2011-06-26 #Lulzsec on the future

Following directions in a tweet from @LulzSec Twitter account, Wikileaks World connected to Anonymous IRC server and joined the public channel #AntiSec. The IRC, or Internet Chat Protocol, is the oldest chat protocol on the internet. It is also free. Once there, they recieved the automatic message for the channel's subject: “Got information/leaks?”. The text pointed us to several 'network operators' for the chat-room, marked with an “&” right before their screen-names. We talked with one of them.

After negotiating a moment when both he/she and we were not busy, we started the conversation below between an #AntiSec and WLCentral.

[07:10]< WLC > Hey-hooo!
[07:12]< Anon > but lulzsec vessel has anchored
[07:12]< Anon > in a safe harbor
[07:12]< Anon > to drink some rum
[07:12]< Anon > nd enjoy the booty and lulz
[07:13]< Anon > #AntiSec will now sail independently
[07:13]< WLC > Give us a last statement
[07:13]< Anon > The LulzBoat anchoring wasn't the end, is was the beginning.
[07:13]< WLC > we've covering you
[07:13]< WLC > we posted today
[07:13]< WLC > for WL Central is important
[07:13]< WLC > should update that
[07:13]< WLC > Ok, can you give a last statement for WL press??
[07:14]< Anon > cant*
[07:15]< WLC > I believe it is a nice place to place a last media-speech...
[07:15]< Anon > The LulzBoat has anchored at a safe Anonymous harbor. It is enjoying rum and classy cigars. It may set sails again, who does know? In the meantime, a flotilla or befriended hackers are venruring out, so seek Lulz and fighting corruption in Goverments and Lobbyists. Arrr, and a bottle of rum!
[07:15]< WLC > 50 days we are looking at you...
[07:15]< Anon > You may quote that
[07:15]< Anon > fix the typos tho, plz :)
[07:16]< WLC > sure, but let us ask some questions
[07:18]< WLC > Are ask iSabu, Topiary, Laurelei etc members?
[07:18]< WLC > Are (only)
[07:18]< WLC > who TeamPOisen is and do they have an old grudge?
[07:21]< Anon >Laurelei?
[07:21]< Anon > lol
[07:21]< Anon > no that guy (aka RazieL) surely was never part of it
[07:21]< Anon > and teamposionn are justz some defacing webtrolls
[07:22]< Anon > idk idc :)
[07:23]< WLC > Who is Casey Gardiner? http://www.cadetstuff.org/images/gardiner/Prom/
[07:25]< WLC > (being honest here)
[07:26]< Anon > hmm some guy
[07:26]< Anon > :)
[07:27]< WLC > who? why this guy?
[07:27]< Anon > lol, dont ask me
[07:27]< Anon > you remember the docs that aaron barr and backtrace security put out?
[07:28]< WLC > Anon said casey was the joker
[07:29]< WLC > Joker said it was them
[07:29]< Anon > i dunno, it's kinda funny
[07:30]< Anon > today's press semms to believe that pastebin and twitter always contains the truth
[07:30]< WLC > Do they believe in chaos? or just lulz?
[07:30]< Anon > that's something for the observer to figure out :)
[07:31]< WLC > Do you believe in chaos?
[07:35]< WLC > Can life be hacked?
[07:35]< Anon > i'm not an anarchist, if you meant that
[07:36]< Anon > and sure, everything can and will be hacked eventually
[07:36]< Anon > i think it was Wau Holland who coined that: "Hacking is creative handling of a device"§
[07:36]< Anon > or something
[07:37]< Anon > device can be anything. even society.
[07:38]< WLC > World's wealth is 0's and 1's, stored on and offline, comments?
[07:45]< WLC > Did you hack bitcoin?
[07:45]< Anon > no
[07:45]< Anon > if lulzsec did it would have been on twitter
[07:46]< Anon > yar true. they got some generous BC donations
[07:46]< Anon > used to pay infrastructure, usually
[07:46]< WLC > Twitter account is a different brand of Lulz?
[07:46]< Anon > hm?
[07:47] [07:45]< WLC > if lulzsec did it would have been on twitter
[07:47]< Anon > @LulzSec
[07:47]< Anon > anything not tweeted (or on the lulzsecurity.com site) isnt lulzsec
[07:47]< Anon > quite simple
[07:48]< Anon > also they have a tpb account
[07:49]< WLC > Would you hack bitcoin?
[07:52]< WLC > But WOULD you hack Bitcoin?
[07:55]< WLC > Can you define chaos?
[07:56]< Anon > you ask questions i cannot answer.
[07:56]< Anon > also you make wild assumptions
[07:57]< Anon > why would i want to define chaos? it's a mathematical definition, look it up.
[07:57]< WLC > I did any assumption...
[07:58]< WLC > What do you have against anarchy?
[07:59]< WLC > I didn't do any assumption, what do you have against anarchy?
[08:00]< Anon > anarchy does not work
[08:02]< WLC > What does? And what does not work in that way?
[08:03]< WLC > And anarchy does not work in what way?
[08:04]< Anon > anarchy means no rules, no control. that doesnt work because evolution itself organizes itself
[08:04]< Anon > a society will always organize itself and establish some kind of control
[08:04]< Anon > it has to, otherwise no progress would be made at all
[08:05]< Anon > man on the moon? happened because of industrilazation & capitalims
[08:05]< Anon > kudos, sirs
[08:05]< WLC > In your view, what is the future of Internet?
[08:05]< Anon > but, this system as it is now... is rotten to the core. capitalims served its purpose; without it we would have basically zero technology
[08:06]< Anon > it will be the breaking test for manking
[08:06]< Anon > internet is the door for the next step in social evolution
[08:07]< WLC > So now what?
[08:07]< WLC > What if not anarchy?
[08:08]< WLC > How to start without chaos first?
[08:08]< Anon > waking people up.
[08:08]< Anon > is the first step
[08:08]< Anon > #AntiSec just began
[08:08]< Anon > it will uncover lots of nasty shit
[08:09]< Anon > it will show the people that governments and corporations do worse crimes on a daily base than the average citizen has ever dreamed of
[08:13]< WLC > Most people say when they learn what Wikileaks reveals, that they already knew that, or suspected it. What if no one cares? Or they care, but they cannot fix the system
[08:20]< WLC > What do you think of bradley manning?
[08:21]< WLC > What is the ideal system of governance and how do we get from here to there without anarchy in between?
[08:27]< WLC > One thing in life you have been unable to hack?
[08:27]< Anon > well, antisec has the beauty
[08:27]< Anon > that it affects people
[08:27]< Anon > they NEED to care
[08:30]< WLC > (i know you are busy, and i can wait - same here oftenly -
[08:31]< Anon > i may or may not be around
[08:33]< WLC > can you ask some of the questions above?
[08:35]< Anon > *over


