2011-02-13 Saudi Arabia Protests on February 18

ImageOn February 2, WL Central asked Will Saudi Arabia protest? and showed a video with Saudi Arabians doing just that, despite all protests and public assemblies being illegal in Saudi Arabia. Now another video has surfaced (below) along with a facebook page calling for a protest day on February 18th for "those who are unemployed, who demand better work conditions and better civil rights." The facebook page is calling for:

- automobile factories to be opened in every major area and industrial training for young people.
- open factories and provide better training in the world of technology, programming and maintenance
- electrical plants in each region
- electric appliance factories to be opened.
- video game factories (like Playstation) to be opened in every area.
- food and dessert factories to be open in every region and jobs allocated for women.
- factories providing children's clothing, shoes, mattresses and other works to provide jobs for women.
- an increase in minimum wage to 6,000 Rials and more employment of young people.
- open more schools
- election of the Shura Council
- an independent judiciary
- an electoral district governors of the people
- have no one above the law

The facebook page also notes that there are unemployed people in every home in Saudi Arabia and 76% of the population does not have affordable housing.

The following protest shows women protesting in front of interior ministry last week, start @ 1:00. From youtube user mmayof via _x40 and Saudiwoman.

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