2013-07-25 July 26: DC rally to confront Bradley Manning's Convening Authority

Bradley Manning Support Network

ADVISORY FOR: July 26, 2013

Contact: Mike McKee, 215-888-1570

July 26: DC rally to confront Bradley Manning's Convening Authority

What: demonstration at Ft. McNair, base of Convening Authority Maj. Gen. Buchanan
When: Friday, July 26, 3-5:30 PM
Where: Event starts at 4th St and P St SW, near the Waterfront metro, Washington DC

As military judge Col. Denise Lind considers her final verdict in Pfc. Bradley Manning's court martial, hundreds of supporters of the Army whistleblower are demonstrating July 26, 3-5:30pm, at Ft. McNair, Washington D.C., the base of Convening Authority Major General Buchanan, who has the power to reduce Bradley's sentence. The event will include colorful banners, protest puppets, speakers from the veteran and anti-war communities, and an attempt to deliver a petition to Maj. Gen. Buchanan himself. Additionally, the US Peace Memorial Foundation will attend to present Manning with their 2013 Peace Prize.

Amnesty International recently called Bradley Manning's prosecution a "travesty of justice." ( http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/bradley-manning-us-aiding-enemy-charge-tr... ) Manning faces a potential life sentence for releasing hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks because he wanted to promote "debates, discussions and reforms" concerning U.S. foreign policy. He pled guilty to mishandling classified information, which carries up to a 20-year sentence, but faces life in prison on charges of Aiding the Enemy, Espionage, computer fraud, and federal theft.

The defense and prosecution made closing arguments on Thursday, July 25, and the sentencing phase is scheduled to begin July 31.

The military justice system dictates no minimum sentence. Supporters are hopeful Maj. Gen Buchanan will consider the fact that Manning was imprisoned three years before he was tried, including 9 months alone in a 6x8 ft cell, conditions which the judge determined to be "unlawful pretrial punishment" and which NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden referenced ( http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/06/25/nsa-leaker-edward-s... ) in his pursuit of asylum. Additionally, many supporters cried foul ( http://www.bradleymanning.org/featured/manning-trial-judge-lets-govt-reo... ) at the judge permitting Manning's homophobic supervisor to testify for the prosecution, after it'd officially closed its argument.

View the event Facebook page. ( https://www.facebook.com/events/479855288757353/ )

The Bradley Manning Support Network is responsible for 100% of Manning's legal fees, as well as international education efforts. Funded by 21,000 individuals, the Support Network has mustered $1.3 million in Manning's defense.