[08:37] <Anon> bradley manning did one stupid thing

[08:38] <Anon> he bragged about what he did

[08:38] <Anon> silly silly

[08:38] <Anon> if you leak a quarter million classified U.S. documents, you do NOT want anyone to fin out

[08:40] <WLC> Most people say when they learn what Wikileaks reveals, that they already knew that, or suspected it. What if no one cares? Or they care, but they cannot fix the system...

[08:42] <WLC> What is the ideal system of governance and how do we get from here to there without anarchy in between?

[08:43] <Anon> it's a difference between "always suspecting" and having proof. it also will make a huge difference for lawyers.

[08:45] <WLC> Why did you not work on China? You let people know what you do. Because you hope it will motivate other people to do the same. Do you think more people may become whistleblowers or see it as a good thing if they believe Bradley Manning did it instead of a Chinese spy?

[08:47] <Anon> Cause China is the Endboss

[08:47] <Anon> but seriously

[08:47] <Anon> we have not much inside contacts in china

[08:47] <Anon> we dont know what the people do/want there

[08:47] <Anon> anonymous cant act if it doesnt come from the ppl inside

[08:48] <WLC> You let people know what you do. Because you hope it will motivate other people to do the same. Do you think more people may become whistleblowers or see it as a good thing if they believe Bradley Manning did it instead of a Chinese spy?

[08:50] <WLC> What about 2011? Comments....?

[08:54] <Anon> if you use anything i say, you will redact (haha) my nickname please?

[08:54] <WLC> sure

[08:54] <Anon> if you use anything i say, you will redact (haha) my nickname please?

