Next: Yar’Adua made me acting President, says Yayale
"As his health failed late president Umaru Yar’Adua illegally bypassed his vice president, Goodluck Jonathan, and handed presidential authority to Yayale Ahmed, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation.
This unconstitutional act has now come to light through US diplomatic cables leaked to Wikileaks and made available exclusively to NEXT."
Next: Buhari says speaker’s comments confirm his fears
"Two parties who went to court over the 2007 presidential elections, Atiku Abubakar and Muhammadu Buhari, yesterday reacted to comments credited to Speaker Dimeji Bankole that the late president, Musa Yar’Adua, bribed Supreme Court justices to swing the judgment in his favour. While Mr. Abubakar, the candidate of the opposition Action Congress in the election, maintained that the speaker of the House of Representatives’s comment had disgraced Nigeria, Mr. Buhari, the presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change, said the revelation had vindicated his stand that the nation’s judiciary could not be trusted, and therefore needed a thorough overhaul."
Der Spiegel: EADS-Manager verspotteten Kollegen vor US-Diplomaten (EADS managers colleagues mocked U.S. diplomats)
"Die Briten "schizophren", der französische Chef ein "überambitionierter Irrer" und der Vorstand spielt "Reise nach Jerusalem": Neu enthüllte Botschaftsdepeschen zeigen, wie EADS-Manager bei US-Diplomaten über ihre Kollegen lästerten. Besonders häufig klagten Deutsche über Franzosen. (The British are "schizophrenic," the French boss is a "over-ambitious madman" and the board plays "a trip to Jerusalem": new unveiled message shows how EADS managers blaspheme about their colleagues with U.S. diplomats. Particularly common are the German complains about their French [counterparts].)"
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El País: El salvajismo del cartel mexicano de La Familia michoacana alarma a Estados Unidos (The savagery of the Mexican cartel "La Familia Michoacana" alarms the U.S.)
"Una brutalidad inusitada y el fanatismo del cartel mexicano denominado La Familia, cuyo bastión es el Estado de Michoacán, atrajeron la atención de la Embajada de Estados Unidos, asombrada por la vesania de una banda que asesinó a 10 policías entrenados por Estados Unidos, según revela un cable , e inculca en sus sicarios un celo limítrofe con el mesianismo. (An unusual brutality and fanaticism of the Mexican cartel called "The Family", whose stronghold is the State of Michoacán, attracted the attention of the U.S. Embassy, amazed by the insanity of a gang that killed 10 police officers trained by the United States, reveals cable, and instills in their assassins a zeal close to messianism.)"
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(Image Credit: Dali Rău)