2011-02-17 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageThe Guardian: Ugandan gay rights activist 'mocked' at rights seminar

"US embassy cable reports on Uganda's rising homophobia, even at a UN-backed human rights meeting attended by activist David Kato, who was later murdered."

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The Telegraph: US wanted 'derogatory' information on Bahrain king's sons

"The US State Department secretly asked its diplomats in Bahrain to report any "derogatory" information about two of the King's sons and evidence of "rivalry" with senior members of the ruling royal family, leaked documents show."

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"On December 3, Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz and Under Secretary of State Grossman met with new Turkish PM Gul, an interagency group chaired by MFA Under Secretary Ziyal, Turkish Deputy Chief of Defense General Buyukanit (DCHOD), leader of the opposition Baykal, and MND Gonul. At each meeting DepSecDef emphasized the urgency for clarity on what role Turkey is prepared to play in possible military actions in Iraq. Specifically, DepSecDef noted that without the imminent resumption of military-to-military talks, site surveys of Turkish facilities, and site preparations, the "Northern Option" would soon be out of the question. DepSecDef noted the USG needed an answer by December 6 and outlined the significant assistance package the USG was prepared to provide should Turkey decide to become a full partner. GOT officials reiterated their redlines for an Iraq operation and highlighted the potential risks to Turkey and its economy. Gul agreed to resume military-to-military planning and to allow the U.S. to conduct site surveys of Turkish military facilities. However, he pleaded for additional time on the more fundamental decisions concerning Turkey´s possible contributions, including site preparations, troop lists, role of coalition forces, and Turkish participation in the Northern Option. The GOT took the opportunity to underscore the importance of Turkey´s relationship with the EU and Cyprus."

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El País: El jefe militar egipcio manifestó a EE UU su apoyo a los gobiernos civiles (The Egyptian military chief expressed to the United States his support to the civilian governments)

""El Ejército no debe ocuparse de los asuntos internos", dijo en 2009 el mariscal Mohamed Tantaui. ("The Army must stay away from the internal affairs", said the marshal Mohamed Tantaui in 2009.)"

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La Jornada: México, paraíso para falsificar todo tipo de documentos oficiales (Mexico, paradise to falsify any kind of official documents)

"Esa práctica lo ha convertido en el principal trampolín para la inmigración ilegal. El coyotaje para facilitar los trámites de visas mantiene en alerta a esa legación. Dos cables filtrados por el sitio Wikileaks dan cuenta de esos procedimientos. (This practice has made of it [Mexico] the main spot for illegal immigration. The business of smuggling people keeps this practice to facilitate formalities to get illegal visas. Two cables spread by Wikileaks refer to these procedures.)"

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La Jornada: Economía mexicana, tema de seguridad para Estados Unidos (Mexican economy, security issue for the United States)

"Estados Unidos ha logrado institucionalizar su agenda de seguridad con México y, una vez conseguido ese objetivo, considera necesario dar seguimiento a la situación económica y social en el país, porque nos afecta directamente, revela una comunicación diplomática entregada por Wikileaks a La Jornada. (The United States have consolidated their security agenda in Mexico and, once achieved that goal, they consider necessary to follow the economic and social situation in the country (Mexico), because it affects them directly, unveils a diplomatic communication that Wikileaks gave to La Jornada.)"

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(Image Credit: Dali Rău)