2011-08-24 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.

09:30 PM Updates on WikiLeaks news from #wlfind twitter hashtag:

* French Total Oil's in Yemen asked US govt to cover up any diversions of cargo for "national security" reasons.

* Djibouti hires Blackwater military firm to combat Pirates.

* Mitterrand's press advisor, Vincent Peyregne, accused Google of corporate tax fraud.

* US PR machine - "making the stories and bringing them to journalists"

* The Irish government & Shannon Airport vs. US Army

* "Illegal drug trade, organized crime, murder, weapon smuggling, trafficking of women" on the rise in Israel.

* Kazakhstan "knows how to throw a party" with "sexy girls"

* MasterCard: good for Mossad assassins, but not for WikiLeaks supporters

* Hillary Clinton issues demarche request on Goldstone Report to "all diplomatic posts"

* Microsoft CEO : "Microsoft is as much an Israeli company as an American company"

08:30 PM Wikileaks’ California-based DNS host Dynadot received a PATRIOT Act production order for all the information regarding WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and wikileaks.org, as part of the current United States secret Grand Jury espionage investigation against the organization.
According to a statement issued today, ‘WikiLeaks do not know what, if any, information Dynadot provided the US courts with’.

The order covers a time period from November 1st 2009 to present.
A copy of the full document, originally signed by a US magistrate judge on the 4th of January 2011, is now in Wikileaks’ possession and available for viewing.

WikiLeaks would greatly benefit from your contribution.

06:30 PM WikiLeaks’ successfully solicited the aid of twitter users to browse through their latest releases and collect relevant content.
Here is some of the new information, from the 35.000 diplomatic cables released today, gathered so far in the #wlfind twitter hashtag (as compiled by @wikileaks):

* Less than 2 years ago, the US were selling military parts to the Libyan Air Force through 3rd countries.

* Human trafficking from Mozambique to South Africa "sexual exploitation, forced labour, removal of organs..."

* US uses Beijing talks to lobby for Israeli private website: shvoog.com paid review co, owner part of IsPal neg.

* Vatican acknowledges sexual abuse of nuns by priests

* Extrajudicial killings bad in Rwanda if against "genocidal maniacs," good if on warpath against "terrorists"

* Prorogation would "ensure that the government has clear political sailing through the 2010 Winter Olympics"

* US pressured UK to not to introduce a resolution in UNHRC proposing action on Goldstone report.

* Israel's ambassador to Turkey:
Erdogan a "fundamentalist," "hates us religiously"

* Wave of sewerage engulfs Bedouin village, four killed, numerous injured.

* UK: Afghan War is failing, 'young lives thrown away'.

* They were for Qaddafi before they were against him. McCain, Graham, Lieberman

* Ethiopian Jewry in Israel: "vast majority live in impoverished communities, where even menial work is scarce"

* On behalf of Monsanto: US diplomat lobbies against French biotech bill that would regulate GMO

* US wants to build "dual-use" facilities in Southern Philippines for use of US aircraft

* Turkey: Americans, homosexuals & bikinis not welcome here

* "Thin-skinned Mbeki will require deft handling" - US Embassy

* US diplomats kowtowing for US pharmaceutical companies in France

* Israel Defense Intelligence Director Yadlin: the Palestinians are only Israel's number four threat.

* "Bush was and will be the ideal American president from Israel's perspective" (Cable from Tel Aviv)

* US embassies asked to monitor Gaddafi's communications with other Arab leaders through Arab press.

* Tibetans to be divided by artificial divisions that have been created among Tibetan administrative regions.

* Wal-mart has Unions in China, but not in the U.S.

* Gaddafi-McCain chat on U.S. firms selling lethal weapons to Libya.

* Privatization of Libya's central bank seen as "opportunity" by U.S. government for American banks.

* U.S. companies win $2 billion worth of infrastructure contracts as reward for "political relationship."

* WikiLeaks cable on what China government told U.S. about 2007 changes to reporting regulations for foreign journalists.

* Muammar al-Qadhafi's congratulatory message to Obama: "Dear Obama, I have the pleasure to send a congratulation note for the 1st time to an American president"

06:55 PM 55.000 cables published by WikiLeaks are now available by torrent.

35.000 of which were released today, while the WikiLeaks website sustained a Denial of Service attack.

We are currently under a sustained DOS attack and have regressed to backup servers. We are fighting to bring up more new servers., WikiLeaks informed via twitter.
Are state directed Denial of Service attacks, legally, a war crime against civilian infrastructure?
Should we, legally, declare war on state agressors that commit infrastructure war crimes against us?
Note how DOS attacks on WikiLeaks are not investigated but DOS attacks on corrupt finance companies lead to dozens of arrests.

05:00 PM OpenLeaks admits to stealing code from WikiLeaks.

03:15 AM WikiLeaks urges everyone to go through these cables and tweet their findings using hashtag #wlfind!

02:35 AM 35.000 U.S. diplomatic cables will be published today.

02:10 AM Upcoming releases announced, concerning Israel, Russia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Syria, Somalia, Bahrain, South Africa, Yemen, Cuba, Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, Poland, France, Turkey, Romania, Rwanda...

01:50 AM "Stay tuned for more important announcements, including 4000 cables from Israel.", WikiLeaks tweets.

01:30 AM WikiLeaks announces 2170 cables from Taiwan, 3004 from China and 349 from Libya.

00:50 AM WikiLeaks has just announced: 5523 new cables will be released shortly, detailing US reporting on China, Taiwan and Libya.