2011-02-16 WikiLeaks in today's media: Cablegate coverage

ImageEl País: EE UU, alarmado de la falsificación de documentos en México para pasar la frontera (The United States are alarmed due to the falsified documents in Mexico to cross the border)

"El delito organizado y las mafias del narcotráfico controlan este negocio, al que cada día acuden más mexicanos ricos para huir de su país. (The organized crime and the drug gangs control this business, which every day is being used by more rich Mexicans who want to escape from their country.)"

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El País: Estados Unidos alaba el tacto de Chile en sus enfrentamientos con Perú (The United States praises the Chilean touch during its confrontations with Peru)

"Los papeles de Wikileaks revelan cómo la superpotencia saca provecho de la carrera militar entre sus dos aliados. (The Wikileaks documents unveil how the super potence takes advantage of the military affair between its two allies.)"

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El País: Bush apoyó la participación de España en el G-20 para obstaculizar la regulación de flujos de capital (Bush supported the participation of Spain in the G-20 to block the regulation of capital flow)

"La embajada de EE UU defendió "fervientemente" invitar a Zapatero a la reunión de Washington de 2008. (The American Embassy defended "fervently" the invitation of Zapatero to the Washington meeting in 2008.)"

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(Image Credit: Dali Rău)