2011-11-01 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.

The judgement on the extradition of Julian Assange to Sweden will be delivered tomorrow at the Royal Courts of Justice (London), at approximately 9:45 am GMT time.
A manifestation of support will take place outside the Court - starting at 9:00 am (more details here). Feel free to drop by: your presence there is important as a public affirmation of support toward Julian and WikiLeaks. So be there, and help raise awareness!

Remember, WikiLeaks needs you.

Following a press conference at the Frontline Club on the 24th October – where it was announced WikiLeaks was to temporarily suspend publishing activities to concentrate efforts on beating, through a major fundraising campaign in addition to legal action, the banking blockade that has deprived the publicly funded organization of 95% of its income - it is now much easier to donate to WikiLeaks, via SMS for instance, and you can also learn how to contribute with your skills as an internet user.

In order to ensure our future survival, WikiLeaks is now forced to temporarily suspend its publishing operations and aggressively fundraise in order to fight back against this blockade and its proponents. We have commenced pre-litigation action against the blockade in Iceland, Denmark, the UK, Brussels, the United States and Australia. (…) Our battles will be costly. We need your support. A handful of US finance companies cannot be allowed to decide how the whole world votes with its pocket., an official WikiLeaks statement on the banking blockade reads.

Another very significant announcement was made during the course of the 24th October WikiLeaks press conferente: the launch of a new WikiLeaks online submission system on the 28th November (the one year anniversary of Cablegate).

(The full press conference mentioned above can be viewed on the Frontline Club’s ustream page.)

WikiLeaks was recently credited with being at the origin of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and while its crucial influence on the global Occupy movement is also undisputable, there is much more yet to be accomplished with your help.

Recently, @wikileaks also made an appeal for skilled volunteers to work on the mysterious Project Anneal, described only as a new idea for mass movements.
