2011-02-08 Five US Senators Refuse to Answer, "Did you kill the Whistleblower Protection Act?"

Our 'Did you kill the bill?' twitter list eliminated six United States Senators and confirmed that the mystery Senator, who placed an anonymous hold on the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act Bill S.372 is a Republican.

Now five Senators remain. They are:

Jon Kyl R-AZ (@SenJonKyl)
Mitch McConnell R-KY (@MitchMcConnel)
James Risch R-ID (@JamesRisch)
Jeff Sessions R-AL (@SenatorSessions)
David Vitter R-LA (@DavidVitter)

Alex Goldman, Producer at WNYC's On the Media, told us that some Senators are refusing to answer:

"James Risch's office has been most explicit in refusing to answer. Sessions' office has been a little more obtuse, but have generally said things like 'I couldn't tell you this unless Senator Sessions comments on it.' 'Could you ask him for a comment on it?' 'No I can't. If he comments on it, it will appear on our website.' Vitter has just not responded at all, really (Their office phone goes directly to voice mail!), and we've left messages for McConnell's and Kyl's press people in the past day or two but haven't heard anything back.

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On December 22, 2010, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act Bill S.372) was killed by an unknown United States Senator, who placed an anonymous hold on the bill (reported here and here on WL Central).

WNYC, On the Media and the Government Accountability Project have joined forces to uncover the identity of the mystery senator.

WL Central contributor@carwinb compiled a list of Senators, who are on Twitter, and who have not yet responded to: "Did you place an anonymous hold on the Whistleblower Protection Act?" Now you can tweet them, and ask them yourself.