2011-08-11 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.
- New Cable(s) were released today.

04:30 PM Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Liberté interviewed on Democracy Now! on WikiLeaks Haiti: The Aristide Files, documenting U.S. cooperation with France, Canada, the UN and the Vatican to vilify and keep Haiti’s ousted President Aristide exiled in South Africa.

03:35 PM Cables show the UN and the United States oversaw the integration of ex-army paramilitaries into the country’s police force in 2004 and 2005, who had for years prior violently targeted Haiti’s working class and democratically elected governments.
Jeb Sprague writes in an article published in the newspaper Haiti Liberté : "For a year and a half following the ouster of Haiti’s elected government on Feb. 29, 2004, UN, OAS, and U.S. officials, in conjunction with post-coup Haitian authorities, vetted the country’s police force – officer by officer – integrating paramilitaries with the goal of both strengthening the force and providing an alternative “career path” for paramilitaries."
"Just as Washington recycled part of the military force that carried out the 1991 coup, it (along with the UN and the IGOH) recycled part of the paramilitary force that carried out violence leading up to the 2004 coup."

02:50 PM Boris Boillon, the adviser on Middle East affairs to President Sarkozy, is reported in a cable to have attributed the assassination of Syrian General Muhammad Suleiman to a rival within the Syrian leadership, rejecting the idea the General was murdered by an Israeli sniper.

Boillon described the assassination as an 'inside job', motivated by an internal rivalry within Syrian President Assad’s entourage. He insisted in the possibility that the President’s brother Maher Assad may have been behind the killing, possibly under the President’s orders, and insinuated Suleiman may have been assassinated for knowing "too much" about the clandestine nuclear program.

01:10 PM A cable from 2004 reveals Dominican Republic’s President Hipólito Mejía Administration’s attempts to control the Supreme Court by pressuring some of its members to step down, namely Chief justice Jorge Subero.

According to the cable, Hipólito Mejía’s party PRD (Dominican Revolutionary Party), appeared ‘to be positioning itself to fill the Supreme Court with members of the PRD, less than three months prior to the presidential elections.’

01:30 PM A list of events Julian Assange is to speak at, likely from England:

INFO@TRENDS 2011, São Paulo, 1 September.

MEDIENWOCHE@IFA International Media Congress, Berlin, September 5-6.

APME's 2011 Conference, Denver, September 15.

Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Sydney, September 30.

New Media Order Conference 2011, Istanbul, October 5.

1º Encontro Internacional de Blogueiros Progressistas, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), 28-30 October.

(Please do let me know if there is anything missing.)

01:30 AM Sweden-based Professor Ferrada-Noli explains how political aspects and the “duck-pond” phenomenon of Swedish journalism are contributing towards Sweden's hostile reporting of the Assange case and compromising the judiciary process.