2011-06-30 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update," constantly updated throughout each day. The blog tracks stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks but also follows stories related to freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.

09:15 PM Wikileaks Malaysia: detailed report on human traffic for sexual exploitation and forced labor purposes

...The government provides no shelter facilities dedicated exclusively to TIP victims, as these individuals are not recognized as victims under Malaysian law. Until Malaysia amends its existing laws or enacts comprehensive anti-TIP legislation, TIP victims will be routinely processed as illegal migrants and held in the country's prisons or illegal migrant detention facilities, prior to deportation.

09:00 PM (podcast) Interview with Andrew Marshall, the journalist responsible for the release of Wikileaks cables on Thailand as part of his in-depth study Thai Story.

04:55 PM Julian Assange's autobiography will be out this year, according to its publisher in Brazil 'Companhia das Letras'.

04:00 PM It appears Wikileaks really has been blocked in Thailand. A tweet from their official account:

WikiLeaks main sites have been blocked by the Thai government. When governments fear information, they fear their people.

03:30 PM Two leaking websites developed by Anonymous have been launched this week: LocalLeaks and HackerLeaks.
While HackerLeaks is openly accepting information obtained by hackers, LocalLeaks, also developed by the Peoples Liberation Front and modeled after Wikileaks, is aimed at employees who wish to safely expose local corruption.

02:40 AM Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic discusses the hypocrisy of the Obama administration regarding James Risen and whistleblowing on The Alyona Show:

02:30 AM Cables analyzed by Wikileaks’ partner in Brazil A Pública show the United States requested a reduction of Iraq’s debt to Brazil a year after invading the country.

02:20 AM 'What Wikileaks Reveals about Canadian and U.S. Efforts in Suppression and Surveillance of Indigenous Communities': a comprehensive selection of articles.

02:15 AM Ghana’s New Patriotic Party administration accused of using drug money and deliberately weakening the Narcotics Control Board, as evidenced by diplomatic cables.

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