2011-06-01 CIA prisons in Poland: former prosecutor had planned to file charges

According to Gazeta Wyborcza, Jerzy Mierzewski, the prosecutor investigating alleged CIA prisons on Polish territory, was removed from the case because he had planned to file charges of breach of the constitution, false imprisonment and assistance in crimes against humanity.

This move came shortly after a lawyer acting for a Guantanamo detainee filed a complaint against Poland at the European Court of Human Rights, and a week before President Obama's visit to Poland.

Recent days have seen a number of articles on alleged CIA rendition flights and prisons on Polish territory in the Polish press. These were also prompted by a statement former MEP Józef Pinior made to Gazeta Wyborcza, saying that there is a memorandum signed by former PM Leszek Miller regulating the operations of a planned CIA prison on Polish territory. Miller strongly denies this.

For other WL Central coverage on the topic please see here.

Thank you Ikon

I had previously cast doubt on Mr. Mierzewski. This post of yours removes that doubt and is consistent with the political actions we are seeing in the world. Now, the question becomes, "who was paid to remove Mr. Mierzewski from his job?", And what was the price?

I wasn't even aware of Obama's Polish visit. This is very similar to the recent Ireland jaunt, where the rights for Shannon 'stop-overs' was reafirmed.

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