[08:58] <Anon> anonymous supports where its needed

[08:58] <Anon> operationfreedom related

[08:58] <WLC> You are not lulzsec??

[08:58] <Anon> may wanna check www.telecomix.or

[08:58] <Anon> org

[08:58] <Anon> i'm anonymous

[08:59] <WLC> and about lulz?

[09:00] <WLC> why subject of channel points to you?

[09:02] <Anon> why not?

[09:02]<WLC> I ask you... why?

[09:05] == XXXXXXXXXX [XXXXXXXXXX@lulzsecurity.com]

[09:05] == realname : XXXXXXXXXX

[09:05] == channels : #anonymous @#anonops @#reporter @#operationpayback &#antisec

[09:05] == server : AnonOps [AnonOps]

[09:05] == account : XXXXXXXXXX

[09:05] == : is using a secure connection

[09:05] == End of WHOIS

[09:05] <Anon> because i registered the channel, obviously.

[09:06] <Anon> uhm, LulzSecurity was born in Anonymous, quite obviously.

[09:06] <Anon> They ARE Anonymous.

[09:08] <WLC> What about 2011? Comments....?

[09:08] <Anon> 2011?

[09:08] <WLC> year

[09:08] <WLC> historical period...

[09:09] <Anon> yup ohboy

[09:09] <Anon> who knows

[09:09] <Anon> buckly up

[09:09] <Anon> We live in interesting times.

[09:11] <WLC> Lulz is anon, but anon is not lulz?

[09:12] <Anon> LulzSec?

[09:12] <WLC> Different of Lulz?

[09:15] <WLC> ok, LulzSec is anon, but anon is not LulzSec?

[09:15] <Anon> well lulzsec was a small group of people

[09:16] <Anon> they are anon

[09:16] <Anon> and they did what they had to do, as lulzsec

[09:16] <Anon> why they seperated and came back... is your guess

[09:33] <WLC> You there?

[09:33] <WLC> I got kicked

[09:33] <WLC> can I make last questions?

[09:34] <WLC> Do you think that the people that let children be tortured in Guantanamo Bay are going to stand up for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange?

[09:35] <WLC> But you let people know what you do. Because you hope it will motivate other people to do the same. Do you think more people may become whistleblowers or see it as a good thing if they believe Bradley Manning did it instead of a Chinese spy?

[09:36] <Anon> of course we support this idea.

[09:37] <Anon> but we also know how important it is to protect ourselves

[09:37] <Anon> both combined, and people can make a difference

[09:37] <Anon> this is a weapon against powers and authorities who don't give a shit about their own laws

[09:38]< WLC > >World's wealth is 0's and 1's, stored on and offline, comments?

[09:40] <Anon> true.

[09:40] <Anon> or no

[09:41] <Anon> only the alleged wealth

[09:41] <Anon> money means nothing

[09:41] <Anon> its the system that gives it meaning

[09:41] <Anon> change the system and it becomes irrelevant

[09:41] <Anon> the world's wealth is not money. it's resources. knoweldge.

[09:42] <WLC> You did not answer this one yet... Do you think that the people that let children be tortured in Guantanamo Bay are going to stand up for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange?

[09:42] <Anon> no idea

[09:42] <Anon> i dont care either

[09:43] <WLC> Those 0's and 1's give people the authority to blow up babies with drones...

[09:43] <Anon> yup, you can conclude that

[09:43] <Anon> fucked up system it is

[09:43] <Anon> which is why we're sick of it

[09:43] <Anon> with that, i will fade away for now

[09:43] <Anon> seeya

[09:44] <WLC> so we say we talked with an Anon or a LulzSec?

[09:44] <WLC> in both cases we can hide your screen-name

[09:45] <Anon> you talked with an anon who is organizing the antisec movement on anonops

[09:45] <Anon> which was initiated by lulzsec

[09:45] <Anon> amongst others ofc

[09:45] <Anon> it's way to big now for a small group anyway

[09:45] <Anon> antisec will be everywhere

[09:45] <Anon> it's way to big now for a small group anyway

[09:45] <Anon> antisec will be everywhere

[09:45] <Anon> anyway, i gotte leave

[09:46] <WLC> bye, thank you very much