A summary of the US state cables involving Egypt released and tweeted from Wikileaks today. Updates will follow.
2011-01-28 Cable: Egypt displeased with number and tone of U.S. recommendations
2011-01-28 Cable: The Amir of Qatar discusses Syria, Egypt, and Iran
2011-01-28 Cable: Political arrests of Muslim Brotherhood
2011-01-28 Cable: Egypt's Emergency Law
2011-01-28 Cable: Egypt action against, poet, bloggers, novelist and journalists
2011-01-28 Cable: Police torture in Egypt
2011-01-28 Cable: Police brutality and poor prison conditions in Egypt
2011-01-28 Cable: Assessing support for Mohammed El Baradei
2011-01-28 Cable: Qatar on the Israeli-Palestine talks, Egypt and Iran
2011-01-28 Cable: President Mubarak in Washington
2011-02-28 Cable: Torture and police brutality in Egypt are endemic and widespread
2011-01-28 Cable: Mubarak discusses Iran and a "split" within Arab ranks
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It's interesting to note that although this cable is only marked 'confidential', its declassification date is 20 years hence, not the usual 10. Some of the 'Secret/Noforn' cables declassify in 25 years and I've seen a few marked to be declassified in 30 years.
Give a secret document alluding to violence a longer time to be secret? Should be the other way around, don't you think? No secrecy at all. If you know people are being hurt now ... you talk now , you help now! Keeping something like this a secret is a crime in many countries, but for a country to keep such a secret it's OK? It's the very wrongness of this argument that's bringing about the change we're seeing.