2011-07-17 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update," constantly updated throughout each day. The blog tracks stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks but also follows stories related to freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.

* In an attempt to preserve its influence, the U.S. took measures to delay and prevent the entry of India, Brazil, Japan and Germany into the United Nations Security Council. A cable shows these countries’ along with the African Union’s entry in the Council was a matter of private concern to the United States that maintained a public position of approval of the expansion.

"We believe expansion of the Council, along the lines of the models currently discussed, will dilute U.S. influence in the body. USUN currently starts most discussions about important Council tatements or resolutions with at least six votes (U.S., UK, France, and the three European delegations) and must secure three more to reach the required nine votes -- barring a P-5 veto -- for adoption. To take just the G-4 countries plus the yet-unidentified African state(s) that would join them in permanent membership, we are confident we could reliably count on Japan's support, and to a lesser degree, on Germany's. However, on the most important issues of the day -- sanctions, human rights, the Middle East, etc. -- Brazil, India, and most African states are currently far less sympathetic to our views than our European allies."

* U.S. State Department cables alleging Cambodia's foreign minister Hor Namhong was a former Khmer Rouge prison chief are being contested by the minister himself. The cables also add that he and his wife collaborated in the killing of many prisoners. Hor Namhong claims to have been a prisoner at a Khmer Rouge camp instead, and has successfully sued in the past those who affirmed he had ties with the Khmer Rouge regime. Former regime members in the current administration include Prime Minister Hun Sen, once a mid-level Khmer Rouge cadre.

* This week Cambodian newspaper Phnom Penh Post reports on diplomatic cables that shed light on the suspected involvement of the government in the unsolved murders of Free Trade Union activists and expose tensions with the the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP).
Furthermore, the Phnom Penh Post has put together a useful list of significant revelations to be found in diplomatic cables relating to Cambodia under the form of 8 brief Wikiquotes that provide insight into the country’s political and legal system and international relations.

* The U.S. put pressure on Cyprus to store the Iranian munitions that ultimately caused the death of 12 people and wounded 62 in an explosion last Monday. via Reuters

* As an important addition to yesterday’s notes on WikiLeaks categorization as an ‘extremist website’ by the U.S. Library of Congress, a definition of the term as applied by the LoC.

Also, a more detailed take on the subject is now up.

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