2011-02-24 Extradition hearing: Day four (Final round)

Today Julian Assange faced his last extraditon hearing (apparently). We will be updating Court´s events in Belmarsh here. If you have related live information and audio or video feeds, please send to @wikileaks_world on Twitter.

After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the hearing is over. Judge orders Assange be extradited in Sweden. Assange has 7 days to appeal. For now, he will remain on bail. Lawyer Mark Stephens says they will appeal.

Full judgement is up here.

Relevant Twitter feed from Belmarsh, based on @federicacocco, @estheraddley, @c4marcus and @ravisomaiya:

c4marcus (12.13 GMT)
#Assange bailed until 2pm while issues around sureties are sorted out.
federicacocco (12.12 GMT)
Judge: Assange will remain on bail
federicacocco (12.10 GMT)
Robertson: To save time, we have 2 alternative sureties. One of the original sureties was Lord Evans but he couldn't be here today
estheraddley (12.10 GMT)
Decision postponed on costs. On bail, defence offering two alternative suretors. Judge 'I'm afraid I don't know who these people are'
(12.08 GMT)
Judge: I can't rule on costs today as Crown hasn't provided me with their total. #Assange
federicacocco (12.05 GMT)
Judge: A schedule has not been made. For these purposes, the court has no longer jurisdiction after today.
federicacocco (12.05 GMT)
Judge: In principle I would today make an order for costs in the amount I consider Judge. Today I'm not in a position to assess costs
c4marcus (12.00 GMT)
Appears Crown aren't actually sure what their costs are, which is making dealing with that issue today a bit tricky. #Assange
federicacocco (11.58 GMT)
Judge to prosecution: If the appeal in successful you have a right to apply for the reimbursement of legal costs
federicacocco (11.56 GMT)
Prosecution: "It is submitted legal costs for responding to these proceedings will be submitted to the paymaster general"
c4marcus (11.50)
And we're back again. #Assange legal team now making arguments about costs. #Assange
estheraddley (11.39 GMT)
Judge rises for 5 mins to allow defence to try to tie up two suretors whose documentation haven't been received #assange
federicacocco (11.34 GMT)
Assange legal team apply for bail with £200,000 as a security 'deposit', four people would act as guarantors #Assange
RT @aleximostrous: Lawyer says he will appeal #Assange decision, one ground: Swedish "secret trials" violate human rights #wikileaks
estheraddley (11.30 GMT)
CPS have offered #assange team 'a deal' on costs, so have postponed decision on that. Now on to Q of bail
estheraddley (11.25 GMT)
Legal teams now discussing costs #assange
estheraddley (11.25 GMT)
#assange impassive in dock. I hope this isn't editorialising, but he does look very pale
federicacocco (11.25 GMT)
Judge: I must order Assange be extradited in Sweden. Assange has 7 days to appeal
c4marcus (11.18 GMT)
Judge: Perhaps most significant of human rights arguments is that rape trials in Sweden are held behind closed doors. #Assange
Judge: Defence said this does not amount to rape in most European country. The complainant was asleep - in this country that is rape
Judge: Offence 3 says Assange deliberately molested the complainant and violated her sexual integrity. This is an allegation of rape
Judge: The complainant made it clear she was not consenting to the act, as sex happened without her knowledge (she was asleep)
Judge: Offence 2 says Assange molested the party and violated her sexual integrity
Judge: The complainant did not consent to this. This is an extradition offence. #Assange
Judge Riddle: Offence 1 specifically alleges that Assange used violence and forced the injured person and constricted her freedom to move
Judge: It has been argued this does not amount to extradition offences #Assange
Judge: I will summarise my findings. I am satisfied the requested person is an accused and is wanted for prosecution
c4marcus (11-03 GMT)
Judge: I have no doubt that this defendant is wanted for prosecution in Sweden. #Assange
c4marcus (11.02 GMT)
Judge: not necessary for me to determine whether #Assange deliberately fled Sweden, but clear he's not made himself available for interview
federicacocco (11.00 GMT)
Judge: It is necessary to adopt a cosmopolitan approach. The fact that Sweden requests interrogation without charge is a matter for Sweden
federicacocco (11.00 GMT)
Judge: It is not necessary for me to determine whether Assange fled the country to avoid proceedings, but its clear he didn't make himself
federicacocco (10.55 GMT)
Judge: I trust that Ny has reasons to request warrant. However, I'll look at the evidence #Assange
estheraddley (10.55 GMT)
Judge says retired judge who criticised Ny had no first hand knowledge, no evidence as to source of her opinion #assange
federicacocco (10.50 GMT)
There is no reason to believe in this case that there was a mistake. The defence has been meticulous and I have no doubt about Ny's auth.
Prosecution says Ms Ny cannot issue the warrant, and that the warrant is not for prosecution #Assange
c4marcus (10.48)
Judge now discussing arguments re validty of European Arrest Warrant. #Assange
estheraddley (10.45 GMT)
Hurtig mistake re: prosecutor contact 'a deliberate attmept to mislead this court'. Wow #assange
c4marcus (10.45 GMT)
Judge has accused #Assange's Swedish lawyer Hurtig of deliberately attempting to mislead the court. Says he is an 'unreliable witness'.
federicacocco (10.38 GMT)
2) Normally in Sweden the person prosecuted is held incommunicado. 3) Some ppl find these proceedings unfair #Assange
federicacocco (10.37 GMT)
1) Proceedings in Sweden are at a preliminary stage, the decision will take place after charge
federicacocco (10.36 GMT)
Judge is not going to read the whole verdict, but he will summarise evidence #Assange
c4marcus (10.35 GMT)
Judge says parties have submitted more material in last few days. 'They shouldn't have done that,' he says, and he hasn't read it. #Assange
federicacocco (10.33 GMT)
Hearing is starting now #Assange #extradition
ravisomaiya (10.30 GMT)
WiFi has gone down at #Assange hearing, pushing about 100 reporters to the verge of tears. #includingme
federicacocco (09.30 GMT)
Protesters outside Belmarsh court await verdict of #Assange #extradition hearing http://twitpic.com/436axn

Protesters outside Belmarsh court await verdict by Federica Cocco

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