This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.
"I wish and I hope that there’s a way that we can find a way to prosecute a man like that, that we can protect ourselves. And if we fail to do that, or even if we’re successful in that and it exposes some other vulnerabilities, I suggest, Mr. Speaker, that this Congress take a look at some new legislation, a new structure of law, that’s really not brought about because of the actions of Mr. Assange but brought about because of the actions of our enemies, our terrorist enemies.", a transcript of their speeches reads.
And after explicit references to terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay: (...) "An Australian citizen could be put into that category, moved over to a place offshore of the United States outside of the jurisdiction of the Federal courts, the civilian Federal courts in the United States, and adjudicated under a military tribunal in a fashion that was designed by this Congress and directed by this Congress. That’s what I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to do.”
The full official transcript can be read here, and a video of these speeches is available on youtube.
Julian Assange’s mother, Christine Assange, is seeking assistance in preventing his possible extradition to the United States. For this purpose, you can now write an email to her, explaining your ideas and plans.
It was a ManTech forensics contractor who determined the presence of chat logs in Bradley Manning’s computer allegedly documenting discussions between Bradley and Julian Assange and was later called to testify during Bradley Manning’s pre-trial in December.
Alexa O’Brien notes: “On a cursory glance, neither WikiLeaks nor Mantech listed in 2011 procurement.”
January 12: Officer Almanza recommended court-martial on all charges against Bradley Manning. A final decision on the matter is yet to be made.
January 21: “War on the Internet” panel in Melbourne with Jacob Appelbaum, Bernard Keane, Senator Scott Ludlam and Suelette Dreyfus. More information here.
January 28: new WikiLeaks debate in Houston (Texas). Julian Assange’s lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC will participate via Skype, from London.
February 1 & 2: (updated) Julian Assange’s extradition appeal will be heard by the Supreme Court. Hearing will likely last 2 days. A support demonstration is planned in London outside of the Supreme Court, starting at 8:30AM. How to attend.
Sydney Vigil for Julian Assange.
April 25-29: WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson and L’Espresso journalist Stefania Maurizi, who has worked on several WikiLeaks releases, will speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia (Italy).
May 23: Julian Assange will speak at the Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 (Netherlands).
Julian Assange
405 days under house arrest without charge.
Bradley Manning
602 days detained in military jail.
Rudolf Elmer
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