2019-07-23 Anna Ardin: Sweden Democrats Celebrating Breivik

Are the Sweden Democrats celebrating the terror attack of Anders Behring Breivik? That's what 'deaconess' Anna Ardin claimed in a Facebook post on the anniversary of the atrocity. Ardin later removed her post.

Ardin, a deaconess and board member of the Social Democrat Party, wrote:

'Today nazis and Sweden Democrats are celebrating one of the worst attacks on democracy since the second world war - the murder of people like me on Utøya.'

The post was immediately attacked. Well-known investigative journalist Rebecca Uvell writes:

'This Social Democrat Anna Ardin. Who from her group has been assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden. She writes terrible things. She thinks a lot of people online want to see seventy children slaughtered? Ardin is trampling on their graves. A new nadir. Shame!'

Louise Löfquist writes:

'Evidently 17% of Swedes are 'celebrating' the terror attack on Utøya. One can't be more tasteless than that. Anna Ardin should be shamed, but we know she won't be. Disgusting.'

'Ardin is Mental'

Malin Lundgren writes:

'The person who wrote this is mentally ill. How can the Social Democrats be represented by someone like this?'

Ardin removed the post and instead published a new post where she writes 'That was stupid of me to write, only because some of you play video games where you shoot children on Utøya and laugh about it'.

She also followed up with a tweet.

'No, I didn't say that 1.2 million Swedes are celebrating Utøya. Some played Breivik, shot at members of the Social Democrat youth league in a computer game, and they laughed. I removed my private post on Facebook and I apologised for my statements. But the attacks on me continue.'

Greta is Ardin's Biblical Prophet?

Ardin gained notoriety earlier when she claimed that Greta Thunberg is a 'prophet' who is 'on a par with the prophets of the bible'.

Anna Ardin later wrote to a Swedish news site:

'I have removed the post and I have apologised. It was a private post. It was not meant for public consumption. There seem to be many who want to share this post. So there are attacks on me. It angered many people who are screaming at me, who attack me personally, who hate, threaten, and spread gross exaggerations about the post I removed, which in turn generates even more hatred and threats - that's terrifying.'