, an event that brings together human rights luminaries from around the world. For anyone wanting to understand the philosophical underpinnings of WikiLeaks, this an essential video:
2010-04-18: Logan Symposium, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
Shortly after the release of Collateral Murder, Julian Assange spoke at this panel alongside Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Icelandic MP) and Gavin MacFadyen (The Bureau for Investigative Journalism), hosted by Lowell Bergman: