2013-08-21 Manning lawyer to address sentence

What: David Coombs to give statement and take questions
When: 3 hours after court closes following sentencing tomorrow, approximately 1:30 PM
Where: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve, 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, Hanover, MD 21076
Notes: Free parking in the hotel's parking structure, 2nd Floor Conference Room

David Coombs, lead attorney for WikiLeaks whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning, will give a statement and answer questions from the press, three hours after military judge Colonel Denise Lind delivers Manning's sentence. Today, Judge Lind announced that she would deliver her sentence at 10:00 AM, so the press conference will start at approximately 1:30 PM.

At the Hotel at Arundel Preserve, just ten minutes away from Ft. Meade, Mr. Coombs will respond to the sentence and discuss upcoming legal avenues of redress for his client. This will be the first time since 2010 that Mr. Coombs has taken questions from the press regarding this case.


The Bradley Manning Support Network will also provide a brief overview of our efforts moving forward to free Manning, including financial backing for all legal efforts. Immediately, this includes a clemency appeal to the court martial Convening Authority Major General Jeffery Buchanan. During the press conference, Pardon.BradleyManning.org will launch, and will soon include a copy of Mr. Coombs' application for a Presidential Pardon. Additionally, a crowd-funded college trust fund is being established in order to assure Manning the means to attend college upon his release.

Supporters of Manning will hold a vigil at the Fort Meade gate from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, and will rally at the White House at 7:30 PM tomorrow evening, with a march to follow.


Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old Army Specialist stationed in Baghdad at the time of his arrest in May 2010, released hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents to the transparency website WikiLeaks. Manning explained to the court in a February 28, 2013, statement that he did so in order to spark debate and reforms regarding U.S. foreign policy, specifically the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was acquitted of "Aiding the Enemy", but found guilty of several counts of Espionage, Computer Fraud, and Federal Theft. He faces a maximum potential sentence of 90 years in prison, but military justice requires no minimum.

Bradley Manning Support Network

Contact: Nathan Fuller, 516-578-2628

The Bradley Manning Support Network will continue to be responsible for 100% of Manning's legal fees, as well as international education efforts. Funded by over 22,000 individuals, the Support Network has mustered $1.4 million in Manning's defense.

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