2011-02-21 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Guardian: A guide to Gaddafi's 'famously fractious' family

"US embassy cables shed light on Gaddafi family – including son Saif al-Islam, who vowed in TV address to eradicate enemies.

The leader of the Libyan revolution presides over a "famously fractious" family that is powerful, wealthy, dysfunctional and marked by internecine struggles, according to US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. The documents shed light on how his eight children – among whom rivalries have sharpened in recent years – his wife and Gaddafi himself lead their lives."

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"When President Obama announces his decision on possible U.S. troop increases for Afghanistan, the impact could be far greater if other Allied and Partner leaders would announce increases of their own either simultaneously or in close succession. Several Allies and Partners have the military capacity to make significant additional contributions, and if they showed the political will to follow through that would send a strong signal of resolve and unity of purpose to the international audience, Al Qaeda and the Taliban. We should use the time between now and the Presidents announcement to engage select Allies and Partners at the highest levels to secure commitments to those additional military, civilian and monetary contributions. Below is a summary of nations that we believe can do more now. Of these countries, we believe Germany, Italy, and the UK are the most likely to respond positively."

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"Muammar al-Qadhafi´s recent appointment of his son Saif al-Islam as "General Coordinator" and attendant indications of a succession plan have stirred up old rumors of rivalry between seeming frontrunners for the throne, Saif al-Islam and his brother, National Security Advisor, Mutassim al-Qadhafi. Saif al-Islam´s return from a 12-month self-imposed absence from Libyan politics and his recent new appointment clearly indicate that his star is on the rise in the constellation of Libyan succession contenders. Qadhafi pere was reportedly disappointed in Mutassim´s management of September 1 Revolution Day anniversary events and his late September travel to UNGA. Nevertheless, Mutassim´s continued engagement on the U.S. file and continuing efforts to coordinate a meeting between his father and POTUS -- demonstrate that he may see this portfolio as his ticket to continue playing in the succession game (Ref A). Contacts assert that Saif al-Islam may be the "face of reform," due to his high-profile, public status, and the current favorite to succeed his father, but that Mutassim should not be counted out of the succession game, particularly given his backing by conservatives in the regime, such as PM-equivalent Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi, and his rumored ability as National Security Advisor to access significant military and security elements, including brother Khamis´s elite 32nd Brigade force."

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La Jornada: EU, preocupado por la "debilidad política" de Felipe Calderón (The United States worried about the "political weakness" of [Mexican President] Felipe Calderón)

"Tony Garza: "corremos el riesgo de que se estanquen asuntos que nos importan. Desde la embajada nos embarcaremos en la planificación de la transición", dijo. (Tony Garza [American Ambassador in Mexico]: "we are running the risk of issues we care about getting frozen. From the [American] Embassy we will work in getting ready for the transition", he said.)"

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La Jornada: Hillary Clinton ordenó escrutinio sobre la "capacidad" para gobernar el país (Hillary Clinton ordered a scrutiny on Calderón's "ability" to govern the country)

"Aunque la secretaria de Estado de Estados Unidos se haya declarado fan de Felipe Calderón en su más reciente visita a México, en Guanajuato, el 24 de enero; aunque las palmadas que ha recibido el mandatario mexicano de la jefa de la diplomacia estadunidense en cada uno de los tres encuentros que han tenido ambos en los años recientes son más enfáticas que protocolarias, el presidente de México no se salvó de un riguroso escrutinio sobre su personalidad, su capacidad de manejar la tensión y su forma de relacionarse con su entorno más cercano, ordenado desde Washington por la mismísima Clinton. (Despite the American Secretary of State said she is a fan of Felipe Calderón during her latest visit to Mexico, in Guanajuato, January 24th, and despite the pats on the Mexican leader's back by the chief of the American diplomacy during all their meetings in the last years, more emphatic than protocolary, the Mexican President has not avoided a rigorous scrutiny about his personality, his ability to deal with the tension and his way of relating with his closest people, a profiling ordered from Washington by the very Ms. Clinton.)"

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La Jornada: En manos de cárteles del narco, datos confidenciales de Felipe Calderón (On the hands of the drug lords, confidential data about Felipe Calderón)

"El expediente médico del presidente Felipe Calderón fue entregado a un cártel del narcotráfico por un integrante corrupto del primer círculo de la Presidencia de la República, según un cable firmado por el embajador Antonio Garza, despachado el 20 de enero de 2009 y clasificado como secreto. (The medical file of the Mexican President Felipe Calderón was given to a drug cartel by a corrupt member of the President's most intimate circle, according with a cable signed by the American Ambassador Antonio Garza, sent last January the 20th of 2009 and classified as "secret".)"

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La Jornada: Documentan el doble discurso de Felipe Calderón en materia del muro fronterizo (Felipe Calderón's double speech on the border wall, documented)

"Durante sus primeros discursos de campaña electoral y en pleno fragor de las protestas por la nueva Ley Sensenbrenner, que enmarcó la agenda de migración y frontera en el contexto de la lucha antiterrorista del gobierno de George W. Bush, el entonces candidato del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) a la Presidencia, Felipe Calderón, pronunció algunos discursos criticando la regulación de la construcción del muro fronterizo, que era uno de los componentes de la controvertida legislación. Daña la relación bilateral, decía Calderón a principios de 2006, cuando iba hasta 10 por ciento abajo en las encuestas. Hoy se revela que ésa fue una declaración de dientes para afuera. Lo comprueba la referencia a una conversación privada que sostuvo con el embajador de Estados Unidos, Anthony Garza, el 10 de enero. (During the first speeches of his electoral campaign, while the protests against the new Sensenbrenner law (which framed the migration agenda in the context of George W. Bush's war on terror) were on focus, the presidential candidate from the right political party [PAN, Spanish acronym], Felipe Calderón, stated some critics against building a border wall, which was one of the main components of the polemic law. "It hurts the bilateral relation", said Calderón at the beginning of 2006, when he was ten points behind in the polls. Today has been unveiled that such was a superficial statement. The proof is the reference to a private conversation between Calderón and the American Ambassador Anthony Garza in January the 10th.)"

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El País: España pidió información a EE UU sobre la muerte en Haítí de Ricardo Ortega (Spain requested information to the U.S. on the death of Ricardo Ortega in Haiti)

"Ricardo Ortega murió el 7 de marzo de 2004 en un callejón de Puerto Príncipe. Tenía 38 años y muchas guerras a sus espaldas, pero siempre hay una última bala. Había viajado a Haití para cubrir la revuelta tras la caída del presidente Jean Bertrand Aristide y estaba enviando crónicas como colaborador a la que fue su cadena hasta poco antes de viajar, Antena 3. Junto a otros reporteros, se refugió en una casa de un tiroteo tras una manifestación durante la que las cosas se habían puesto muy feas. Cuando salió a ver si el terreno estaba despejado recibió un balazo. Falleció en el hospital. (Ricardo Ortega was killed on March 7, 2004 in an alley in Port au Prince. He was 38 years and many wars behind him, but there is always a last bullet. He had traveled to Haiti to cover the revolt after the fall of President Jean Bertrand Aristide and was sending chronics as collaborator to the one that was his last network before traveling, Antena 3. Along with other reporters, he took refuge in a house in a firefight after a demonstration during which things had gotten very ugly. When he came out to see if the ground was clear he was shot. He died in hospital.)"

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(Image Credit: Dali Rău)