About Us

This site was started by a group of WikiLeaks supporters who got to know each other in recent months. Our aims are simple:

  • (a) To provide a one-stop resource for WikiLeaks-related information, current and historical.
  • (b) To build a community site for WikiLeaks supporters.
  • (c) To counteract the many rumours and plain false information disseminated about WikiLeaks.

We come from different countries and backgrounds, and our personalities are just as colourful. But we share the same ideals of truth and justice, the same respect for WikiLeaks and similar organizations, the same belief in individual responsibility and action. And last but not least, we are here because we believe in doing the right thing.

We are not affiliated with WikiLeaks. We also don't work for any government agency. We are not paid by anyone for our work on this site. We are just kindred spirits volunteering our time for a cause we think is worthwhile.

Please find below some of our editors' statements, and feel free to add yours!

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